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Project 2 Claude's Custom Counters, Inc

Project 2 Claude's Custom Counters, Inc. - Bulk Data Input
Overview Your application proved to be a great success and resulted in Claude approving the next phase of development. Sales volume has increased to the point that keyboard entry of order information is no longer effective. Now, regional sales representatives save their order information in text files that are consolidated at corporate headquarters. Our task is to develop an application that will read a sales file, validate entries, perform calculations, and generate summary output reports. File Processing Your software should prompt the user to enter the name and the path to the file containing sales data. Once that information is entered, your software must open the file and process the input data. If the input file fails to open, the software must output an error message indicating a problem occurred opening the file and a notice that processing cannot continue. Abnormal exits are not allowed, use if/else structure to ensure that code does not execute if the file fails to open. If the file opens successfully, the software must read and process each line, or record, in the file. The first line of the file contains column headings. These are for anyone reading the file manually the program should read the entire line of headings to "get it out of the way" and then move on to the second line. The second line of the file is the first record of data that we will process. We will not know how many total records are in the file. We simply must continue reading and processing lines of data until reaching the end of the input file. Each line of the file contains the following data elements: Data Validation The system must test for a variety of possible data errors. You do not need to identify data type errors. That means that if a number is expected, then you may assume that the input data file will have a number. If a string is expected, you may assume the input data file will have a string, etc. The possibility of extraneous characters being present in the data file does not apply. Once you have extracted the value of one data element from the file, you may assume what follows is the value of the next data element. As previously mentioned, if the input data file fails to open, then no calculations will be made, and no output will be sent to the terminal screen. Otherwise, for this version of the project, validation errors will not cause the Order Date Date of order (string with format yyyy/mm/dd) Delivery Date Date of counter due to customer (string with format yyyy/mm/dd) Stone Code Stone code (a single character) length counter length (floating point number) depth counter depth (floating point number) height counter height (floating point number) length edges finished number of length edges polished/finished (an integer) depth edges finished number of depth edges polished/finished (an integer) Order Number Order Number (string, no spaces) FIPS State Code Federal Information Processing Standards State Code (string, no spaces) Customer name & address Customer's full name and address (string with spaces) Project 2 October 3, 2108 COSC 051 Page 2 of 6 processing to stop. If a data validation check fails, then no calculations will occur for that record. However, the values of that row of data will be output along with a list of the errors that were identified (see the sample output presented later). The table below lists Claude's business rules (some from Project #1, some new) that apply to data validation checks and other calculations. Data items not listed require no validation. Data Item Validation Rule(s) Order Date Will be in the format yyyy/mm/dd (see notes below) Delivery Date Will be in the format yyyy/mm/dd (see notes below) The delivery date cannot be the same as the Order Date, sales representatives occasionally make this mistake. The delivery date may be no more than 4 months after the order date (ignore the days, just count months), technicians sometimes build in some extra time for complex jobs, but Claude will not tolerate that. Stone Code Must be one of the valid character codes: M, m, G, g, Q, q length Minimum value 5.0, maximum value 25.0 depth Minimum value 5.0, maximum value 25.0 (also must be less than or equal to length) height Must be between 58% and 80% of the depth length edges finished Can be 0, 1, or 2 depth edges finished Can be 0, 1, or 2 IMPORTANT NOTES: When reading a date from the file, your software should separate the year, month, and day values and store them in integer variables; this applies to the Order Date and the Delivery Date. The year will always have four digits. With respect to the month, the format "mm" means two digits or one digit depending on the month. Similarly, the format "dd" could mean one digit or two digits. Calculations and Output As in Project #1, prices for materials offered are: • Marble, at $92.99/sq. ft. installed • Granite, at $78.99/sq. ft. installed • Quartz, at $56.99/sq. ft. installed The initial cost of a counter is based upon the area of material required for fabrication. When pieces are cut some material is wasted, so we add 26% to the area of the finished piece and then round any fractional value up. Exposed edges can be finished by smoothing and polishing for $4.99 a linear foot. Your software must calculate the amount of material required to begin fabrication, the cost of stone, the cost of edge finishing, and the total cost for the installed product. Project 2 October 3, 2108 COSC 051 Page 3 of 6 Program Output When the program runs, it shall output selected values from the input data file. If a record contains errors, also output error message(s). Keep running totals of the records processed, records with errors, and records without errors. For records without errors, also keep running totals of the counter tops by material including the number of counters of each type of stone, the total amount of material to begin fabrication, and the total cost. Output these running totals in a summary table after all records have been processed. Sample output from an execution of the program: Order Delivery S L D Sq. Total Date Date C Len. Dep. Hei. E E Ft. Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015/01/20 2015/04/20 q 5.60 5.00 3.35 0 1 24.00 1392.71 2015/12/24 2016/02/24 Q 19.00 17.80 13.35 0 2 320.00 18414.44 2015/05/07 2015/08/07 Q 17.60 16.20 9.40 2 1 209.00 12167.40 2015/06/26 2015/07/26 q 11.40 11.40 7.52 0 2 109.00 6325.68 … 2015/01/03 2015/04/03 g 12.40 10.30 7.62 2 0 120.00 9602.55 2015/10/02 2015/12/02 Q 14.00 6.70 4.36 1 1 77.00 4491.52 2015/12/13 2016/02/13 Q 17.40 6.00 3.42 1 1 ERROR: Invalid height. 2015/12/02 2016/01/02 M 19.30 20.20 11.10 0 1 ERROR: Invalid depth. ERROR: Invalid height. … 2015/02/12 2015/03/12 M 24.00 5.30 3.66 2 2 111.00 10614.30 2015/02/18 2015/05/18 M 15.40 5.50 3.85 0 0 75.00 6974.25 2015/09/28 2015/10/28 Q 7.10 6.80 4.15 0 1 38.00 2199.55 2015/01/08 2015/03/08 g 9.80 5.00 2.70 0 0 ERROR: Invalid height. 2015/10/18 2015/12/18 O 19.40 5.20 4.16 1 2 ERROR: stone code is not a valid value. Counts: Total Records = 12972 Records with Errors = 3911 Records without Errors = 9061 TOTALS (records without errors) Stone Count Square Feet Cost ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Marble 3458 507976.00 47673578.71 Granite 3402 486068.00 38813997.17 Quartz 2201 306976.00 17771105.55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Project 2 October 3, 2108 COSC 051 Page 4 of 6 Program Source Code Important: Your output and input should be very similar to that shown in the sample output. Please ask for the input in exactly the same order shown and only request the same items shown - do not ask for any other input. This will assist in grading your program. Some content must also be included in your program exactly as specified. Academic Integrity This is an individual project and all work must be your own. Refer to the guidelines specified in the Academic Honesty section of this course syllabus or contact me if you have any questions. Include the following comments at the start of your source code file: These comments must appear exactly as shown above. The only difference will be values that you replace where there are "place holders" within angle brackets such as which should be replaced by your own netID and the angle brackets removed. Submission Details Upload to Canvas a .cpp file containing your C++ program. Your submission is due before end-of-day (11:59pm) on Wednesday, October 17th. In general, requests for extensions will not be considered. Late submissions will be penalized 2.5 points for each 15 minutes after the due date. Files submitted more than 10 hours late will receive a score of zero. Do NOT post your executable file. You should ensure that your source file compiles on the cs-class server and that the executable file runs and produces the correct output on the cs-class server. Use main.cpp as the name for your source code file. /* * main.cpp * * COSC 051 Fall 2018 * Project #2 (Code) * * Due on: OCT 17, 2018 * Author: * * * In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's * Honor Code, I certify that, with the exception of the * class resources and those items noted below, I have neither * given nor received any assistance on this project. * * References not otherwise commented within the program source code. * Note that you should not mention any help from the TAs, the professor, * or any code taken from the class textbooks. */ Project 2 October 3, 2108 COSC 051 Page 5 of 6 Programming Skills The programming skills required to complete this assignment include: • Screen output (cout) • Keyboard input (cin) • Basic data validation • Basic output formatting • Basic calculations • File input/output • Control structures for repetition • Advanced output formatting • Tabulated output • Advanced data validation How to approach this program. Planing your time wisely! Break up each project into milestones. Divide up your time so as to complete each milestone and stay on schedule. For this project several milestones are provided. You are NOT required to turn anything in or to meet these milestones. Make sure that your code compiles and runs prior to moving on to the next milestone. Milestone 1 – NLT October 4th • Create an empty source code file; insert heading comments ,add preprocessor directives, add using namespace std; • Add a "skeleton" of function main() • Compile and run (nothing much should happen, this is just a check for compiler errors) • Add global constants that you will reuse from Project 1 • Add data input prompt statement and input statement for the path/filename of the data file • Add variable declarations and initializations that you will reuse from Project 1 • Compile and run after each addition Milestone 2 – NLT October 10th • Add code to open the data file and test for success, if the file fails to open output an error message but do not attempt to read the file, if the file does open it is good to also output a "success" message • Add a loop to read each line of the file, this is just a test, read the entire line into one string and then output that string to the terminal, once all records have been read, close the file Milestone 3 – NLT October 12th • Now, add code to read each line, but extract the individual data fields in the correct variables (instead of one long string) • Add data validation code (much of this can be copied from the previous project) • Add detailed output code, includes values from each row read from the file, and error messages for any records that did not pass validation • Add code to make calculations for records without errors Milestone 4 – NLT October 15th • Add code to keep running totals and calculate summary statistics • Add formatted summary output Project 2 October 3, 2108 COSC 051 Page 6 of 6 Milestone 5 – October 17th • Fine tune calculations and output • Ensure program compiles and runs on the server • Turn-in code… on time Grading A grade rubric will be posted separately.

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