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CECS 524 Unit 6 Assignments

CECS 524
Unit 6
Read Chapter 6 in the textbook.
Program due Oct 14, 12 pm, in the Dropbox for Unit 6.
Using the programming language of your choice, implement the expression for computing array
addresses for 2-dimensional arrays of any element size and any arbitrary lower and upper bounds. This
is the expression
location(a[i, j]) = address of a[row_lb, col_lb] - (((row_lb * n)
+ col_lb) * element_size) + (((i * n) + j) * element_size)
where the first two terms are the constant part and the last is the variable part. n is the size of a row in
the 2-D array.
Create a subroutine named calcAddress that accepts as parameters:
 base //address of a[row_lb, col_ob]
 rowlb //row lower bound
 collb //column lower bound
 rowub //row upper bound
 colub //column upper bound
 elementsize //size of the element
For this call:
calcAddress(1200, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1);
 base, rowlb, collb, rowub, colub, elementsize
the output is
For array a[0:2,0:2] with element size 1
a[0,0] address = 1200
a[0,1] address = 1201
a[0,2] address = 1202
a[1,0] address = 1203
a[1,1] address = 1204
a[1,2] address = 1205
a[2,0] address = 1206
a[2,1] address = 1207
a[2,2] address = 1208
For this call:
calcAddress(100, 1,1,2,2,2);
the output is
For array a[1:2,1:2] with element size 2
a[1,1] address = 100
a[1,2] address = 102
a[2,1] address = 104
a[2,2] address = 106
For this call:
calcAddress(100, 2, 3, 4,5,4);
the output is
For array a[2:4,3:5] with element size 4
a[2,3] address = 100
a[2,4] address = 104
a[2,5] address = 108
a[3,3] address = 112
a[3,4] address = 116
a[3,5] address = 120
a[4,3] address = 124
a[4,4] address = 128
a[4,5] address = 132
For this call:
calcAddress(100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 8);
the output is
For array a[-1:1,-1:2] with element size 8
a[-1,-1] address = 100
a[-1,0] address = 108
a[-1,1] address = 116
a[-1,2] address = 124
a[0,-1] address = 132
a[0,0] address = 140
a[0,1] address = 148
a[0,2] address = 156
a[1,-1] address = 164
a[1,0] address = 172
a[1,1] address = 180
a[1,2] address = 188
In your driver make all calls in sucsession with continuous output.
Like this:
myMain() {
calcAddress(1200, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1);
calcAddress(100, 1,1,2,2,2);
calcAddress(100, 2, 3, 4,5,4);
calcAddress(100, -1, -1, 1, 2, 8);
YOU MUST USE THE FORMULA. Any dope can just add the element size to the start address in a loop.

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