CECS 451
Assignment 8
Total: 60 Points
General Instruction
• Submit your work in the Dropbox folder via BeachBoard. (Not email or in class)
• Submit the separate files as they are. (no zip file)
1. Evaluate the performance of Google Web Speech API.
(a) Read How Speech Recognition Works.txt which includes 24 sentences, and record
your speech as separate WAV(PCM) files using the nomenclature ‘Group ID-Native
Language-gender-Sent#.wav’. For instance, 01-English-female-Sent01.wav. I
recommend you to use Audacity to record and edit your speech.
(b) (10 points) Upload all audio files to ‘BeachBoard - Discussions - Lab - How Speech
Recognition Works’ by clicking ‘Start a New Thread’. Write your Group ID at
the subject line and attach the audio files.
(c) (5 points) Complete the read original method that imports a text file into a list
of strings, self.original, in the order of the sentence number.
(d) (20 points) Refer this site, and complete the conv audio method that converts
audio files into a list of strings, self.recognized. The method should convert all
audio files (.wav) in the folder, inDir, in the order of Sent#.
(e) (10 points) Complete the comp string method that compares two lists of strings,
self.original and self.recognized, and calculates the similarities of two strings
by using Levenshtein Distance. (You need to convert the strings into the lists of
words. For instance, ‘I love AI’ to [‘I’, ‘love’, ‘AI’]. Please refer this site.)
This method should store the separate similarity scores in self.similarity in the
order of Sent#.
(f) Visit ‘BeachBoard - Discussions - Lab - How Speech Recognition Works’ again, and
select two other threads than yours which include;
• the same native language but distinct gender of yours
• distinct native language but same gender of yours
(g) (15 points) Write a report which includes comparison results using box-and-whisker
plots by native languages and genders as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. You may
use Seaborn, Pandas, or Matplotlib to draw the plots.
(h) Submit speech.py and your report.
CECS 451 Assignment 8 - Page 2 of 2
Figure 1: An example of the comparison by native languages
Figure 2: An example of the comparison by genders