CMPT 435
Assignment Three – Searching and Hashing
Linear And Binary Search and an implementation of a
Hash Table
1 Introduction 2
2 the randPick() Function 2
3 Searching 2
3.1 Linear Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.2 Binary Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 Asymptotic Analysis and Comparison of Linear and Binary Search 6
4 Hashing and Hash Tables 7
4.1 Overview of Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Hash Table Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2.1 getHash(): Getting the Hash Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2.2 placeHashed(): Putting in the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2.3 getHashed(): Retrieving the data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2.4 visualize(): Seeing What Is In The Table . . . . . . . . 10
4.3 Asymptotic Running Time Analysis Of Hash Table Functions . . . 11
5 Main.cpp: Putting it All Together 12
5.1 hashTheTable(): Loading The Table In One Batch . . . . . . . . 12
5.2 main(): Running the Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6 Results and Conclusion 13
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1 Introduction
This document explains the implementations of linear search, binary search,
and hash tables using C++. The organization of each section will generally
follow the format of a brief explanation of the function, the code itself, and an
explanation of the code with references to line numbers.
2 the randPick() Function
Most of the algorithms used in this program are reliant on the randPick()
function, the routine used to generate the list of random elements.
All that the function does is for the length of the array of elements to be
chosen (line 6), generate a random number (lines 9-11), and grab the element
at that index in the main array and put it in the list of random elements (lines
1 void Search::randPick(std::string mainArr[], std::string chosen[], int len, int lenOfChosen)
2 {
4 int countTries = 0;
6 for (int i = 0; i < lenOfChosen; i++)
7 {
9 std::random_device dev; //making the random number
10 std::mt19937 rng(dev());
11 std::uniform_int_distribution<std::mt19937::result_type> dist6(0, len);
13 std::string attempt = mainArr[dist6(rng)];
15 chosen[i] = attempt; //if there were no matches, then add it to the list
16 }
17 }
3 Searching
3.1 Linear Search
The linear search algorithm is a brute force algorithm used to retrieve data from
a set of data. The algorithm simply starts at the beginning of the set, and tries
each item until it finds what it is looking for.
Code Analysis
1 int Search::linSearch(std::string mainArr[], int len, std::string chosen[], int lenOfChosen)
2 {
3 std::cout << "---Linear Search---" << std::endl;
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4 int tCount = 0;
6 for (int i = 0; i < lenOfChosen; i++)
7 {
8 int count = 0;
9 for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
10 {
11 if (mainArr[j] != chosen[i])
12 {
13 count++;
14 }
15 else
16 {
17 tCount += ++count;
18 std::cout << "Found it at index " << j << " after " << count << " checks." << std::endl;
20 break;
21 }
22 }
23 }
25 int avg = (int)(tCount / lenOfChosen);
26 return avg;
27 }
As seen above, this algorithm really is quite simple.
1. Begin a loop from zero to the length, lenOfChosen, of the list of items
chosen[],we would like to retrieve. (line 6)
2. After initializing our temporary counter variable count, begin another
loop from zero to the length, len, of the array mainArr[] which we are
searching in. (line 9)
3. If the item at the index defined by the inner loop does not match the item
at the index defined by the outer loop (if the current item in the main array
does not match the item we are searching for) increment our temporary
count variable by one. (lines 11-14).
4. Otherwise, meaning the items do match, increment the counter once more.
Even though the item was found, this still counts as a comparison. Also,
add the temporary counter count to the sum of tCount, which holds the
total count of comparisons.(line 17)
5. Since the item was found, end the inner for loop, and move onto the next
item. (line 20)
6. Once all items have been found, compute the average by dividing tCount,
the total comparisons by lenOfChosen, the number of items searched for
and return it from the function. (lines 25,26)
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3.2 Binary Search
Binary search is more complicated than linear search, but it is also much more
efficient. To begin, binary search needs a sorted array. Without the array being sorted, the algorithm cannot function correctly. It is not shown within this
document in full, as the purpose of this document is to explain searching and
hashing, but the Merge Sort algorithm is used to sort the items prior to searching.
Figure 1
Once the array is sorted, binary search starts from the midpoint of the array,
and depending on whether or not that midpoint value is greater than or less
than the item being searched for, it will then switch to checking the lower half
of the array or the higher half of the array. Once again, the same process will
happen at that half of the array, and will continue to split the array and search
until the item is found.
