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Homework 2: ML And Recursive Data

Now that we have some basic container capabilities, you are to build several classic container data
structures. Feel free to use the course web page to find additional information and tutorials if needed.
Handin a single text file (.sml extension) with your answers. Do respect the name of the functions
and calling style to ease grading. If you need helper (auxiliary) functions, feel free to add them. Do
comment your code. Feel free to refer to or convenience functions to manipulate strings.
1 Question 1
1. Write an ML function qsort which, given a list of objects l and a comparator function f
(given in curry style, f has type 0a →0 a → bool) outputs a sorted version of l in ascending
order according to f using the classic quicksort algorithm. Note that we are well aware of the
Wikipedia implementation or the other dozen implementations floating on the web. I expect
you to write this on your own! Do not use any basis (library) functions and write every helper
function from first principles. Namely, write
fun qsort l f = ...
2. Revisit the previous question, but this time, you cannot define the partition from first principles
(as a recursive function) nor can you use the List.partition basis function. The only thing you
can use is the higher-order function foldr.
fun qsHigh l f = ...
3. Write an ML function cross which, given two lists, computes the list of their cross-products.
Namely, given the inputs [1,2,3] and [4,5,6], it computes [(1,4), (1,5), (1,6), (2,4),
(2,5), (2,6), (3,4), (3,5), (3,6)].
fun cross a b = ...
4. Revisit the previous question and write an ML function crossHigh that computes the crossproduct in Θ(n ∗ m) (where n and m are the lengths of the input lists) while using exclusively
higher order functions (i.e., nothing you write can be recursive). Feel free to use the append
list function:op@.
fun crossHigh a b = ...
5. Finally, revisit the question one last time and produce an implementation that does not use
op@ and only relies on folding.
fun crossFold a b = ...
Have fun!

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