Starting from:


Big Data (BD) and Analytics skills

The project is an essential part of this class. It will allow you to demonstrate your Big Data
(BD) and Analytics skills and create something that you are proud of. It can also be a
valuable addition to your projects portfolio that you can demonstrate to prospective
Project Requirements
For the project, you have to perform analysis of one or more datasets using BD techniques.
Some of the requirements of the project are:
• The datasets should be chosen from a standard repository, such as Kaggle competitions,
KDD cup competitions or Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection (SNAP) or any
other reliable source. If you are not sure, please consult the instructor or the TA.
• The project needs to involve significant use of Big Data and Analytics technologies.
Some of the specific requirements are: [You should try to include as many of these as
possible in your project]
o Use of HDFS
o Use of Spark libraries for model creation – MLlib, GraphX, etc
o Use of Spark libraries for model selection, parameter tuning, and evaluation
o Use of Spark machine learning pipelines
o If you are doing a project on recommender systems, you need to evaluate
and validate your model properly.
• Your results should be strong enough in terms of accuracy and other evaluation metrics,
and this will be one of the criteria for grades.
• You should create a well formatted project report that should cover the following
o Introduction and problem description
o Related work
o Dataset description (including features, attributes, etc)
o Pre-processing techniques
o Your proposed solution, and methods [This section should have enough
details – both theoretical, and practical]
o Experimental results and analysis [Details are expected]
o Conclusion
o Contribution of team members
o References
An excellent example of what to include in such a report can be found here:
Some examples of excellent reports can be found at: (Note: You cannot select these topics)
All contents of your report must be original. You cannot copy sentences, paragraphs, figures,
or anything else from outside sources. As a graduate student, you are expected to work with
maturity and diligence.
Again, your report will be checked for plagiarism. Any violation will carry strong penalties,
including reporting the incident to university authorities.
• Team size requirements: Project can be done in teams of 1 to 4 students. More than 4
students cannot be in a team under any circumstances. You can only form team within
the same class and section. You are not allowed to work or collaborate with students
from other sections of this class.
• Project selections have to be approved by the instructor.
• You have to submit your responses on the Google Form available here:
• The final project report is due at midnight Friday Aug 2. Project demos and
presentations will be required in front of the TA during the last week of class i.e. the
week starting July 29. You can use at most 2 free days for the project and everything will
close down by Sunday Aug 4. These are strict deadlines.
Project Ideas
Below are some of the project ideas. You can choose any one of them. Note that for the
data science competitions, you have multiple options. You are free to choose any active
competition, but you will have to follow the requirements completely. You cannot pick and
choose which requirements you will satisfy.
Below are some suggested topics.
Note: Two teams can work on the same project, but cannot collaborate with each other.
1. Participate in the Yelp dataset challenge and submit a good entry:
2. Take part in an active Kaggle competition that involves significant amount of Big Data
and Machine Learning technologies
3. Take part in a previous KDD cup challenge
You can take part in any previous year's cup.
4. Take part in an active Driven Data competition.
5. Machine learning based analysis of stock market investing techniques
- Simulation of systematic trading techniques, such as backtesting
- Simulation and analysis of backtesting using R packages such as backtest,
PerformanceAnalytics, quantmod, etc
6. Take part in a competition from KDnuggets
7. Take part in a competition from Innocentive
8. Take part in a competition from TunedIT
9. Detect tight communities (groups of people that interact frequently with each other, but
not with others) in a social network.
Data can be obtained from:
10. Detect opinion spammers (people who post fake reviews, or too many negative reviews)
in an opinions dataset
Data can be obtained from:
11. Take part in a TopCoder Data Science challenge:
12. Suggest your own project having sufficient complexity and Big Data component.
Deliverables and Deadlines
Deadline Project
July 14
Submit your details on Google Forms
Please check for instructor's comments and approval at:
July 21
Submit a report containing following on eLearning:
• Dataset details, such as number of features, instances, data
• Techniques you plan to use
• Experimental methodology
• Coding language / technique to be used
• Preliminary Results (if available)
August 2
Submit final documents on eLearning:
• Detailed Final Project Report
• Code
• README file indicating how to run your code
** Your report and code will be checked for plagiarism **

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