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Project I Mining Frequent Itemsets

The main objective of this project is to find frequent itemsets by implementing two efficient
algorithms: A-Priori and PCY. The goal is to find frequent pairs of elements. You do not need to
find triples and larger itemsets.
See lectures 3, 4, 5, and 6 on Blackboard. See chapter 6 of the textbook.
Programming Language
You can choose your favorite programming language (C, C++, Java, C#, and Python etc.)
The retail dataset contains anonymized retail market basket data (88K baskets) from an anonymous
retail store. The preprocessing step to map text labels into integers has already been done. Use
Sublime Text, TextPad or Notepad++ or other software to open the file. Do not use Notepad.
Dataset link:
Perform the scalability study for finding frequent pairs of elements by dividing the dataset into
different chunks and measure the time performance. Provide the line chart. Provide results for the
following support thresholds: 1%, 5%, 10%. For example, if your chuck is 10% of the dataset, you
have around 8,800 baskets. Therefore, if your support threshold is 5%, you should count the pairs
that appear in at least 440 baskets. See three samples below for three different support thresholds.
Note, the sample charts contain hypothetical numbers!2
Optional (Bonus Points)
• Implement Multistage (3 Passes) version of PCY, using one extra hashtable (0.25% extra).
(add the results to the line chart)
• Implement Multihash version of PCY, using one extra hashtable (0.25% extra). (add the
results to the line chart)

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