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CMPS 4143 Programming Assignment-1

CMPS 4143
Programming Assignment-1
[To get the full credit of your programming assignment, find the problem solving steps and
documentation guidelines listed in ‘Programming Assignments’ section in D2L. You are supposed
to submit a zip file (don’t use winrar to zip) that should contain a documentation file like a docx
file and your codes with proper programming extensions like .java or .py. Make sure all of your
code is compliable or no runtime error.TA will not grade you if your code is not runnable and get
a zero]
1. Given an array with 20 elements, find the largest and smallest number. – 20 points
2. Given an array X = {10, 100, 40, 28, 98, 37, 12, 63}. – 30 points
a. Copy the array in a different variable Y.
b. Sort the array in descending order and print the array.
c. Calculate the AVG value of the elements and insert it to array Y on it’s correct position,
print it.
d. Perform comparison between Y and X. If not same, perform delete operation to make it
3. You are given a string S = “Before trying to do any of the steps below, you should read the article
through at least once for basic understanding. Then go back and review, following these steps.
He ran his machine up to the stone porch and ascending the steps rang the door bell. They
directed their steps toward the sea, which was lit up by the rising moon. She breathed a sigh of
relief, and her light steps fell gradually into the measure of his. This was fully four feet under
water and the lower story of the place was two steps lower down.”
Find 5 high frequency words using several array operations. – 20 Points
4. You are given a string S = “this is my first programming assignment”. Print the words in a reverse
order like “assignment programming first my is this” using array. –30 points

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