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CECS 229: Programming Assignment #2

CECS 229: Programming Assignment #2

Submission Instructions:
To receive credit for this assignment you must submit to CodePost this file converted to a Python script named

Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all primes in a given range.
Design a computational algorithm for finding the Bézout coefficients of two integers.
Use Bézout coefficients to calculate the GCD.
Problem 1:
Create a function primes(a, b) that uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all the primes  p
  satisfying  a≤p≤b
 . You may not use any built-in functions that perform entire or part of this algorithm.


a - a positive integer greater than or equal to 1 (raise a ValueError if an integer less than 1 is given), that is the lower bound
b - a positive integer greater than or equal to a (raise a ValueError if b < a)

a set of all the primes  p
  satisfying a  ≤p≤

>> primes(1, 10)

{2, 3, 5, 7}

>> primes(50, 100)

{53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97}

Note: the order of the elements might be different in your output, and that is okay! As long as you have all the primes.

# Writing a function to find all the prime numbers between two numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes
def primes(a, b):
    # Writing conditional statements to raise ValueErrors for certain types of inputs
    if a < 1:
        # Raising valueError for Lower Bound(a)
        raise ValueError("The lower bound must be greater than or equal to 1")
    elif b < a:
        # Raising valueError for Upper Bound(b)
        raise ValueError("The upper bound must be greater than or equal to the lower bound")
    else: # Continuing with the code if the inputs are valid
        # Preparing an boolean array of all primes up to the square root of b 
        upper_bound = int(b ** 0.5) # Finding the upper-bound for the boolean array    
        all_primes = [True] * (upper_bound + 1) # The Boolean Array
        # Setting values of 0 and 1 to False(they are not prime nor composite)
        all_primes[0] = all_primes[1] = False
        smallest_prime = 2 # The smallest prime number is 2

        # Finding all the primes up to the square root of b
        for i in range(smallest_prime, int(upper_bound) + 1):
            if all_primes[i] == True:
                for j in range(i * i, upper_bound + 1, i): # Marking all the multiples of i as False
                    all_primes[j] = False

        # Array to store actual values of the prime numbers between a and b
        prime_nums = []
        sieve_range = [True] * (b - a + 1) # Boolean array to store the prime numbers between a and b
        # Finding all the primes between a and b
        for i in range(2, upper_bound + 1):
            if all_primes[i]:
                # Starting point of sieve/root out multiples of i
                starting_point = max(i * i, ((a + i - 1) // i) * i)

                # Marking all the multiples of i as False
                for j in range(starting_point, b + 1, i):
                    sieve_range[j - a] = False
        # Converting "TRUE" primes to their actual values
        for i in range(len(sieve_range)):
            if sieve_range[i] and i + a > 1:
                prime_nums.append(i + a)

        return set(prime_nums) # Returning the prime numbers between a and b as a set
Problem 2:
Create a function bezout_coeffs(a, b) that computes the Bezout coefficients s and t of a and b.


a,b - distinct integers
OUTPUT: {a: s, b: t} - dictionary where keys are the input integers and values are their corresponding Bezout coefficients.

EXAMPLE:     >> bezout_coeffs(414, 662) 

{414 : 8, 662 : -5}

To come up with an algorithm for the function bezout_coeff(a,b) consider the following example:

Suppose  a=13,b=21
 . We seek  s
  and  t
  such that gcd (13,21)=13s+21t
Let's begin by defining  s0=1,t0=0,a1=13,b1=21
 . At every round in attempting to attain the gcd, we will refer to  si
  and  ti
  as the current coefficients of 13 and 21, respectively.

Round 1:

  We will call this EQN 1


s1=−(b1 div a1)=−(21 div 13)=−1
Round 2:

  from EQN 1


s2=s0−s1(b2 div a2)
=1−1(13 div 8)
t2=t0−t1(b2 div a2)
=0−1(13 div 8)
Round 3:

⟹3=8−1b3 div a3⋅5
=1⋅(1t1⋅21−1s1⋅13)−1b3 div a3(2s2⋅13−1t2⋅21)

s3=s1−s2(b3 div a3)
t3=t1−t2(b3 div a3)

