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Assignment: public Art class

Programming Assignment:
For the first part of the programming assignment, you will be implement-
ing an public Art class with the following construction:
public Art(int height, int price, int width, String
name, String artistName)
The class should have appropriate getter and setter methods as well as
optional helper methods to support subsequent classes and functionalities.
The Cleveland Museum of Art wants an public ArtMuseum class that
can manage the database of its artworks (Art objects) and support some
fundamental functionalities. Since the class acts as a database for the Cleve-
land Museum of Art, it should have infinite capacity theoretically, and the
museum should not have any warning or error when adding new artwork to
the database. You are allowed to use anything such as LinkedList, Array,
etc as an underlying data structure as you see fit for the database (you can
either use Java built-in library: java.util.* or make your own version as you
would like). Specificially, the ArtMuseum class should have the following
public ArtMuseum(String museumName)
and support the following functionalities:
• boolean add(Art art) - given an Art object, adds it to the database
of the current ArtMuseum. The function returns true if it succeed in
adding, otherwise, false.
• List<Art> sort(String attribute, int direction) - given
a name of an attribute in the Art class, sort the current collection of
arts in an ascending order if direction ≥ 0, or in descending order if
direction < 0, based on the attribute input into the fuction. The func-
tion should return sorted list of the arts or an empty list if there is no
art in the database. It is guaranteed that the String attribute is
from this list {height, price, width, names, artistName}.
• List<Art> findArts(String artistName) - given a name of
an artist, find and return all arts whose artistName is the same as input
name. The function should return a list of all matched Art objects
with artistName the same as input name, or an empty list if there is
no matched Art object.
• List<Art> randomizeArts(int n) - randomly generates and
returns a list of n Art objects. The function should return an empty
list if n ≤ 0.
• List<Art> randomSort(List<Art> arts) - given a list of Art
objects, sort and return the list such that the first 1
5 of arts are sorted
based on height, the second 1
5 of arts are sorted based on price, the
third 1
5 of arts are sorted based on width, the fourth 1
5 of arts are
sorted based on name, and the last remaining part are sorted based
on artistName.

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