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CMPT 475/982 Assignment 1

CMPT 475/982 
Assignment 1
In this assignment you will practice requirement elicitation. Assume you are part of an Agile
development team using extreme programming to build a metaverse office meeting software. Many
people are familiar with the concept of an in-person office meeting, having attended such meetings
themselves. The software is supposed to allow such meetings to be attended in a metaverse in 3D.
Imagine having to attend an important meeting, but you can’t do so in person due to travel restrictions.
Of course we have Zoom and the like, but how cool would it be to attend a meeting in 3D in a
metaverse if it provided the same experience as an in-person meeting, and then some? Software can do
almost anything, so let’s make this happen!
Interview 4 people (you cannot use your CMPT 475/982 classmates) covering different age and gender
demographic, and find out what they would expect such a software to provide. What are the minimum
features, less than which the interviewee would not attend virtually? What are some cool breakthrough
features that even in-person meetings cannot provide, but we can provide them virtually? That would
surely give the software an edge.
Work with each of the 4 people and capture user stories. Remember that the customer must write the
user story, not you, although you are allowed to help them clarify the user story. Once the list is ready,
the customer must rank them in terms of importance (ordering user stories). Include this ranked list for
each interviewee in an Appendix to your solution. You must keep the people anonymous but include
each person’s age and gender. Do not include any other personal info.
You shall then analyze all user stories by all 4 people, and come up with a list of top 20 user stories that
are based on the most common user stories among the interviewees. Some user stories by the different
interviewees might be very similar, although each interviewee might write it differently or rank it
Finally, order the top 20 list based on the average ordering of the interviewees, and estimate each user
story for development time. If a user story is estimated to take less than a week or more than 3 weeks,
follow what we learned in the course to bring it within that range. User Stories must be multiples of
0.5-week units. Include this ranked and estimated top 20 list as your final answer. The list should be
traceable to the lists in the Appendix, showing which interviewee user stories have led to a user story in
the final top 20 list. Here is a sample template for this top 20 list:
ID User Story Estimate
As a virtual meeting attendee, I want to see
the job title of every attendee in their
organization, so I get a better contextual
understanding when they speak.
Interviewee 1 Story 5
Interviewee 3 Story 10
Interviewee 4 Story 2

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