Starting from:


Binary Search Trees

BBM203 Software Practicum I 
Programming Assignment 4 
Topics: Binary Search Trees, Red-Black Trees, KD-trees, kNN
classification, Recursion, Dynamic Memory Allocation, File I/O
Programming Language: C++11 - You MUST USE this starter code
Saving Dr. Elara: Mission Rescue
Following the groundbreaking decryption of
the Celestial Tapestry in Programming Assignment 1, a glimmer of hope emerged in
the search for the enigmatic Dr. Elara. The
tapestry, once thought to be a mere cosmic
anomaly, revealed itself as a beacon, guiding
us to the whereabouts of Dr. Elara, who vanished while exploring the uncharted depths of
The tapestry’s hidden messages, a cryptic
blend of celestial coordinates and obscure
references to distant planets, have led to
the formulation of a daring rescue operation: Mission Rescue. This high-stakes venture, spearheaded by the same brilliant team
of HUBBM and HUAIN students who unraveled the tapestry’s secrets, aims to traverse the perilous expanses of space to retrieve Dr. Elara from where she is believed
to be stranded.
The path to Dr. Elara is fraught with challenges that demand not only courage but unparalleled scientific
and computational expertise. To navigate these unknown realms, three critical tasks have been identified,
forming the backbone of the mission’s strategy: planetary classification system, space sector mapping,
and space sector mapping optimization.
Mission Rescue is not just a simple retrieval mission; it is a journey into the unknown, a testament to
human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. As the team embarks on this perilous voyage,
they carry not only the hope of finding Dr. Elara but also the aspirations of unraveling the mysteries that
lie beyond our known universe.
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
1 Task 1: Space Sector Mapping
The vastness of uncharted space requires a comprehensive mapping system. In this part, you
are tasked with implementing Binary Search Tree
(BST) algorithms to map space sectors along exploration routes. Your goal is to identify the path
to the final destination sector, where Dr. Elara is
believed to be stranded on one of the habitable
As the journey unfolds, new sectors may be discovered that need to be integrated into the space
map, while the sectors identified as dangerous must be removed from the map. This dynamic process will
enable the explorers to adjust the mission’s trajectory in real-time, ensuring a strategic and responsive
approach to the ever-evolving landscape of space exploration.
1.1 Input File and Sector Map Initialization
Space sectors are represented by their position relative to the Earth’s position on
a 3D coordinates (X, Y, Z) plane. An input file containing the coordinates of the
already discovered space sectors, structured as a DAT file, will be given as the first
command line argument. Your task is to parse this file within your program to set up
the initial BST that will represent the sector map within the SpaceSectorBST class.
The member pointer variable Sector *root must be set to point to the root node
of this tree. The content of a sample input file given as sectors.dat is illustrated
on the right.
Sector nodes should be inserted into the BST based on their (X, Y, Z) coordinates as follows:
• Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sorting Criteria: The primary sorting criterion is the Xcoordinate. If two sectors have the same X-coordinate, the Y-coordinate becomes the secondary
sorting criterion. If both X and Y coordinates are the same, the Z-coordinate is used as the tertiary
sorting criterion.
• Insertion Process: Start by comparing the X-coordinates of sectors. For sectors with the same
X-coordinate, compare their Y-coordinates. For sectors with identical X and Y coordinates, compare
their Z-coordinates.
• Tree Structure: A node’s left child has a smaller X-coordinate or, in case of a tie, a smaller
Y-coordinate, or, if both are tied, a smaller Z-coordinate. A node’s right child has a greater or equal
X-coordinate (and then Y, Z are considered similarly in case of ties).
You are expected to implement the node insertion recursively. In a recursive approach, the tree
is traversed from the root down to the appropriate null link, and the new node is inserted at that point.
The recursive function will:
• Take the current node and its coordinates as parameters.
