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CECS 229: Programming Assignment #1

CECS 229: Programming Assignment #1

Submission Instructions:
To receive credit for this assignment, you must submit to CodePost this file converted to a Python script named

Compute the quotient and remainder of two numbers.
Apply numerical algorithms for computing the sum of two numbers in binary representation.
Apply numerical algorithms for computing the modular exponentiation of a positive integer.
Problem 1:
Program a function div_alg(a, d) that computes the quotient and remainder of
according to the Division Algorithm (THM 4.1.2).

The function should satisfy the following:

a - an integer representing the dividend
d - positive integer representing the divisor
a dictionary of the form {'quotient' : q, 'remainder' : r} where q and r are the quotient and remainder values, respectively. The remainder should satisfy,  0≤r<d

>> div_alg( 101 , 11 )

{'quotient' : 9, 'remainder' : 2}

'''Problem 1 Solution:'''
# Writing a function to compute the quotient and remainder according to the Division Algorithm
def div_alg(a, d: int): # a -> dividend; d(a positive integer) -> divisor
    q = 0  # q -> quotient
    r = abs(a) # r -> remainder in absolute value
    # Running a while loop to compute the quotient and remainder
    while r >= d:
        r -= d
        q += 1
    if a < 0 and r > 0:
        r = d - r
        q = -(q + 1)
    return {'quotient': q, 'remainder': r} # {q = a div d is the quotient, r = a mod d is the remainder}
print(div_alg(10, 3))
print(div_alg(101, 11))
Problem 2:
Program a function binary_add(a, b) that computes the sum of the binary numbers
using the algorithm discussed in lecture. No credit will be given to functions that employ any other implementation. The function can not use built-in functions that already perform some kind of binary representation or addition of binary numbers. For example, the function implementation can not use the functions bin() or int(a, base=2).

The function should satisfy the following:

a - a string of the 0's and 1's that make up the first binary number. The string may contain spaces.
b - a string of the 0's and 1's that make up the first binary number. The string may contain spaces.
the string of 0's and 1's that is the result of computing  a+b
 . The string must be separated by spaces into blocks of 4 characters or less, beginning at the end of the string.

>> binary_add( '10 1011' , '11011')

'100 0110'

'''Problem 2 Solution:'''
# Writing a function to convert a string binary to numerical binary
def stringBin_to_numBin(bin):
    decimal = 0
    bin = bin[::-1] # Reverses the binary number string
    for i in range(len(bin)): # Iterates through the binary number string
        if bin[i] == '1': # Checks if the current digit is 1
            decimal += 2 ** i  # Computes the decimal value of the binary number
    return decimal # Returns the decimal value of the binary number

# Writing a function to compute the sum of two binary numbers with base-b expansions
def base_expansion(n, b): # n -> integer; b -> base(positive integers with b > 1)
    q = n # q -> dividend that is updated in each iteration
    k = 0 # k -> index of the current coefficient in the base expansion
    exp_result = [] # holds the list of coefficients
    while q != 0:
        a = q % b # a -> coefficient of the base b
        q = q // b # q -> dividend that is updated in each iteration
        exp_result.append(a) # adds coefficient to the list every iteration
        k += 1 # Updates the index of the coefficient
    return exp_result[::-1] # returns the list of coefficients in reverse order

# Writing a function to compute the sum of two binary numbers with base-2 expansions
def binary_add(a, b): # a and b are binary numbers
    # Removes the spaces in the binary numbers
    a = a.replace(' ', '')
    b = b.replace(' ', '')
    # Converts the binary numbers to integers
    a = stringBin_to_numBin(a)
    b = stringBin_to_numBin(b)
    bin_num1 = base_expansion(a, 2) # bin_num1 -> binary number a
    bin_num2 = base_expansion(b, 2) # bin_num2 -> binary number b
    carry = 0 # c -> carry bit
    sum = '' # sum -> sum of the two binary numbers

    # Checks if the length of the binary numbers are equal
    # Adds 0s to the beginning of the shorter binary number
    if len(bin_num1) < len(bin_num2):
        bin_num1 = [0] * (len(bin_num2) - len(bin_num1)) + bin_num1 
        bin_num2 = [0] * (len(bin_num1) - len(bin_num2)) + bin_num2

    for i in range(0, max(len(bin_num1), len(bin_num2))):
        x = (bin_num1[len(bin_num1) - 1 - i] + bin_num2[len(bin_num2) - 1 - i] + carry) % 2 # Computes the sum of the two binary numbers
        y = (bin_num1[len(bin_num1) - 1 - i] + bin_num2[len(bin_num2) - 1 - i] + carry) // 2 # Computes the carry bit using quotient
        sum = str(x) + sum # Adds/Updates the sum to the sum string
        carry = y # Updates the carry bit
    if carry == 1:
        sum = str(carry) + sum # Adds the carry bit to the sum string if the carry bit is 1

    final_sum = '' # Holds the sum with spaces every 4 digits
    count = 0 # Holds the count of the digits
    for i in range(len(sum) -1, -1, -1): # Iterates through the sum in reverse order
        count += 1 # Increments the count 
        final_sum = str(sum[i]) + final_sum # Adds the current digit to the final sum
        if count % 4 == 0 and i != 0: # Check for the 4th digit 
            final_sum = ' ' + final_sum # Adds a space to the sum every 4 digits
            final_sum = final_sum # Does not add a space to the sum

    return final_sum
print(binary_add('1101 1011 1100', '1101 1011 1100'))
111 0111
1 1011 0111 1000
Problem 3:
Program a function mod_exp(b, n, m) that computes
using the algorithm discussed in lecture. No credit will be given to functions that employ any other implementation. For example, if the function implementation simply consists of b ** n % m, no credit will be given.

The function should satisfy the following:

b - positive integer representing the base
n - positive integer representing the exponent
m - positive integer representing the modulo
the computation of  bnmodm
  if b, n, m are positive integers, 0 otherwise.

>> mod_exp( 3 , 644, 645 )


'''Problem 3 Solution:'''
# Writing a function that computes the modular exponentiation of a number
def mod_exp(b, n, m): # b -> base; n -> exponent; m -> modulus (all positive integers)
    result = 1 # result -> the final result of the modular exponentiation
    if b < 0 or n < 0 or m < 0: # Checks if the base, exponent, and modulus are positive integers
        result = 0 # Returns as the result 0 to satisfy the condition
    k = bin(n)[2:] # k -> converting the exponent 'n' into binary form using 'bin' without the '0b'
    power = b % m # power -> base to the power of 2
    for i in range(len(k) -1, -1, -1): # Iterates through the binary form of the exponent in reverse order
        if k[i] == '1': # Checks if the current digit is 1
            result = (result * power) % m # Computes the result
        power = (power * power) % m # Computes the power
    return result # result = b^n mod m
print(mod_exp(-89, 1070, 625))
print(mod_exp(9, 6, 2))
print(mod_exp(89, 1149, 538))
print(mod_exp(98, 757, 596))
print(mod_exp(39, 1148, 281))
print(mod_exp(3, 644, 645))
print(mod_exp(11, 644, 645))

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