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Assignment VI: Code-generation phase of compilation

Programming Assignment VI
 1. To learn basic rules for generating RISC-style machine code equivalent to high-level
abstract-syntax trees (ASTs).
 2. To implement a code generator that converts Diminished Java (DJ) ASTs into
Diminished Instruction Set Machine (DISM) programs.
 3. To test a complete dj2dism compiler.

Machine Details
Complete this assignment by yourself on the following CSEE network computers:
c4lab01, c4lab02, ..., c4lab20. These machines are physically located in ENB 220. You
can connect to these machines from home using SSH. (Example: Host name: Login ID and Password: <your NetID username and password)
You are responsible for ensuring that your programs compile and execute properly on
these machines.
Assignment Description
This assignment asks you to complete your dj2dism compiler by implementing the codegeneration phase of compilation.
Begin by downloading and studying the header file for the code-generation module. This
file, codegen.h, is posted at Then
implement the generateDISM method, which is declared in codegen.h, in a new file
called codegen.c.
If you are completing this assignment by extending your Assignment V implementation
(as is recommended), you will also have to make a few minor modifications to your dj.y:
1. The codegen.h header file needs to be included.
2. The main method in dj.y, which is the main method of the entire compiler, should
now enforce that the compiler is invoked with the command “dj2dism”, where
“” is the source-program filename and “s” can be any string.
3. After typechecking the input file “”, the main method of dj.y should open the
file “s.dism”, into which the target program will be output. (If “s.dism” already
exists, your compiler should overwrite the existing “s.dism” file.)
4. Having opened and obtained a file pointer for “s.dism”, the main method of dj.y
should invoke the code generator by calling the generateDISM method.
5. Before exiting, the main method of dj.y should close the “s.dism” target-code file.
Notes on Code Generation in dj2dism
1. Your generated DISM-code file must contain exactly one instruction per line. This
will make it easy to find the precise instruction at which your program halts. (The
sim-dism virtual machine reports the instruction number at which the DISM program
halted; if sim-dism reports that the program halted at instruction n and the code file 
contains exactly one instruction per line, then we can find the halting instruction at
code-file line number n+1.)
2. In order to satisfy the constraint that every line of the generated “.dism” file must
contain exactly one DISM instruction, you may sometimes find it convenient to write
instructions of the form “#LABEL: mov 0 0” or “mov 0 0 ; comment”. In such
instructions, the “mov 0 0” is used as an empty operation (i.e., a no-op) so that we can
output a DISM label and/or a comment on an otherwise empty line of code.
3. Your code generator must implement the conjunction operator (&&) in the standard
short-circuit style. File illustrates this operator’s dynamic semantics.
4. Your code generator must check and halt before dereferencing null-valued objects.
Files,, and illustrate the required behavior.
Hints on Organizing the Code Generator
You may find it helpful to organize your codegen.c such that it contains the following (in
addition to the definition of the generateDISM method declared in codegen.h):
#define MAX_DISM_ADDR 65535
/* Global for the DISM output file */
FILE *fout;
/* Global to remember the next unique label number to use */
unsigned int labelNumber = 0;
/* Declare mutually recursive functions (defs and docs appear below) */
void codeGenExpr(ASTree *t, int classNumber, int methodNumber);
void codeGenExprs(ASTree *expList, int classNumber, int methodNumber);
/* Print a message and exit under an exceptional condition */
void internalCGerror(char *msg)
/* Using the global classesST, calculate the total number of fields,
 including inherited fields, in an object of the given type */
int getNumObjectFields(int type)
/* Generate code that increments the stack pointer */
void incSP()
/* Generate code that decrements the stack pointer */
void decSP()
/* Output code to check for a null value at the top of the stack.
 If the top stack value (at M[SP+1]) is null (0), the DISM code
 output will halt. */
void checkNullDereference()
/* Generate DISM code for the given single expression, which appears
 in the given class and method (or main block).
 If classNumber < 0 then methodNumber may be anything and we assume
 we are generating code for the program's main block. */
void codeGenExpr(ASTree *t, int classNumber, int methodNumber)
/* Generate DISM code for an expression list, which appears in
 the given class and method (or main block).
 If classNumber < 0 then methodNumber may be anything and we assume
 we are generating code for the program's main block. */
void codeGenExprs(ASTree *expList, int classNumber, int methodNumber)
/* Generate DISM code as the prologue to the given method or main
 block. If classNumber < 0 then methodNumber may be anything and we
 assume we are generating code for the program's main block. */
void genPrologue(int classNumber, int methodNumber)
/* Generate DISM code as the epilogue to the given method or main
 block. If classNumber < 0 then methodNumber may be anything and we
 assume we are generating code for the program's main block. */
void genEpilogue(int classNumber, int methodNumber)
/* Generate DISM code for the given method or main block.
 If classNumber < 0 then methodNumber may be anything and we assume
 we are generating code for the program's main block. */
void genBody(int classNumber, int methodNumber)
/* Map a given (1) static class number, (2) a method number defined
 in that class, and (3) a dynamic object's type to:
 (a) the dynamic class number and (b) the dynamic method number that
 actually get called when an object of type (3) dynamically invokes
 method (2).
 This method assumes that dynamicType is a subtype of staticClass. */
void getDynamicMethodInfo(int staticClass, int staticMethod,
 int dynamicType, int *dynamicClassToCall, int *dynamicMethodToCall)
/* Emit code for the program's vtable, beginning at label #VTABLE.
 The vtable jumps (i.e., dispatches) to code based on
 (1) the number of arguments on the stack (at M[SP+1]),
 (2) the dynamic calling object's address (at M[SP+4+numArguments]),
 (3) the calling object's static type (at M[SP+3+numArguments]), and
 (4) the static method number (at M[SP+2+numArguments]). */
void genVTable()
More Hints
My codegen.c file is 659 lines of code (100 of which are comments/whitespace). As with
Assignment V, this is a relatively challenging assignment, requiring you to write several
hundred lines of code. Please budget your time accordingly.
Many examples of valid DJ programs, on which you can test your compiler, are posted at A complete solution
to this assignment will correctly compile all of the valid DJ programs into equivalent,
valid DISM code that can be executed in the sim-dism virtual machine. As usual, though,
we will grade your compiler’s performance on DJ programs that have not been
distributed to the class.
Your grade on this assignment is determined by the level to which you implement the
desired functionality:
 Level I: generateDISM correctly generates DISM code for all DJ programs that
(1) declare no classes and (2) declare no local variables. Expect to write about
250-300 lines of code for this level (or about 200-250 without counting comments
and whitespace).
 Level II: generateDISM correctly generates DISM code for all DJ programs that
declare no classes. For this level, expect to write about 70 lines of code beyond
that of Level I.
 Level III: generateDISM correctly generates DISM code for all DJ programs.
Undergraduate students will earn: 80% credit for reaching Level I, 100% credit for
reaching Level II, and 110% credit for reaching Level III.
Graduate students will earn: 60% credit for reaching Level I, 75% credit for reaching
Level II, and 100% credit for reaching Level III.
All students will earn extra credit (undergraduates +20% and graduates +10%) for having
implemented a complete Level-III dj2dism compiler from scratch (i.e., without using any
of the provided object-code files) during this semester.
Compilation of the Compiler
Use the following commands to compile the complete dj2dism compiler from scratch:
flex dj.l
bison -v dj.y
gcc ast.c symtbl.c typecheck.c codegen.c -o dj2dism
Alternatively, you can download working versions of the lexer, parser, AST, symboltable, and type-checker modules as object-code files, ast.o, symtbl.o, and
typecheck.o from With these objectcode files, and the header files ast.h, symtbl.h, typecheck.h, and codegen.h, you can
compile dj2dism with:
gcc ast.o symtbl.o typecheck.o codegen.c -o dj2dism
Example Executions
Your compiler should continue to report lexical, syntactic, and semantic errors in the
source program before exiting. As with previous assignments, you need not report
multiple errors. If there are no lexical, syntactic, or semantic errors, your compiler
generates DISM code.
Your compiler should enforce that the given source-program filename ends in “.dj”:
Usage: dj2dism
ERROR: could not open file
./dj2dism good1.dism
Error: Input filename does not match *.dj
The compiler produces no output (besides the target-code file) when compiling a valid DJ