• Begin the insertion with the root node of the BST. If the BST is empty (root is nullptr), the
new node becomes the root. Otherwise, compare the coordinates as explained above. If the sorting
criteria require inserting the sector to the left, proceed to the left child. Otherwise, proceed to the
right child.
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
• Recursive Call: Make a recursive call to the insert function with the left or right child based on the
comparison. If the child is nullptr, create a new node with the given distance and attach it at
this position.
• Return the current node after each recursive call to maintain the tree structure. This ensures that
the root of the subtree (or the overall tree) is updated correctly after the insertion.
• The node returned from the initial call of the function (starting at the root) is assigned as the new
root of the BST.
Each sector can be uniquely identified within the BST map by its sector code that is calculated based
on its (X, Y, Z) coordinates and its distance from the Earth. To calculate the sector distance in Astro
Units (AUs) from the Earth based on their coordinates, you should use the Euclidean distance formula in
three dimensions: d =
(x2 − x1)
2 + (y2 − y1)
2 + (z2 − z1)
. The Earth is considered to have the origin
point of (0, 0, 0).
Sector Code Generation Logic:
• Distance Component: The first part of the sector code is derived from the sector’s distance from
Earth, truncated to integer (you can think of it as the floor operation). ← [updated]
• Coordinate Components: The next parts of the code are determined by the sector’s X, Y , and
Z coordinates.
– For each coordinate, if the coordinate value is 0 (same as the Earth’s), append the letter ‘S’
to the code, signifying ‘Same’ in that dimension.
– If the coordinate value is positive, append the respective directional letter: ‘R’ for Right (X),
‘U’ for Up (Y ), and ‘F’ for Forward (Z).
– If the coordinate value is negative, append the respective directional letter: ‘L’ for Left (X),
‘D’ for Down (Y ), and ‘B’ for Backward (Z).
An example: For a sector located at coordinates
(10, −5, 20) and 22.91 AUs
away from Earth, the distance
component is 22. The coordinate components are R for X
(positive), D for Y (negative),
and F for Z (positive). So,
the resulting sector code is
22RDF . ← [updated]
After reading the sample input provided in the given
sectors.dat file, and inserting the sector nodes into the
BST in order they appear in
the input file, while adhering to the sorting criteria and
calculating the sector codes
correctly, you should obtain
the sector map shown on the
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
1.2 Deleting Dangerous Sectors from the Sector Map
When a sector is deemed dangerous, it must immediately be removed from the map. A dangerous sector
will be identified by its sector_code. You are expected to implement the sector node deletion
recursively. To implement deleting a sector node from the sector tree map, you’ll need to follow the
standard procedure for deleting a node from a binary search tree. This involves finding the node with the
matching sector_code, then handling three cases if found:
• Node with no children (leaf node): Simply remove the node.
• Node with one child: Replace the node with its child, and then delete the node.
• Node with two children: Find the node’s in-order successor (smallest node in the right subtree),
swap it with the node, and then delete the node.
For instance, if the sector 37RUF is identified as dangerous, the resulting tree, shown on the right in
the figure below, illustrates the sector tree map after the removal of this sector.
Delete “37RUF”
1.3 Finding a Path to Dr. Elara
In order to be able to search through the sector tree map, you need to implement three BST traversal
algorithms: inorder, preorder, and postorder. In a BST, inorder traversal retrieves elements in sorted
order, preorder traversal is useful for creating prefix expressions and operations involving processing the
root before the children, while postorder traversal is commonly employed for deleting nodes and processing
children before the root. Below, the expected traversal outputs are given for the initial sample tree:
Space sectors inorder traversal:
Space sectors preorder traversal:
Space sectors postorder traversal:
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
In Programming Assignment 1, you successfully decoded a hidden message within the Celestial Tapestry.
This message revealed a sector code, believed to be a secret communication from Dr. Elara, notifying us
about her location in the cosmos. It’s now imperative that we organize a rescue mission to ensure Dr.