Round  k

For any round  k≥2
 , the corresponding  sk
  and  tk
  values are given by

sk=sk−2−sk−1(bk div ak)
tk=tk−2−tk−1(bk div ak)
You should verify for yourself that for any  a,b

s1=−(b div a)
# Writing a function to find the bezout coefficients of two numbers
def bezout_coeffs(a, b):
    # Variables to store the current and updated values of a and b
    value_a, value_b = abs(a), abs(b) # Using absolute values to avoid negative a & b values
    # Variables to store the current and updated values of the 1st & previous round coefficients of a and b
    first_coeff_a, first_coeff_b = 1, 0
    # Variables to store the current and updated values of the 2nd & next round coefficients of a and b
    second_coeff_a, second_coeff_b = 0, 1

    # Creating a loop to go through the rounds of coefficients until b is 0
    while value_b != 0:
        # Integer division of a and b
        quotient = value_a // value_b
        # Modulo of a and b
        remainder = value_a % value_b
        # Calculating the new coefficients of a and b
        new_coeff_a = first_coeff_a - quotient * second_coeff_a
        new_coeff_b = first_coeff_b - quotient * second_coeff_b 

        # Updating the values of a and b
        value_a = value_b
        value_b = remainder
        # Updating the previous and next round coefficients of a
        first_coeff_a = second_coeff_a
        second_coeff_a = new_coeff_a
        # Updating the previous and next round coefficients of b
        first_coeff_b = second_coeff_b
        second_coeff_b = new_coeff_b
    return {a: first_coeff_a, b: first_coeff_b} # Returning the coefficients of a and b as a dictionary
Problem 3:
Create a function gcd(a, b) that computes the greatest common divisor of a and b using the bezout_coeff function you implemented for problem 2 lecture. No credit will be given to functions that employ any other implementation. For example, using the built-in function math.gcd() as part of our implementation will not receive any credit.


a,b - integers
OUTPUT: d - the gcd

EXAMPLE:     >> gcd(414, 662) 


The GCD of any two numbers must be positive by definition.

# Writing a function to find the greatest common divisor of two numbers
def gcd(a,b):
    # Calling the bezout_coeffs function to find the coefficients of a and b
    a_b_coeffs = bezout_coeffs(a, b)
    s_coeff_a = a_b_coeffs[a] # Coefficient of a -> s
    t_coeff_b = a_b_coeffs[b] # Coefficient of b -> t

    # Calculating the greatest common divisor of a and b
    GCD = abs((a * s_coeff_a) + (b * t_coeff_b)) # Following the Bezout Identity: |a*s + b*t| = gcd(a,b) 
    return GCD # Returning the greatest common divisor of a and b
Testing Your Functions
You can test your functions by running the cell below and verifying that your answers agree with the expected outcomes.


print("\nTesting primes(1, 10)\nResult:", primes(1, 10), "\nExpected: {2, 3, 5, 7}")
print("\nTesting primes(2, 37)\nResult:", primes(2, 37), "\nExpected: {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37}")
print("\nTesting primes(2, 100)\nResult:", primes(2, 100), "\nExpected: {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97}")
print("\nTesting bezout_coeffs(414, 662)\nResult:", bezout_coeffs(414, 662), "\nExpected: {414: 8, 662: -5}")
print("\nTesting bezout_coeffs(26, 7)\nResult:", bezout_coeffs(26, 7), "\nExpected: {26: 3, 7: -11}")
print("\nTesting gcd(101, 4620)\nResult:", gcd(101, 4620), "\nExpected: 1")
print("\nTesting gcd(1011, 4620)\nResult:", gcd(1011, 4620), "\nExpected: 3")
print("\nTesting gcd(2349, 36)\nResult:", gcd(2349, 36), "\nExpected: 9")
Testing bezout_coeffs(414, 662)
Result: {414: 8, 662: -5} 
Expected: {414: 8, 662: -5}

Testing bezout_coeffs(26, 7)
Result: {26: 3, 7: -11} 
Expected: {26: 3, 7: -11}

Testing gcd(101, 4620)
Result: 1 
Expected: 1

Testing gcd(1011, 4620)
Result: 3 
Expected: 3

Testing gcd(2349, 36)
Result: 9 
Expected: 9

Testing gcd(414, 662)
Result: 2 
Expected: 2

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