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Using “21stCentury Leadership” as a basis for your literature review,


Important Guidelines

Introduction: Using “21stCentury Leadership” as a basis for your literature review, you are required to outline the key academic themes on this topic.


Comparison of the literature material and critical analysis: You are required to compare, contrast, synthesize and critically analyze the academic research on the topicwhilerelyingon published academic work i.e. books and journal articles.Thiswill require you to discuss academic definitions, identify key themes in the literature, and discuss the potential applications and implications of the literature to show that you understand the quality of the sources that you are using.


Conclusion and Recommendations: A summary of the major topics and significant discussions and articles of the literature review should be presented in this section. Recommendations for improvement canalso be suggested in this section and the final conclusion can contain insight into the topic. It is important that the candidate provides evidence-based conclusions in this section as required by the assignment criteria.





•What are the underlying causes of changes to leadership competencies?

Under this section you are required to explore and identify the underlying causes of changes to leadership competencies. There could be different aspects and perspectives to consider in formulating the answer for this section.

Some of the possible causes are;

•Exposureto different business environments/ circumstances

•Different personal and emotional experiences / changes

•Learning and development activities

•Personal evolvement and growth

•Age and maturity


2.0 Critical Analysis and comparison of literature material:


An evaluation of the modern thinking on the topic should be stated and this could providethe candidate with the opportunity to identify the key academic theories, key themes available relevant to the topic, previous findings of this particular area of study and flaws in the area of research.The core requirement under this section is to compare, contrast, synthesize and critically analyze the academic research on this topic.Then candidates can discuss the potential applications and implications of the literature. This will show the candidate’s understanding ofthe quality of the sources that they are using and demonstrate that the knowledge on the topic is up to date.Candidates should read and analyze a wide range of academic materials in order to demonstrate their ability to read widely. The following sequence can be used to develop the bodyof the assignment which is the literature review:

1.Discuss various academic definitions scholars debated on the topic

2.Identify key themes/theories available in the literature

3.Discuss potential applications and implications of the literature.


Furthermore, the candidates should also present discussions that are supported with reliable academic sources and critically analyze the research used in the work. It is also imperative that the business knowledge of candidates is up to date in relation tokey business issues and they should be able to reach conclusions while providing sufficient justifications when concluding the writing.


The following factors must be considered when developing the Critical Literature Review:

1.The definitions and background discussion of the key words

2.The current trends of the topic should be explained in relation to its impact on the modern business arena.

3.A clear discussion comparing and contrasting different critical views based on the academic material should be presented.

4.Areas in which authors are in disagreement with respect to the topic should be emphasized.

5.A presentation of how the study related to previous studies and literature in general.


A clear evidence based conclusion including recommendations and summarizing the literature used should be provided. This should ideally include references as well.

It is important to identify key themes, models and modern trends on the chosen topic here. The candidates can identify key themes, academic theories, modelsand frameworks related to the topic of research and themes in the literature.


Finally the modern trends in relation to the topic can be explored. The critical analysis should not only synthesizethe literature used but also must present the literature ina logical sequence order. The aim of this section is to provide the reader with an understanding of the concept under investigation. Here the candidate has to paraphrase and cite the sources of literature from which the discussion is adapted.


For example:discussion on economic development since globalization and its different aspects, how globalization is affecting the global markets etc.Canbe divided into sub topics and explained citing the sources. This will be the main body of the report.

Candidates could use graphical illustrations to demonstrate the answer in a clear manner.

For an instance, graphs and charts that depict the effect of globalization on the standard of living or changes in FD since globalization are aspects that can be graphically displayed and explained to provide a clear idea to the reader in the literature review.For example, the candidate can broadly categories the impact of globalization on world economic development as following:


•Global markets•International institutions•Changes in world trade•Changes in foreign direct investment

•Corporation changes•Technological effects•Effects on the standard of living•Effect on employment

•Industrial effects•Cultural changes •Environmental effects


The above-mentionedcategorizations can be used to explain the impacts of globalization on economic development.