Elara’s safe return to Earth.
Your mission in this assignment is to navigate the
space sector tree map to determine the exact path
needed to reach the sector where Dr. Elara is
stranded. Envision space as interconnected by
wormholes, linking sectors directly in a manner reflected by the child links in our sector tree map.
Starting from Earth’s sector, the rescue team will
use these inter-sector connections to travel, or perform ‘space jumps’, from one sector to another,
ultimately reaching Dr. Elara’s location. You are
tasked with implementing a function that returns
a vector of pointers to Sector nodes, such that,
following these pointers in sequence will guide the
rescue team from Earth to Dr. Elara’s sector. For
instance, if based on the decoded message, we were
informed that Dr. Elara is in sector 45RDF . Using the initial sample tree structure (before any deletions),
the expected path (illustrated on the right) should be printed like this:
The stellar path to Dr. Elara: 0SSS->37RUF->25RUS->45RDF
In this example, the expected path to the intended sector necessitates three space jumps to reach the
destination from the Earth.
1.4 Challenges of Using Unbalanced BSTs in Space Sector Mapping
Now, imagine that the sector input file was given such that the sectors are
already sorted based on the insertion criteria. For example, let the sample
sectors_sorted.dat file be structured as shown on the right.
Using the approach we employed to generate the BST map could lead
to a completely imbalanced tree as illustrated on the left. This imbalance has significant drawbacks, notably prolonged search times. More
critically, it could compel the rescue team to undertake a considerably
lengthier stellar journey to reach the destination sector where Dr. Elara
is stranded. For instance, in this particular map, if the destination sector is 59RUF , the team would need to make three space jumps to get
there. In contrast, if the tree were balanced, they might only need one
or two jumps. The efficiency of the path is directly affected by the tree’s
structure, emphasizing the importance of a balanced tree in optimizing
the rescue mission.
For this reason, in the next task of this assignment, you are expected to
implement a better, balanced version of the sector tree map.
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
2 Task 2: Optimizing Space Sector Mapping
In this task, you are expected to use the same input DAT file, given as the first command line argument,
parse the sectors by the given coordinates to implement a new sector tree map, but this time, you must
use a Left-Leaning Red-Black Tree (LLRBT) data structure instead of BST. The choice of an LLRBT is
crucial for this task due to its self-balancing properties.
Node Insertion into the Left-Leaning Red-Black Tree (LLRBT): In this task, you are expected
to implement recursive node insertion into the LLRBT. This tree structure is a variation of the standard
Red-Black Tree, with a specific emphasis on ensuring that red links lean left. The recursive function for
inserting a new sector node into the LLRBT will follow these steps:
• Parameter Handling: Take the current node and its coordinates as parameters.
• Initiation: Start the insertion with the root node of the LLRBT. If the tree is empty (root is
nullptr), the new node becomes the root and is colored BLACK. Otherwise, proceed based on the
sector coordinates. Insert to the left child if criteria dictate, otherwise to the right.
• Recursive Insertion: Make a recursive call to the insert function with the appropriate child (left or
right) based on the comparison. If reaching a nullptr position, create a new red node with the
given coordinates.
• Fixing Violations: After insertion, fix any violations of the LLRBT properties. This includes enforcing
left-leaning red links, balancing consecutive red links, and ensuring every path from a node to
descendant leaves contains the same number of black nodes. This is achieved through rotations
(left or right as needed) and color flips.
• Structure Maintenance: Return the current node after each recursive call. This step is crucial as
the subtree’s root (or the overall tree) might change due to rotations during the fixing process.
• Root Assignment: The node returned from the initial function call (starting at the root) becomes
the new root of the LLRBT.
Please note, the insertion process in an LLRBT differs significantly from both a standard Binary Search
Tree and a traditional Red-Black Tree. It requires specific operations such as left-leaning rotations and
color flips to maintain the unique properties of LLRBTs.
