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Foundations of Computer Science-Homework 1

(1) Let
D = fw j w contains an even number of a’s
and an odd number of b’s and does not contain the substring abg
Give a DFA with five states that recognizes D and a regular expression that defines D. (Suggestion: think of a simpler way to describe
D first.)
(2) Let L1 be the set of strings over fa; bg∗ that contain at least two a’s
and L2 be the set of strings over fa; bg∗ that contain at most two
(a) Give a DFA for L1
(b) Give a DFA for L2
(c) Using the product construction shown in class, give a DFA for
L1 [ L2. Show all states, even those that are inaccessible.
(3) Use the construction given in class to convert the following NFA
to a DFA. Give a transition table and a transition diagram for the
resulting DFA.
start 1 2
a; b
(4) Use the procedure given in class to convert the following regular
expression to an NFA
(((00)∗(11)) [ 01)∗
(5) Use the procedure given in class to convert the following DFA to a
regular expression
12 HOMEWORK 1{CSC 320 FALL 2015
start 1
(6) Give a construction that shows that if A and B are regular, so is
A=B = fw j wx 2 A for some x 2 Bg
(7) For languages A and B, define the shuffle of A and B to be the
fw j w = a1b1 : : : akbk; where a1 : : : ak 2 A and b1 : : : bk 2 B; and ai; bi 2 Σ∗; 1 ≤ i ≤ kg
Give a construction that shows that the regular languages are closed
under shuffle.

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