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CIS 122  Project 2

CIS 122  Project 2

Use Python 3 for all projects this term.
Submit your Python 3 .py programs to Canvas.
Submit each program as a separate file.
20 points
General Hint
Look in Canvas for Files Examples 5 points
2 points
1) Create a list called majors_list
Assign a list of 4 to 6 majors to majors_list.
CIS, Business, Chemistry, Journalism
Digital Art, Math, Music
1 point
2) Use the len function to assign the length (number of items) in
your majors_list list to the variable n_majors
Print the variable n_majors with a suitable message.
2 points
3) Create a for loop that can access each item in the majors_list.
The for loop will print each of the majors in the list.
Your output should look somewhat like this: 9 points
2 points
Start with an empty name_list.
2 points
Use the input(hint) function to ask a user for a name or
"Quit" to stop.
3 points
While the user has not typed "Quit", use
name_list.append(name) to add the name to the list.
2 points
After getting all the names, print a list of each name in the list.
Check out Canvas Modules Week2 for a .pdf of code to do
similar tasks. You'll need to adapt it to work with this list of
Here is an example of asking for the data, then displaying the list
of friends.
Bonus + 1 Sort the names before printing them.
After collecting the names, sort them before printing them.
Your results will look something like this: 6 points
Never save a file called "" – if you do so, turtle graphics
will not work on your computer until you change the name to
anything else.
2 points
Set pencolor to "red"
Set pensize to 2.
Set speed to 'fastest'
Set the variable size to 20
Set the variable angle to 360 divided by 4
The Set the variable nudge to 4.7 (any amount from 3 to 8 could
work here)
Set the variable bump to 5
1 point
Repeat the following 60 times
2 points
Draw a square with side length size
1 point
Turn the turtle left nudge degrees
Move forward bump units
Change size to be 4 units larger
Notice that the names
are now in alphabetic
Your drawing will look like this:

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