Remember the example from Section 1.4 where we obtained
a completely imbalanced, right-leaning tree? In that particular case, the destination sector was 59RUF , and the rescue team needed to make three space jumps to reach Dr.
In contrast, by using a Red-Black Tree instead of a Binary
Search Tree, our new space sector map is balanced (see the
figure on the right), and the rescue team will only need to
perform two space jumps instead of three. Note that the parent pointers are represented as yellow arrows, while the node
color is shown as black or red node outlines. The efficiency
of the rescue path is directly affected by the tree’s structure,
emphasizing the importance of a balanced tree in optimizing
the rescue mission.
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
2.1 Finding an Optimized Path to Dr. Elara
In order to be able to search through the sector tree map, you can use the same three BST traversal
algorithms: inorder, preorder, and postorder, implemented in the previous task. Below, the expected
traversal outputs are given for the obtained sample tree:
Space sectors inorder traversal:
BLACK sector: 0SSS
RED sector: 22SUF
BLACK sector: 31SUF
BLACK sector: 59RUF
BLACK sector: 64RUF
Space sectors preorder traversal:
BLACK sector: 59RUF
RED sector: 22SUF
BLACK sector: 0SSS
BLACK sector: 31SUF
BLACK sector: 64RUF
Space sectors postorder traversal:
BLACK sector: 0SSS
BLACK sector: 31SUF
RED sector: 22SUF
BLACK sector: 64RUF
BLACK sector: 59RUF
Note that this time, the color of the sector in the tree is also displayed.
Your mission in this task is to navigate the space sector tree
map to determine the exact path needed to reach the sector
where Dr. Elara is stranded, noting that the sector where the
Earth is located may not be the root sector node any longer.
Sectors are again connected by two-way wormholes, reflected
by the child and parent links in our new sector tree map.
Starting from Earth’s sector, the rescue team will use these
inter-sector connections to perform ‘space jumps’ from one
sector to another, ultimately reaching Dr. Elara’s location.
You are tasked with implementing a function that returns a
vector of pointers to Sector nodes, such that, following these
pointers in sequence will guide the rescue team from Earth to
Dr. Elara’s sector. For instance, if based on the decoded message, we were informed that Dr. Elara is in sector 59RUF .
Using the obtained sample tree structure, the expected path
(illustrated on the right) should be printed like this:
The stellar path to Dr. Elara: 0SSS->22SUF->59RUF
In this example, the expected path to the intended sector necessitates two space jumps to reach the
destination from the Earth.
In the second example illustrated on the right, we assume that
that Dr. Elara is in sector 31SUF , based on the decoded message. Using the obtained sample tree structure, the expected
path should be printed like this:
The stellar path to Dr. Elara: 0SSS->22SUF->31SUF
Via this example, we observe that the path may or may not visit
the root of our tree sector map. Another important note: make
sure that there are no duplicate Sector nodes in the path!
If a path cannot be found, the expected output is:
A path to Dr. Elara could not be found.
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
3 BONUS Task 3: Planetary Classification System (for extra 20
To embark on a quest to locate Dr. Elara, we start with classifying habitable planets from a collection of
planetary systems. For this, we will employ a k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) classification, enhanced with a
KD-tree, to efficiently process this astronomical data. KD-tree comes in handy for calculating the nearest
neighbors for kNN classification algorithm, reducing the computational complexity from O(n) to O(logN)
on the average.
3.1 Prerequisite Knowledge
3.1.1 Classification:
Classification in machine learning is a form of supervised learning, where the algorithm learns from labeled
training data to categorize new observations. The aim is to predict discrete labels or categories based
on learned patterns and relationships in the data. In our application, the algorithm will classify planets
as ‘habitable’ or ‘not habitable’ using known examples. Here, we hold the assumption that planets with
similar properties with those of habitable ones are also potentially habitable.
