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CMPS 4143 Programming Assignment-5

CMPS 4143
Programming Assignment-5
[To get the full credit of your programming assignment, find the problem-solving steps and
documentation guidelines listed in ‘Programming Assignments’ section in D2L. You are
supposed to submit a zip file (don’t use winrar to zip) that should contain a documentation
file like a docx file and your codes with proper programming extensions like .java or .py.
Make sure all of your code is compliable or no runtime error. TA will not grade if your code
is not runnable and you will get a zero; Sometimes your grade determines based on how
good you can describe/explain the code to TA and Instructor]
1. (35 points) A stack data structure has following functionalities like empty(), size(), top(),
push() and pop(). See the lecture slides for the details (how it works, complexity, etc.) I
have shown you in the class how to implement a stack using a list data structure. You
need to implement the stack with Linkedlist data structure in python. Implement the
stack means, all of the stack functionalities including the construction of stacks should
present on your code.
2. (30 points) Given the expression as string str, find the duplicate parenthesis from the
expression. Your program will output whether or not finding the duplicates, that is true of
Input type: An expression in string; Output type: A boolean value True or False
Example 1:
Input: str = ‘((x+y))+z’
Output: True
Example 2:
Input: strs = (x+y)
Output: False
Example 3:
Input: strs = ‘((x+y)+((z)))’
Output: True
3. (35 points) Write a python code to find the average from a stream. The input of this
program will receive a stream of numbers and a window size to find the moving average
of all the numbers in the sliding window. Write your code in OOP style and solve the
program with queue and or stack data structure.
Input type: Window Size as integer and a stream contains numbers as list;
Output type: A list of float values denoting the moving averages
Example 1:
Input: Window Size = 3; Stream = [1, 10, 3, 5]
Output: [1.0, 5.5, 4.67, 6.0]
st iteration -> 1/1 -> 1.0
nd iteration -> (1+10)/2 -> 5.5
rd iteration -> (1+10+3)/3 -> 4.67
th iteration -> (10+3+5)/3 -> 6.0
Example 2:
Input: Window Size = 2; Stream = [1, 10, 3, 5]
Output: [1.0, 5.5, 6.5, 4.0]
st iteration -> 1/1 -> 1.0
nd iteration -> (1+10)/2 -> 5.5
rd iteration -> (10+3)/2 -> 6.5
th iteration -> (3+5)/2 -> 4.0

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