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Homework #3 Backpropagation

TCSS 455: Introduction to Machine Learning
Homework #3

Please submit a hard copy of your answers to the homework problems below. Staple all of your
pages together (and order them according to the order of the problems below) and have your name
on each page, just in case the pages get separated. Write legibly (or type) and organize your
answers in a way that is easy to read. Neatness counts!

1. Backpropagation. (3 pts) Solve problem 4.7 from the textbook by applying the Backpropagation algorithm from Table 4.2 (p.98). This entails that you should assume that the hidden
unit c and the output unit d are sigmoid units. Use stochastic gradient descent. This means
that in iteration 1, you should present the first training example and update the weights. In
iteration 2, you should present the second training example and update the weights again. It is
in iteration 2 that momentum starts playing a role.
If working through this pen-and-paper example of backpropagation might seem slightly painful,
please know that it is a great exercise to help you grasp this weight learning algorithm! This
exercise also requires you to read about momentum, which is an important notion that we did
not cover in class.
2. Gradient descent weight update rule for a tanh unit. (2 pts) Assume throughout this
exercise that we are using gradient descent to minimize the error as defined in formula (4.2) on
p.89 in the textbook:
E( ~w) = 1
(td − od)
Recall that the corresponding weight update rule for a sigmoid unit like the one in Figure 4.6
on p.96 in the textbook is:
wi ← wi + η ·
(td − od) · od · (1 − od) · xi,d
Let us replace the sigmoid function σ in Figure 4.6 by the function “tanh”. In other words, the
output of the unit is now:
o = tanh(net) = tanh(w0x0 + w1x1 + w2x2 + . . . + wnxn)
Derive the new weight update rule. Show your work, and indicate clearly in your answer what
the weight update rule for the tanh unit looks like. Hint: tanh0
(z) = 1 − (tanh(z))2
3. Training a neural network with Keras. (5 pts) For this problem you will implement and
train your own neural network. To this end, you will use Keras, a high-level neural networks
API. If not already done so, then install Keras on your computer with Tensorflow as the backend
(Theano is NOT suggested). Instructions are available on
The file in Files/homeworks/hw3 contains starter code for predicting the extraversion
score of a Facebook user based on the 81 LIWC features. A corresponding dataset FacebookUser-Personality-LIWC-HW3.csv is provided. It is the same data that we used in the session
about machine learning in Python, with the first two columns and the header row removed.
The dataset contains information for 9500 users (rows). The first 81 columns are the LIWC
feature values, extracted from the Facebook status updates. The remaining columns are respectively the personality trait scores for openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness,
and neuroticism. For this homework problem, only the 81 LIWC columns and the column for
extraversion is relevant. You can ignore the other personality trait columns.
Reminder: Do not share the dataset with anyone who is not registered for TCSS555.
In the starter code, the dataset is split in 8000 instances for training, and 1500 instances for
testing. When running the code, you will observe that linear regression works quite well, achieving a MSE of approximately 0.64. This corresponds to a RMSE of approximately 0.80, as we
are used to seeing on the scoreboard for the project. The neural network on the other hand
performs horribly bad. The problem is in this part of the code:
model.compile(optimizer=’adam’, loss=’mse’, metrics=[’mse’]),y_train)
This code is not wrong. It defines a rudimentary neural network with poor predictive performance. Your task is to change this code to make the neural network perform better than the
linear regression model in terms of MSE.1 You shouldn’t have to make any changes to other
parts of the starter code. In particular, don’t change the code for fixing the random seed, as a
fixed random seed allows us to reproduce the same train/test split of the data, so that we all
get the same MSE for the linear regression model (among other things).
This homework problem is expected to help you get a better understanding of the design choices
to make when defining and training a neural network. You will also experience that fine tuning a
neural network requires more skills from a data scientist compared to the simple linear regression
model, which performed reasonably well “right out of the box”.
What to submit:
(a) (hard copy) A printout of the part of the code that you changed.
(b) (hard copy) Screenshots of your terminal window that contain the line:
MSE with linear regression: 0.642565125843
and the completed line:
MSE with neural network: ...
The displayed MSE obtained with the neural network should be lower than the MSE with
linear regression, as evidence that you correctly completed the assignment.
(c) (hard copy) A brief description of interesting aspects about training neural networks that
you learned while completing this assignment.
(d) (electronic submission on Canvas) Your file Your code should be compatible with
Python 3.
1You might find this Keras “cheat sheet” helpful:

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