3.1.2 kNN and kNN Classification:
k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) is a straightforward yet effective method for classification. It assumes that
similar items exist in close proximity. In this method, a data point is classified based on the majority label
among its ‘k’ nearest neighbors in the feature space. The feature space refers to the n-dimensional space,
where each record/row in the dataset corresponds to a point. Here, each row contains n features and a
label. That is, the algorithm classifies a new instance by checking with the closes n nearest neighbors in
the same feature space. Based on the label of the majority in the neighborhood, label of the new instance
is predicted.
In practice, kNN does not learn a specific model for classification but rather memorizes the training set.
Upon receiving a new observation, kNN calculates distances to all training points, finds the ‘k’ closest
ones, and assigns the most frequent label among them to the new point.
3.1.3 KD-Tree and Its Use in kNN
• KD-Tree Overview: A KD-Tree, or K-Dimensional Tree, is a space-partitioning data structure
used for efficiently organizing points in a multi-dimensional space. The key advantage of KD-Trees
lies in their ability to reduce the computational complexity of searching for nearest neighbors, which
is particularly significant in high-dimensional spaces.
• Computational Cost: Naive kNN Search vs. KD-Tree Search: In a naive kNN search,
the computational cost to find the nearest neighbors for a query point involves calculating the
distance from the query point to every other point in the dataset. This process has a computational
complexity of O(N), where N is the number of points in the dataset.
In contrast, a KD-Tree organizes the data points in a tree structure, dividing the space into regions
at each node. This structure allows the kNN search to effectively eliminate large portions of the
search space that do not need to be explored, thus significantly reducing the number of distance
calculations. The average computational complexity for a kNN search in a well-balanced KD-Tree
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Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
is O(logN), making it much more efficient than the naive approach, especially as the size of the
dataset grows.
Figure 1 showcases the partitioned search space with a KD-tree and the partitions that can be
overlooked, making the search process more efficient.
Figure 1: KD Tree extracted from
3.1.4 Variance
Variance is a statistical measure that describes the spread of numbers in a dataset. It indicates how much
the values in the dataset deviate from the mean. In the context of the kd-tree, variance is used as a
criterion to assess whether further splitting of the data is beneficial.
In the context of our kd-tree algorithm, a low variance on a particular dimension suggests that the data
points are closely clustered together along that dimension. In the kd-tree construction process, if the
variance of the data points in the current node is below a certain threshold, it implies that the points
are similar enough to be grouped together, and the node can be turned into a leaf, stopping further
partitioning along that branch. This is called pre-pruning the tree.
) = 1
(xi − µ)
is the variance
N is the number of data points
xi represents each individual data point
µ is the mean (average) of the data points
X is the summation symbol, used to sum the squared differences
between each data point and the mean
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
3.1.5 Normalization
Normalization is a fundamental data preprocessing step in machine learning and data mining. It involves
adjusting the range of your data so that different features contribute equally to the final results. In the
context of k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) and KD-Trees, normalization is essential for ensuring that each
feature equally influences the distance calculations, thereby improving the accuracy and effectiveness of
the algorithm.
Standardization, a common normalization technique, transforms the data to have a mean of 0 and a
standard deviation of 1. This is particularly useful in cases where the features in your dataset are measured
in different units and have varying ranges. The mathematical formula for standardization is given by:
0 =
x − µ
• x
is the standardized value.
• x is the original value.
• µ is the mean of the feature values.
• σ is the standard deviation of the feature values.
In this assignment, you will apply standardization to the features of the planetary data before using them
in the kNN algorithm and KD-tree construction. This process will ensure that each feature contributes
proportionally to the distance calculations, leading to more reliable classification results.
3.2 KD-Tree Construction Algorithm
Below, you can see the steps we will use for building the kd-tree within the context of this
1. Determine the Split Dimension: The first step involves choosing the dimension along which to
split the data. The preferred dimension is the one with the highest variance, as this is likely to lead
to a more balanced distribution of data points in each subtree, potentially resulting in a tree that
requires fewer splits.