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Code Analysis
1 int Search::binSearch(std::string mainArr[], int len, std::string chosen[], int lenOfChosen)
2 {
3 std::cout << "---Binary Search---" << std::endl;
4 int tCount = 0;
6 for (int x = 0; x < lenOfChosen; x++)
7 {
9 int count = 0;
10 int low = 0;
11 int high = len - 1;
12 bool found = false;
13 while (!found)
14 {
16 int mid = (int)floor((low + high) / 2);
17 if (chosen[x] < mainArr[mid])
18 {
19 count++;
20 high = mid;
21 }
22 else if (chosen[x] > mainArr[mid])
23 {
24 count++;
25 low = mid++;
26 }
27 else
28 {
30 tCount += ++count;
31 std::cout << "found it at index " << high << " after " << count << " tries." << std::endl;
32 found = true;
33 }
34 }
35 }
36 int avg = (int)(tCount / lenOfChosen);
37 return avg;
38 }
1. First, start a loop that will iterate through to the end of the length of the
list of items to be retrieved(lenOfChosen).(line 16)
2. Next, set up the variables to be used in the algorithm such as count, low,
high, and found. count and low are initialized to zero, high is initialized
to len-1, so that it can reach the top, and found is a flag variable that will
be used to determine whether or not the item has been found. For this
reason, it is initialized as false.(lines 9-12)
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3. Start a while loop which will continue until the found variable is set to
true. Keep in mind, this is operating inside of the outer for loop which
iterates for each item in the list of things to find.(line 13)
4. Get the midpoint of the array by simply taking the floor of (low + high)
/ 2) (line 16).
5. Depending on whether or not the current item we are searching for, chosen[x],
is less than or greater than the item at the midpoint mainArr[mid], assign
high to the midpoint mid or assign low to the index right after mid. This
way, depending on whether or not we are too high or too low, we adjust
the bounds of our search accordingly (lines 17-26).
6. On the off chance that our chosen[x] is neither greater or less than our
midpoint item mainArr[mid] we can assume that the two are equal, and
therefore we have found the item. Just as we have with the previous two
cases, increment our count variable to show that we made a comparison.
Ensure that the now total amound of counts for this round are added to
the sum variable tCount. Set the found flag to true so it breaks from the
while loop.(lines 27-33)
7. Once all items have been found, compute the average number of comparisons to reach the item by dividing the total comparisons tCound by
the number of items we searched for lenOfChosen. Finally, return this
average out of the function(lines 36,37).
3.3 Asymptotic Analysis and Comparison of Linear and
Binary Search
Search Algorithm Aveargage Comparisons
Linear Search 332
Binary Search 8
Figure 2
0 10 20
20 Binary Search
Linear Search
Figure 3
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It is clear that binary search is a more efficient algorithm than linear search.
The key reason being that linear search is a brute force algorithm with complexity of O(n), while binary search is a more complicated yet more efficient
algorithm with complexity of O(log2(n)). Linear search simply is checking every single item until it finds a match. The time it takes to find that item is
somewhat random. For this reason, with a set size of 666 items, we can expect
that on average it will take 333 tries to get the right item, which is incredibly
close to the actual result. One could argue that this would mean the running
time would be O(1/2n), but since 1/2 is a constant, the actual complexity is just
Binary search, however, is very stable. The reason being that, the only processing being done, is splitting the set into smaller and smaller pieces until it is
small enough to know exactly where the item is. This splitting process is what
gives Binary Search it’s O(log2(n)) complexity (see figure 3).
4 Hashing and Hash Tables
A Brief Explanation
There are many complex ways to implement hashing using things such as
one way hashes, nonces, public and private keys, and other things. Although,
hashing can also be implemented quite simply. Hashing is the process of taking
data, processing it in a certain way that returns a value that is not the same as
the original data, and placing the data in a table in accordance to where it the
value belongs. This certain way of processing is called a hash function.
As long as this hash function is known, and constant, the data can be retrieved from the table fairly quickly. Say for example the algorithm is simply
the length of the string multiplied by six, we can just apply the same algorithm
to the data we want to find and we will know where to look. Because of the
likely chance that multiple data points will return the same hash value, we link
together all of the like data points in lists called chains. Then, all the function
would have to do is iterate over that list until it finds the correct data point.
4.1 Overview of Functionality
Being that a hash table is a conceptual thing, as opposed to the search functions
which are static members of a class, it is useful to review the header file for the
HashTable class.
