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CECS 451 Assignment 7 SOLVED

CECS 451
Assignment 7
Total: 20 Points
General Instruction
• Submit uncompressed file(s) in the Dropbox folder via BeachBoard (Not email).
• For the answers for exercises, use pdf format. Other formats are not acceptable.
1. (10 points) Test a Bayesian network tool on your workstation.
i. Find bayes.jar and run it on your workstation.
ii. Create nodes and edges to represent Figure 1.
iii. Set the CPT (conditional probability table) to represent Figure 2.
iv. Save the result as Assn7.xml and submit it.
2. Write answers the following questions. (pdf file submission)
(a) (2 points) P~ (Visit to Asia | dyspnoea)
(b) (2 points) P~ (Tuberculosis | positive X-ray, ¬dyspnoea)
(c) (2 points) P(bronchitis |¬lung cancer)
(d) (2 points) P(¬lung cancer | tuberculosis, ¬dyspnoea)
(e) (2 points) P~ (Smoking |¬positive X-ray, bronchitis, ¬visit to asia)
Figure 1: A network for tuberculosis and lung cancer.
CECS 451 Assignment 7 - Page 2 of 2
Figure 2: A CPT for tuberculosis and lung cancer.

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