2. Check for Stopping Condition: Before splitting, the algorithm evaluates the variance of the data
points along the chosen dimension. If this variance falls below a predefined threshold, the algorithm
stops dividing the data at this node and creates a leaf node, bundling together the data instances
that fall into that leaf node. This approach helps to prevent overly complex tree structures in areas
where the data is already densely clustered.
3. Determine the Split Value: The split value is calculated as the median of the data points along
the chosen split dimension. Selecting the median ensures a balanced split, ideally dividing the data
into two subsets with an equal number of points.
4. Split the Data: Divide the data into two groups based on the split value. Points below the median
in the split dimension form the left group, while points at or above the median form the right group.
The data point that corresponds to the split value itself is included in the right group to maintain
5. Create an Internal Node: Construct a new internal node that stores the split dimension and
value. Note that internal nodes in the KD-Tree do not store actual data points. Instead, they serve
as decision points to guide the tree’s traversal.
6. Recursively Build Subtrees: Apply the process recursively to the left and right groups of data.
Continue this division until all data points are allocated to leaf nodes.
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7. Data Points in Leaf Nodes: It is important to note that all real data points in the KD-Tree are
stored exclusively in the leaf nodes. These leaf nodes act as ‘buckets’ that contain the actual data
3.3 k-Nearest Neighbors Search using KD-Tree
The k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) search algorithm in a KD-Tree efficiently finds the ‘k’ closest data points
(neighbors) to a given query point in a multi-dimensional space. The algorithm consists of the following
1. Traverse to the Relevant Leaf Node: Starting at the root, traverse the KD-Tree to find the leaf
node that the query point would fall into. This involves comparing the query point’s dimensions to
those of the current node and moving to the left or right child node accordingly, until a leaf node
is reached.
2. Search within the Leaf Node: In the leaf node, calculate the distance from the query point to
each point within the node’s data bucket. Keep track of the ‘k’ closest points in this bucket.
3. Backtrack to Explore Other Branches: After searching the leaf node, backtrack up the tree to
previously visited nodes to check if other branches need to be explored. This is necessary because
the nearest neighbors might lie across different partitions divided by the KD-Tree.
• For each node during backtracking, calculate the distance from the query point to the node’s
splitting dimension.
• If this distance is less than the distance to the furthest point in the current set of ‘k’ nearest
neighbors, explore the opposite branch of this node as it might contain closer points.
4. Update Nearest Neighbors List: If closer points are found in other branches during the backtracking process, update the list of ‘k’ nearest neighbors accordingly.
5. Complete the Search: If there is no closer points in the other branches, stop the search.
This approach ensures that the KD-Tree is thoroughly searched for the nearest neighbors, considering
both the initial path to the leaf node and potential closer neighbors in other parts of the tree.
3.4 Input File
An input file, in DAT format, with the information about the known planets will be given as the second
command line argument. This training file includes the space-separated planet features and a label that
states if it is habitable or not. Additionally, this file includes the threshold value to be used for kd-tree
construction, determining when to stop growing the tree. For testing, an instance of a planet’s features
with no label will be created to be used for classification (see an example usage in sample main.cpp).
Below is an excerpt from the input file showing its structure and some sample data:
# Planet Data File
# Features: Distance_from_Star, Planet_Mass, Average_Surface_Temp,
# Atmospheric_Oxygen, Water_Surface_Coverage, Orbital_Period, Star_Luminosity
# Label: Habitability
# Data
1.40,5.29,-4.83,0.11,52.31,630.72,1.27,Not Habitable
1.31,7.53,41.75,0.24,25.05,543.67,1.35,Not Habitable
# Threshold
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Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
3.5 Task Implementation Steps
The steps to implement the given task are given below:
1. Parsing: Read the files in DAT format. Identify the features, label (habitability), and the threshold
2. Normalization: Standardize the each feature seperately, as explained in 1.1.5.
3. KD-Tree Construction: Using the standardized data, construct the KD-Tree, considering the
threshold value to determine when to stop tree growth.
