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CMPT 475 Assignment 2

CMPT 475 Assignment 2

In Assignment 1, you came up with an estimated and ordered top-20 list of user stories. For this
a) Take the top 10 of those user stories and break each one into tasks. In Scrum, a task should take a
day or less. In Extreme Programming (XP), a task should take 1, 2, or 3 days (additions of ½ can be
used if needed). Choose one of Scrum or XP, and create your tasks accordingly.
b) Estimate each task, again according to the Agile method used.
c) Present the result (user stories, tasks and estimates) as an Indented-List of Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS), similar to the format shown below (the project below is totally irrelevant to
yours, just use its format):
d) Notice in the above WBS format that the estimate for a user story is equal to the sum of estimates
for its tasks. Please use the same in your WBS. Then, compare the user story estimates here to the
one you submitted for Assignment 1. How much is the average relative error (percentage) for the
top 10 user stories if we take the task-level estimates to be the baseline?
user story

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