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Homework 1 C program

CS1372  Homework 1
This Assignment is due via T-Square 
This assignment is primarily to make sure that you have your coding environment setup and operation
and that you are understanding the basic concepts.
Write a C program that will light up the following pattern of pixels on the GBA screen:
Pixel Location Color
Row Col Color
25 20 Red
47 60 Yellow
69 100 Green
80 120 White
81 140 Cyan
113 180 Blue
135 220 Magenta
The general format of your code should be as follows:
// Name: //
// Prism Account: //
// Collaboration: //
// "I worked on the homework assignment alone, using only //
// course materials." //
// or //
// "I received outside aid on this assigned from the following //
// person(s): //
int main()
/* Declare and initialize whatever variables you need here */
/* Setup for Mode 3 using Background 2 */
/* Light up the pixels */
You may, of course, modularize your solution by creating whatever functions you would like.
When your code works properly turn in your C file to T-Square.

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