4. kNN Classification: Standardize each feature of the test datum using the corresponding feature’s
mean and standard deviation in the train data. Then, use the built kd-tree to find the nearest
neighbors and perform majority voting for classification on a given instance.
For the given sample input data, the expected KD-tree is illustrated in the figure below.
Atmospheric Oxygen
< -1.089 ≥ -1.089
Star Luminosity Avg. Surface Temp.
< -1.305 ≥ -1.305 < -1.42 ≥ -1.420
Not Habitable Habitable Not Habitable
Note that with larger input data sizes, it is possible for more than one planet to be grouped
into any of the ’buckets’ in the KD-Tree. Once the variance in the data is below the
predefined threshold, we stop growing the tree. In such cases, we will have a bucket
containing multiple data points in the leaf nodes. Additionally, in this specific instance, you
observe that the resulting KD-Tree features only three dimensions, despite the availability
of more features in the input data. The selection of these dimensions is guided by the
variance in each feature, as detailed above. This approach ensures efficient and relevant
feature usage in the KD-Tree construction.
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
4 Assignment Implementation Tasks and Requirements
In this section, we outline the classes and functions you are required to implement. As aspiring engineers,
it’s crucial to base your code on the provided starter code that offers a predetermined class structure. This
ensures code clarity, proper encapsulation, and facilitates unit testing. It’s imperative that you do not
alter the names or signatures of functions provided in the template files. Likewise, refrain from renaming
or changing the types of the specified member variables. Other than that, you’re free to introduce any
additional functions or variables as needed.
Sector Class
• Constructor:
Sector(int x, int y, int z)
- Initializes a sector based on the given coordinates. Calculates the sector’s distance from the Earth
and generates its unique sector code.
• Operators =, ==, ! =: Overloading the assignment and comparison operators.
• Destructor:
- Frees any dynamically allocated memory if necessary.
SpaceSectorBST Class
• Constructor:
- Initializes a space sector BST instance with a nullptr root (already given).
• Functions:
void readSectorsFromFile(const std::string& filename)
- Reads sectors from the given input file and inserts them into the space sector BST map according
to the coordinates-based comparison criteria.
void insertSectorByCoordinates(int x, int y, int z)
- Instantiates and inserts a new sector into the space sector BST map according to the coordinatesbased comparison criteria.
void deleteSector(const std::string& sector_code)
- Deletes the sector, given by its sector code, from the space sector BST map.
void displaySectorsInOrder()
- Traverses the space sector BST map in-order and prints the sectors to STDOUT in the given format.
void displaySectorsPreOrder()
- Traverses the space sector BST map in pre-order traversal and prints the sectors to STDOUT in the
given format.
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Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
void displaySectorsPostOrder()
- Traverses the space sector BST map post-order traversal and prints the sectors to STDOUT in the
given format.
std::vector<Sector*> getStellarPath(const std::string& sector_code)
- Finds the path from the Earth to the destination sector given by the sector_code and returns
this path as a vector or Sector pointers in the path.
void printStellarPath(const std::vector<Sector*>& path)
- Prints the stellar path obtained from the getStellarPath() function to STDOUT in the given
• Destructor:
- Frees any dynamically allocated memory if necessary.
SpaceSectorLLRBT Class
• Constructor:
- Initializes a space sector BST instance with a nullptr root (already given).
• Functions:
void readSectorsFromFile(const std::string& filename)
- Reads sectors from the given input file and inserts them into the space sector LLRBT map according
to the coordinates-based comparison criteria.
void insertSectorByCoordinates(int x, int y, int z)
- Instantiates and inserts a new sector into the space sector LLRBT map according to the coordinatesbased comparison criteria.
