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CIS 313: Lab 2 Intermediate Data Structures

CIS 313: Lab 2 Intermediate Data Structures 
Create a max-heap structure and provide it with enough functionality to implement a Priority
Data Structures
You will primarily focus on implementing a binary Max-heap using a list L. Recall, if a node
is stored as the k
th element of an array (L[k]), then its left child is in L[2k + 1], and its right
child is in L[2k + 2].
Note: We will be using Python lists for this (which support random access) but in other
languages you would use a fixed-length array.
You should fill out all of the methods in the provided skeleton code You
may add additional private methods, but should not add any additional public methods or
public fields. Like before, you should not alter any names for any of the classes, methods,
or files. The provided provides a priority queue class that acts as a wrapper for
the functions you develop in
insert(self, data) : Insert data into the heap. If the result violates the condition
of a max-heap you should swap relevant nodes until a max-heap is achieved.
peek(self) : Return maximum value in the heap. This should not alter the heap itself.
extract_max(self) : Remove and return the maximum value in the heap.
 heapify(self, curr_index, list_length=None) : Given a node at curr_index
check the left and right child and swap nodes as needed to reach a maximum heap.
build_heap(self) : Builds a maximum heap from the binary tree present in your heap
Outside of the max_heap class you will also need to fill in the function heap_sort(L) which
takes a list L and returns a new list which contains the elements of L given in ascending
CIS 313: Lab 2 Intermediate Data Structures Fall 2021
Some sample test cases have been provided in but this provided list is not
exhaustive. You should provide test cases for the following:
— Check if a heap is built correctly after calling build_heap()
— Check if an IndexError is raised when inserting into a heap that is already full.
— Check if a KeyError is raised when extract_max() is called on an empty heap.
— Check if an object of pqueue is still a valid heap after the following series of insert()
and extract_max() calls on the same pqueue object.
In addition to the above cases, you should add at least 6 additional test cases. More are
The assignment will be graded as follows:
— AutoGrader - 70pts
— Style - 10pts
— Additional Test Cases - 15pts
-2pt- Test Case: Check that build_heap() properly builds a max heap.
-2pt- Test Case: Check that an IndexError is raised when inserting to a heap that is
already full.
-2pt- Test Case: Check that a KeyError is raised when extract_max() is called on an
empty heap.
-4pt- Test Case: Check that an object of pqueue is still a valid maximum heap after
calling insert() and extract_max() on the same pqueue object.
-5pt- Test Case: Write 6 additional test cases of your own to
— DocStrings - 5pts
-3pt- DocString: Write a docstring for the class max_heap. You should include the class
attributes as well as the class methods and a brief summary of what the method
does. See which shows a solid docstring for the node class.
-1pt- DocString:Provide a docstring for heapify(). This one can be just a single
line summary if you’d like.
-1pt- DocString:Provide a docstring for build_heap(). This one can be just a single line
summary if you’d like.
To earn points for style, your code must be clear enough for us to understand. The rubrics
for different functions will be provided in Gradescope.

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