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CIS 313: Lab 4 Intermediate Data Structures

CIS 313: Lab 4 Intermediate Data Structures 
Building on your knowledge of Binary Search Trees, this lab will focus on implementing a
red-black tree.
Data Structures
A BST is a red-black tree if it satisfies the following rules:
- Every node is either red or black.
- Every leaf counts as black.
- If a node is red, then both of its children are black.
- Every simple path from a node to a descendant lead contains the same number of black
- The root node is always black.
You should fill out all of the methods in the provided skeleton code rb You may
add additional methods but should not add any private variables to the class. Like before,
you should not alter any names for any of the classes, methods, or files. Your code will
be graded using an autograder on Gradescope. To start you off, some test cases have been
provided in test You may not use any data structures from the Python standard
library. Some inbuilt functions in python can be used as required.
For your convenience you are given working traverse, insert, and delete methods for BST.
You simply need to extend the functionality to support balanced insert and delete operations.
RB Tree
print_with_colors(self, curr_node) : Same as the print_tree() method provided in the skeleton code except it prints the color code along with the node. ’B’ for
black, ’R’ for red. It also prints in preorder traversal format just like print_tree().
This is implemented for you. The function helps with the debugging process.
left_rotate(self, curr_node) : [see p. 328] Perform a left rotation on curr_node.
If y =curr_node.right and x=curr_node. Then, if y is not None, we can perform a
left rotation by doing the following:
- y becomes the new root of the subtree.
- x becomes the left child of y.
- y’s left child becomes x’s right child.
CIS 313: Lab 4 Intermediate Data Structures Fall 2022
Note: Be careful not to set y to be the root of the entire tree. This is a local operation.
Here, the root of the subtree is curr_node, the node that the rotation is applied to.
right_rotate(self, curr_node) : Perform a right rotation. This operation is much
like the left rotation but with ’left’ being swapped for ’right’ and ’right’ being swapped
for left.
Note: Like the previous lab, for left_rotate and right_rotate, you should raise
KeyError when there is nothing to rotate
insert(self, data) : [see p. 330] Insert a node into the red-black tree. As described
in the text, this consists of performing a BST insert, checking for violations of the
red-black tree rules, and performing rotations and re-colorings as needed to restore the
red-black tree rules. This should be done by implementing the __rb_insert_fixup()
delete(self, data) : [see p. 338] Delete a node from the red-black tree. As described
in the text, this consists of performing a BST delete, checking for violations of the redblack tree rules, and performing rotations as needed to restore the red-black tree rules.
This should be done by implementing the __rb_delete_fixup() method.
Some sample test cases have been provided in test but this provided list is not
exhaustive. You should provide tests for the following:
Test left rotation of intermediate node
- Insert the following elements using bst_insert(): [7, 5, 9, 3, 6, 8, 10, 1, 2]
- Left rotate node 9
- Test if the rotation was performed correctly.
Test colors after insertion
- Insert the following elements using insert(): [7, 5, 9, 3, 6, 8, 10, 1, 2]
- Test the color of every node after the above insertion.
Add 3 of additional test cases of your own making, on the 4 functions that you implemented for this lab.
It is strongly encouraged that you write even more tests.
Compress the rb and test files and upload in Gradescope similar to the
previous programming assignments. The test cases file should contain all the additional test
cases that you have written to test your code.
CIS 313: Lab 4 Intermediate Data Structures Fall 2022
The assignment will be graded as follows:
— AutoGrader -
— Style -
— Additional Test Cases -
5pt- Test left rotation of intermediate node.
5pt- Test that node colors are correct following an insertion.
5pt- Add 3 additional test cases of your own.
— DocStrings -
2pt- Provide docstring for left_rotate()
1pt- Provide docstring for right_rotate()
1pt- Provide docstring for__rb_insert_fixup()
1pt- Provide docstring for __rb_delete_fixup()

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