The instructions given for the displaySectorsInOrder(), displaySectorsPreOrder(),
displaySectorsPostOrder(), getStellarPath(), and printStellarPath() functions
of the SpaceSectorBST class above, are also applicable for this class.
• Destructor:
- Frees any dynamically allocated memory if necessary.
Bonus Part Classes
Please refer to the comments inside the relevant classes starter code for details.
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
Must-Use Starter Codes
You MUST use this starter (template) code. All headers and classes should be placed directly inside
your zip archive.
Grading Policy - You May Earn a Total of 120 pts.
• No memory leaks and errors: 10%
– No memory leaks: 5%
– No memory errors: 5%
• Implementation of the tasks: 80%
– Task 1 - Space Sector Mapping: 40%
∗ Reading input and properly implementing the corresponding BST structure with node
insertions: 15%
∗ Proper implementation of deletion from the BST: 10%
∗ Proper implementation of BST traversals: 5%
∗ Proper implementation of pathfinding: 10%
– Task 2 - Optimizing Space Sector Mapping: 40%
∗ Reading input and properly implementing the corresponding LLRBT structure with node
insertions: 25%
∗ Proper implementation of pathfinding: 15%
• BONUS Task 3 - Planetary Classification System: 20%
– Reading the input file and building the KD-Tree: 10%
– Searching the KD-Tree to extract the nearest neighbors and correctly classify a planet: 10%
• Output tests: 10%
Important Notes
• Do not miss the deadline: Friday, 29.12.2023 (23:59:59) .
• Save all your work until the assignment is graded.
• The assignment solution you submit must be your original, individual work. Duplicate or similar
assignments are both going to be considered as cheating.
• You can ask your questions via Piazza (
bbm203), and you are supposed to be aware of everything discussed on Piazza.
• You must test your code via Tur3Bo Grader
(does not count as submission!).
• You must submit your work via with the file hierarchy
given below:
– b<studentID>.zip
∗ KDT_Node.h <FILE>
∗ KD_Tree.cpp <FILE>
∗ KD_Tree.h <FILE>
∗ kNN.cpp <FILE>
∗ kNN.h <FILE>
∗ kNN_Data.h <FILE>
∗ kNN_DAT_Parser.h <FILE>
Programming Assignment 4 - Deadline: 29/12/2023 at 23:59:59
Hacettepe Computer Engineering - BBM203 Software Practicum I - Fall 2023
∗ Sector.cpp <FILE>
∗ Sector.h <FILE>
∗ SpaceSectorBST.cpp <FILE>
∗ SpaceSectorBST.h <FILE>
∗ SpaceSectorLLRBT.cpp <FILE>
∗ SpaceSectorLLRBT.h <FILE>
• You MUST use this starter code. All classes should be placed directly in your zip archive.
• This file hierarchy must be zipped before submitted (not .rar, only .zip files are supported).
Build and Run Configuration
Here is an example of how your code will be compiled (note that instead of main.cpp we will use our
test files):
$ g++ -g -std=c++11 *.cpp, *.h -o mission_rescue
Or, you can use the provided Makefile within the sample input to compile your code:
$ make
After compilation, you can run the program as follows:
$ make
$ ./mission_rescue sectors.dat simple_planet_train.dat
Academic Integrity Policy
All work on assignments must be done individually. You are encouraged to discuss the given assignments
with your classmates, but these discussions should be carried out in an abstract way. That is, discussions
related to a particular solution to a specific problem (either in actual code or in pseudocode) will not be
tolerated. In short, turning in someone else’s work (including work available on the internet), in whole
or in part, as your own will be considered as a violation of academic integrity. Please note that the
former condition also holds for the material found on the web as everything on the web has been written
by someone else.
The submissions will be subjected to a similarity check. Any submissions that
fail the similarity check will not be graded and will be reported to the ethics
committee as a case of academic integrity violation, which may result in the
suspension of the involved students.

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