After compiling, we can find the dj2dism-generated code in file good1.dism:
 mov 7 65535 ; initialize FP
 mov 6 65535 ; initialize SP
 mov 5 1 ; initialize HP
 mov 1 0
 str 6 0 1 ; M[SP] <- R[r1] (a nat literal)
 mov 1 1
 sub 6 6 1 ; SP--
 bgt 6 5 #0 ; branch if SPHP
 mov 1 77 ; error code 77 = out of stack memory
 hlt 1 ; out of stack memory! (SP <= HP)
#0: mov 0 0

(Of course, the DISM files your compiler generates must only be functionally
equivalent—rather than identical to—the DISM files my compiler generates. Regarding
the codes that DISM halts with, my compiler uses the codes shown above, plus error code
66 to indicate that insufficient heap memory exists for a new object, 88 to indicate a nullpointer dereference, and 99 to indicate that a vtable entry wasn’t found).
Debugging Hint: When trying to understand and correct the behavior of the DISM code
your compiler generates, you may find it helpful to insert ptn instructions into the
generated DISM code. For example, to see the address to which the SP refers at some
point, you could insert lod 4 6 0 and ptn 4 at that point. You may also find it helpful to
execute some of your DISM programs in sim-dism with the debug-mode turned on.
As expected, we can execute file good1.dism in the sim-dism virtual machine:
./sim-dism good1.dism
Simulation completed with code 0 at PC=13.
Of all the provided good*.dj files, my dj2dism generates the most DISM code for good9.
./sim-dism good9.dism
Simulation completed with code 0 at PC=2214.
We’ve waited all semester to compile and run our programs from Assignment I.
./sim-dism qr.dism
Enter a natural number: 7
Enter a natural number: 2
Enter a natural number: 0
Enter a natural number: 0
Enter a natural number: 1
Simulation completed with code 0 at PC=437.
Notice how much smaller—and more efficient—our hand-written qr.disms were! My
hand-written qr.dism is 19 instructions, but my compiled qr.dism is 894 instructions.
Submission Notes
 Type the following pledge as an initial comment in your codegen.c file: “I pledge my
Honor that I have not cheated, and will not cheat, on this assignment.” Type your
name after the pledge. Not including this pledge will lower your grade 50%.
 Upload and submit your codegen.c file in Canvas, or if you’ve implemented the entire
Level-III compiler by yourself, upload the full compiler as a zip or tar file.
 You may submit your assignment in Canvas as many times as you like; we’ll grade
your latest submission.
 When submitting your code in Canvas, include with your submission a comment
indicating at which level we should grade your assignment: I, II, or III. If you
don’t indicate a level, we’ll grade your submission as a Level-III submission.
 For every day that your assignment is late (up to 3 days), your grade reduces 10%.
 To make it easier for our teaching assistant to read and evaluate your code, use spaces
rather than tabs in your code and avoid long lines of code (I try to limit lines to 80
characters in width).
 Your programs will be graded on both correctness and style, so include good
comments, well-chosen variable names, etc. in your programs.
 codegen.c—and the DISM code it outputs—must be well commented and formatted.

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