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Homework-2 ChessBoard, Problem & Solution

C hess is mental torture.
1 Introduction: ChessBoard, Problem & Solution
This project aims to place chess pieces of five teams on a chess board of different sizes.
The problem can be counted as a multi-objective approach on the N-Queens problem.
In the N-Queens problem, the objective is to place N queens on an NxN chessboard so
that none of the queens can attack each other. In N-Queens problem, all the pieces can
be though as belonging to different teams. Our changes over the problem are; allowing
the pieces to belong to same team and including also the other type of chess pieces. The
only change for the other pieces is about pawn’s attacking areas. In our problem, pawn
is assumed to treat all pieces at its four corners.
Piece Value
Bishop 3.25
Knight 3.25
Rook 5
Queen 10
Pawn 1
Table 1: Values of different pieces
BLG458E Homework-2
In the problem there are two objectives. First, the count of total attacking positions
should be minimized. Second, the value of the team with the minimum value should be
maximized. For the second objective, the values of different pieces which are also used
for traditional algorithms in chess programming are employed. The values of different
pieces can be seen in Table 1.
An example 8x8 solution with a total of 18 attacks and a minimum value of 10 given in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: An example 8x8 board
2 (20 pts): Part 1 - Module Design
Create a module to define a chessboard with a given size. To do this you may create the
following enumerated types:
• Piece: Bishop, Knight, Rook, Queen, Pawn
• Team: Red, Green, Blue, Purple, White
• Chessboard: A 2D list of tuples (Piece, Team)
3 (20 pts): Part 2 - Score and Change Functions
After defining the types, the following functions should be defined.
• attackcount: Total number of attacks of the given chessboard.
• boardvalue: Total value of the board.
• horizontalcrossover: For a horizontal line, change upper and lower parts of the
• verticalcrossover: For a vertical line, change left and right parts of the board.
• deletepiece: Delete a piece from the board.
An example of vertical crossover for the sixth tile of a 8x8 is given in Figure 2.
Figure 2: An example vertical crossover
4 (60 pts): Part 3 - Chessboard Tree
Create a tree containing a chessboard given in Figure 1 as the head node. For every node,
14 branches could be created using horizontalcrossover and verticalcrossover functions
and 12 branches could be created using deletepiece function. For every level of tree (1-5),
find the best chessboard for the both tasks.

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