1 #pragma once
2 #include "Node.h"
3 #include "Queue.h"
4 class HashTable {
5 public:
6 static const int HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 250;
7 Queue table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
8 static int getHash(std::string item);
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9 void placeHashed(std::string item);
10 void visualize();
11 int getHashed(std::string items[], int chosenLen);
12 };
1. HASH TABLE SIZE stores the defined length for the hash table.
2. The line Queue table[HASH TABLE SIZE]; shows that the table itself is
made up of queues, a concept previously explored in a prior set of documentation.
3. the getHash() function was made static so that a developer could use the
hashing function without needing to create a hash table.
4. placeHashed() simply takes in an item and places it in an array. This
function does not take an array, as other than in the case of this demonstration, I did not believe that the table would be loaded all at once.
5. visualize() simply allows the developer to see the data in the hash table
in a simplified histogram view.
6. getHashed() is used to retrieve items from the hash table.
4.2 Hash Table Functions
4.2.1 getHash(): Getting the Hash Value
As explained above, this function is used to apply the hashing algorithm to a
piece of data, in this case a string, and return a hash value to be used as the
index in the hash table.
Code Analysis
1 int HashTable::getHash(std::string item)
2 {
3 std::transform(item.begin(), item.end(), item.begin(), ::toupper);
4 int sLen = item.length();
5 int letterTotal = 0;
6 for (int i = 0; i < sLen; i++)
7 {
8 char thisLetter = item[i];
9 int thisValue = (int)thisLetter;
10 letterTotal += thisValue;
11 }
12 int hashCode = (letterTotal * 1) % HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
14 return hashCode;
15 }
1. Normalize the string by setting the whole string to upper case.(line 3)
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2. For each character in the string, (line 6) take the integer value of that
character (line 9) and add it to the letterTotal variable created previously(line 10).
3. Take the modulus of the letterTotal mod HASH TABLE SIZE, the size of
the table. Return this value. (lines 12,14)
4.2.2 placeHashed(): Putting in the Data
Since the process of finding the hash value of an item is already defined, the
placeHashed() function simply calls that function, and places it in the correct
chain, or queue accordingly.
Code Analysis
1 void HashTable::placeHashed(std::string item)
2 {
3 int hash = getHash(item);
4 table[hash].enQueue(item);
5 }
1. Get the hash value of the item by calling getHash() on the item.(line 3)
2. Place the item in the queue defined by its hash value.(line 4)
4.2.3 getHashed(): Retrieving the data
In order to retrieve the data, as covered previously, there is a very simple process. All the algorithm must do is apply the same hashing algorithm to the data
that is desired to be retrieved, and search for it at the queue at the index defined
by that hash value.
1 int HashTable::getHashed(std::string items[], int chosenLen)
2 {
3 std::cout << "--Retrieving hashed Data--" << std::endl;
4 int tCount = 0;
6 for (int i = 0; i < chosenLen; i++)
7 {
8 int count = 0;
10 int hashLoc = getHash(items[i]);
12 Queue chain = table[hashLoc];
14 Node *n = chain.head;
16 if (n->data == "")
17 {
18 std::cout << "If you're seeing this, the list is empty." << std::endl;
19 }
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20 else
21 {
22 while (n->data != items[i])
23 {
24 count++;
25 n = n->next;
26 }
28 std::cout << "Found it at place " << ++count << " in the chain." << std::endl;
29 tCount += count; //take off the pre increment if uncommenting above line
30 }
31 }
32 int avg = tCount / chosenLen;
33 return avg;
34 }
Code Analysis
1. For each item in the chosen items list (line 6) start by initializing the
temporary count variable, and getting the hash value of the current items
being looked for.
2. Ensure that the queue is not empty before proceeding. (line 18)
3. Iterate over the queue until the desired item is found, adding one to the
count variable each time. (lines 22-26)
4. Announce the place in the chain, and add on the temporary count to the
tCount, which holds the total count.
5. Compute and return the average number of comparisons to get to the
desired elements, including the correct one, by dividing the tCount by the
amount of items searched for.(line 32)
4.2.4 visualize(): Seeing What Is In The Table
This function iterates through each queue in the table, adding an asterisk for every element it sees. With the careful placement of some std::cout << std::endls,
it creates a histogram of the data.
