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CECS 551 Assignment 2

CECS 551
Assignment 2
Total: 30 Points
General Instruction
• Submit uncompressed file(s) in the Dropbox folder via BeachBoard (Not email).
1. (30 points) Write simple Python programs for Deep Learning.
(a) Find the book, Deep Learning with Python, using the link. You should be able to
view full text with your CSULB credential.
(b) Read the chapter 3. Getting started with neural networks.
(c) Reproduce the example programs;
i. Classifying movie reviews: a binary classification example → bin class.ipynb
ii. Classifying newswires: a multiclass classification example → mul class.ipynb
iii. Predicting house prices: a regression example → reg.ipynb
(d) Submit bin class.ipynb, mul class.ipynb, and reg.ipynb.

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