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Project-4: I-Type MIPS II (Addition of lw and sw)

Computer Organization

In this project, you will use Altera Quartus II with Verilog. You will design another small part of the
32-bit MIPS processor.
The only supported instructions in your design will be lw, sw and Project 3 instructions, which
were addi, addiu, andi, ori, lui, sltiu, slti, beq and bne instructions. Your top block will get NO
inputs, but you should initialize the Instruction memory with the desired assembly program.
You will write the contents of the registers, the instruction memory and the data memory before
and after the execution of instructions using writememh in your testbench verilog code. You will
initialize all memory contents using readmemh. Also you will have a Program Counter register that
shows the next instruction.
YOU WILL NOT SUPPORT R-TYPE INSTRUCTIONS. Therefore do not put any additional logic for that.
1. Other than the parts you used in Project 3 you need a Data Memory to load data from it and to
store data to it. Data Memory will be a 4GB memory with 32-bit address input.
2. Also you have to insert Instruction Memory to your design. Its size will be 4K.
3. You will insert a PC register to show the address of the next instruction. Therefore beq and bne
instructions must also work as they work in the real case.
4. Do not use behavioral Verilog other than for the memory modules.
Read the rules on the next page too!!Your design should not support R-type or J-type instructions. Only the instructions listed above.
Please be sure that your design simulates correctly. Designs that are not even
simulating can get at most 25 points. Therefore at least support a subset of
instructions correctly to get more points.
Submit your Altera Project folder as a zip file to Moodle. We will simulate your design using not
only your testbench but also our testbench to see whether all instructions are executing correctly
or not.

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