Code Analysis
1 void HashTable::visualize()
2 {
3 std::cout << "---visualizing your data---" << std::endl;
5 for (int i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
6 { //getting the data
8 if (table[i].head == nullptr)
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9 {
10 std::cout << i << "|" << std::endl;
13 }
14 else
15 {
16 std::cout << i << "|";
17 Node *start = table[i].head;
18 while (start != nullptr)
19 {
20 std::cout << "*";
21 start = start->next;
22 }
23 std::cout << std::endl;
24 }
25 }
26 }
1. For each queue in the table (line 5), iterate over the queue, or chain.
2. Check that the chain is populated, and if it is not, print a blank ”bar”.(lines
3. If the chain is not empty, begin by placing the ”x axis” line. Then, grab the
head pointer of the chain (lines 16,17)
4. Iterate over the chain, adding an asterisk for every node passed, and continuing until the last element is found (lines 18-22)
5. End the current ”bar” and continue to the next chain.
4.3 Asymptotic Running Time Analysis Of Hash Table
Generally speaking, searching in a hash table has complexity of O(1). The reason being that it is very unlikely that two items will have the same hash value.
Also, there is the simple fact that by knowing the hash value, you have a very
good idea of where the item is, it’s just a matter of getting to your element in
the array. Here, the running time turns into a linear search, which is O(n). To
find the complexity we start by computing our load factor, and adding in the 1
for the constant time to hash and move to the right place. With this, we see that
our complexity is O(1 + 1.67), or O(2.67).
As a side note, getting the hash value and placing the hash value are also
constant time operations. Getting the hash value will always take the same
amount of time, and all placeHashed() is doing is enQueue()ing that element,
which is also constant time.
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5 Main.cpp: Putting it All Together
Lastly, There is the implementation of all of these algorithms. Due to the fact
that it has been covered multiple times in previous documents, the process of
setting up the array from the text file will not be covered here. The only modification is that once the array is loaded, mergeSort() is called on the array in
order to sort it.
5.1 hashTheTable(): Loading The Table In One Batch
This function simply iterates over the main array of elements, applys the hashing
algorithm, and places it accordingly using the placeHashed() function all in
one step. Then once all is completed, visualize() the data.
1 void hashTheTable(std::string arr[], int len, HashTable * tab) {
2 //HashTable* tab = new HashTable();
3 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
4 tab->placeHashed(arr[i]);
5 }
6 tab->visualize();
8 }
5.2 main(): Running the Code
Here is where all of the pieces come together and are ran by the program.
Code Analysis
1 int main()
2 {
3 setup();
6 std::string items[CHOSEN_LEN];
7 Search::randPick(arr, items,LEN, 42);
8 int linAvg = Search::linSearch(arr, LEN, items, CHOSEN_LEN);
9 int binAvg = Search::binSearch(arr, LEN, items, 42);
10 std::cout << "Linear Search:||: Average comparisons to get a hit: " << linAvg << std::endl;
11 std::cout << "Binary Search:||: Average comparisons to get a hit: " << binAvg << std::endl;
12 HashTable * hTable = new HashTable();
13 hashTheTable(arr, LEN, hTable);
14 int tCount = hTable->getHashed(items, CHOSEN_LEN);
15 std::cout << "Average " << tCount << " comparisons to retrieve each item." << std::endl;
16 }
1. set up the table.( line 3)
2. Initiate the items array, and populate it with random items using the
randPick function.(lines 9, 10)
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3. Run linear and binary search, and print out the average comparisons for
each. (lines 11-14)
4. Create the hash table. (line 15)
5. run the hashTheTable() function on the hash table to load it with data.
(line 16)
6. Retrieve the list of random items from the main list, and print the average
comparisons to find each one (lines 17-18)
6 Results and Conclusion
The results of these functions have been listed throughout this document, although here is a consise summation of the data collected along with a graph of
all of the complexities.
Search Algorithm Aveargage Comparisons Complexity/ O()
Linear Search 332 O(n)
Binary Search 8 O(log2(n))
getHashed() 2 O(2.67)
placeHashed() & getHash() - O(1)
Figure 4
0 10 20
20 Binary Search
Linear Search
placeHashed() & getHash()
Figure 5
Closing Thoughts
At the start, I was sure that this assignment would be no trouble at all. Simple arrays, simple enough functions, what could go wrong? But yet again, the
concept of pointers and references, and view access rights caused me to completely give up on my efforts. Thankfully, I remembered that at the point of
my previous commit, I was not having this error, so I hedged my bets, downloaded the previous commits version of the repository, and started over. With
this, along with using g++ to debug, the problem was solved in no time.
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as a wise person once said, ” give a person a program and they’ll be frustrated for a day, teach a person to program and they’ll be frustrated for the rest
of their life.”. {S.A.}
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Williams Jr., L. F. (2020, October 20). Binary search algorithm. Retrieved
October 29, 2020, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary search algorithm
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