These explanations can be concise but cited with relevant academic sources. Thegraphical illustrations to display the data identified through the sources and explaining them would provide the answer with the necessary justification which can be later used to draw conclusions and suggest recommendations.


Further to this, sections analyzing the persisting issues relevant to the topic and its negative impacts can be discussed, e.g: Negative impacts of Globalization on the Environment.A key aspect to this section is to present arguments or statements from a variety of academic sources and conducting a comparison between the points. It is crucial to cite the sources appropriately.


Once the viewpoints are identified, it is important to bring forward the candidate’s own perspective of the issue under discussion in order to maintain a strong line of argument. For example:Amartya Sen (2002) has argued “the market economy does not work by itself in global relations, indeed, it cannot operate alone even within a given country.” However in contradiction to this statement, Hill (2009) states that the global market refers to the “Merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into onehuge market place with which the global markets liberalize economic activities of exchange of goods and funds.” This removal of cross-border trade barriers has made the formation of global markets more feasible.

When contradictory arguments are presented in this manner, the student can include brief explanations on how they contradict,and present theirown perspective in relation to the facts.Hence identification of key themes and theories available in the literature and discussing the potential applications and implications of the literature in relation to the selected topic could be attempted in this section.


3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation


Having a strong conclusion is imperative for the critical review as it is the final stage that makes an impression on the chosen topic. The goal of the conclusion is not to introduce new ideas but to summarize the points and facts stated during the critical analysis and discussion sections. The conclusion should particularly accomplish three major goals:

1.Restate the main idea of the report or essay

2.Summarize the sub points stated in the body section of the report

3.Create a strong final note on the topics discussed.


It is important that the candidate provides evidence-based conclusions in this section as required by the assignment criteria. Hence the candidates will be required to provide references under this section.Recommendations can be included in this section for the issues identified in the discussion or analysis section of the report, for example the issue identified in relation to the negative impacts of globalization on technology. Recommendations to overcome or minimize these negative effects can be suggested under this section of the answer.The most important aspect to be noted under this section is that the conclusions provided by the student are evidence based and hence the student will be required to provide references under this section.


Helper Questions


Is it compulsory to conduct critical analysis based on own research?

No, as per the assessment requirements, it is a critical literature review that can be done by referring to material alreadypublished by reliable sources and hence does not require the student to conduct research


What is the sequence in which I have to present the literature review?

The sequence your answer is presented depends on the choice of literature. It can vary from Chronological, By Publication, Trends, and Thematic or Methodological sequences.


Is it compulsory to use models and theories in the critical analysis?

It is important that relevant modelsand theories based on the topic selected are presented in the literature review.

For example:if the topic selected is Leadership, the leadership theories based on the core categories of leadership can be mentioned and discussed in detail.


How can I summarizeall the models and theories to fit in the word count requirement?

The best way to arrange your answer to fit the word count requirements is to use tables and pictures to present the answer.

For example: if the selected topic is leadership, models such as the situational leadership modelandBlake and Mouton’s managerial grid can be illustrated using diagrams,and a brief explanation under each can be provided.


Are there any word count restrictions that need to be considered when developing the report?

Yes, the report should be presented in 2,500 words. The candidate needs to note that introduction, conclusion, tables, charts, diagrams, graphs and citationswithin the answer and headings are included in the word count.

Table of contents, bibliography/ reference listand appendices are excludedfrom the word count.


What is the required format for answering this question?

Candidates are required to present the answer as a report. It should be well-structured, accurate, concise and clear.


A third person writing style should be used in the report.

The following format is suggested. However, candidates are free to use any alternative approach when compiling the report.Candidates need to ensure that these additional sections of the report are written very briefly by using a minimum number of words.


Is it compulsory for the conclusion section to have recommendations?

The conclusion is generally a summation of the entire report. Depending on the points discussed if recommendations are required, they canbe included in this section. However the student is at liberty to include the recommendations or not under the conclusions section.


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