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CMPEN 270 Laboratory 10 

CMPEN 270  Laboratory 10 

In this lab you will work on:
1. Finite State Machines
2. Moore Machines
Problem Description:
EDA Playground starter files:
In this week’s lab you are tasked with creating a counter using a Finite State Machine (FSM) more
specifically a Moore Machine. As you have learned in class a Moore machine means that the output is
only dependent on the current state. Please watch the video in this week's module on Canvas that goes
over an FSM example and how it should be implemented in Verilog (it will make this lab much easier if
you watch the video!).
A customer wants you to design the following system to create a Counter:
Create a 2-bit counter that can count in increasing order or decreasing order depending on the input. You
are given the State Diagram below which your program should match. Since the client request a 2-bit
counter this means you should have 4 states 0,1,2,3. When the input is 0, your counter should count in
increasing order 0->1->2->3->0... When the input is 1, it should count in decreasing order 0->3->2->1->0...
The client would like the machine to output 1 if the counter is in an odd state or 0 if it is in an even state.
CMPEN    270    Laboratory    10 2020
Project Requirements:
• You will have a module that will be your top level module and act as your Moore
• will have three inputs clock, x, and reset and one output z all of which are 1-bit
• This module should follow the design of the circuit shown above, it should contain two always
blocks: one that determines the next state and another that determines the output
• when x=0 the counter should count upward (increasing) and when x=1 the counter should count
downward (decreasing)
• z should be set to 0 if the current state is even and 1 if it is odd
• when reset is 0 the current state should be set to the 0 state
Input output format:
1. Once again, the testbench is completed for you, you do not need to change anything on it.
2. If you have completed the project successfully the following output

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