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CMPT125 Homework Assignment 2

Homework Assignment 2

You need to implement the functions in assignment2.c.
Submit only the assignment2.c file to CourSys.
Solve all 3 problems in this assignment.
Grading: The assignment will be graded automatically.
Make sure that your code compiles without warnings/errors, and returns the required output.
Compilation: Your code MUST compile in CSIL with the Makefile provided.
If the code does not compile in CSIL, the grade on the assignment is 0 (zero).
Even if you can’t solve a problem, make sure the file compiles properly.
Warnings: Warnings during compilation will reduce points.
More importantly, they indicate that something is probably wrong with the code.
Dynamically allocated arrays: Do not use variable length arrays! Never!
If you need an array of unknown length, you need to use malloc.
Memory leaks: Memory leaks during execution of your code will reduce points.
Make sure all memory used for intermediate calculations are freed properly.
Readability: Your code must be readable, and have reasonable documentation, but not too
much. No need to explain i+=2 with // increase i by 2.
Write helper functions if that makes the code more readable.
Testing: An example of a test file is included.
Your code will be tested using the provided tests as well as additional tests.
Do not hard-code any results produced by the functions as we will have additional tests.
You are strongly encouraged to write more tests to check your solution is correct, but you don’t
have to submit them.
1. You need to implement all the functions in assignment2.c.
2. You should not add main() to assignment2.c, because it will interfere
with main() in the test file.
3. Submit only the assignment2.c file to CourSys.
Problem 1 [40 points]
In this question you will implement a database of usernames and passwords. You will store
your dictionary in a file. Write the following two functions, maintaining a file with the database.
int add_user_password(const char* file_name,
const char* username, const char* password);
The function gets the user and a password.
- If the user is not in the file, the function adds the pair to the file and returns 1.
- If the user is already in the file, the function does not modify the file and returns 0.
- If the file does not exist, the function creates a new file with the given name, adds the pair to
the file, and returns 1.
int check_user_password(const char* file_name,
const char* username, const char* password);
The function gets the filename and the username/password, and searches the file for them.
- If the username is found and the password matches, the function returns 1.
- If the file does not exist, the function returns -1.
- If the username is not found, the function returns -2.
- If the username is found but the password doesn’t match, the function returns -3.
Additional instructions and hints:
1. For the instructions on how to read and write to files see section “C Programming Files” in or or any other online resources.
2. There are no specific instructions about how you should store the information in the file.
The only requirement is that the two functions are compatible with each other. That is, if a
pair is added using add_user_password, then check_password will be able to find it.
You should decide carefully on the format for storing the data of each entry.
3. When storing the pairs, remember that you need to store the actual strings and not their
pointers. It may be convenient to store the length of the string in the file.
4. The usernames are always alpha-numeric. The password may contain non-alpha-numeric
symbols, e.g. spaces, underscores, or special symbols like ‘\n’.
5. You should not assume that the lengths of the strings are bounded. Some usernames and
passwords might be very long, say, longer than 1000 chars.
6. Don’t forget to close the file at the end of each function.
Problem 2 [20 points]
Let p>2 be a parameter, and define the following variant of the Fibonacci sequence:
● fib3_p(0) = 0, fib3_p(1) = 1, fib3_p(2) = 2
● fib3_p(n) = fib3_p(n-1) + fib3_p(n-2) + fib3_p(n-3) (mod p) for all n>=3
For example, for p=17, the sequence is 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 3, 3, 0, 6, 9, 15, 13...
int fib3_p(unsigned int n, unsigned int p);
Your function needs to return the correct answer for all n<1,000,000 within 1 second.
Problem 3 [40 points]
In this problem you will implement the following pebble game played on a line.
We start at time 0 with a line of length n cells, and some cells are occupied by identical
Going from time i to time i+1, each pebble moves according to the following rules:
(A) The pebble looks at the closest neighbors on the left and on the right at time i, and
moves toward the closest of them.
(B) If the closest neighbors on the left and on the right are at the same distance, the pebble
(C) If the pebble has a neighbor on the right, but none on the left (i.e., it is the leftmost
pebble), it jumps one step to the right.
(D) If the pebble has a neighbor on the left, but none on the right (i.e., it is the rightmost
pebble), it jumps one step to the left.
(E) If two pebbles land at the same place, then both disappear.
(F) If no pebbles are left, the game ends.
(G) If only one pebble is left, the game ends.
(H) If the next state is the same as the previous one, the game ends. (Remember, only the
occupied locations are considered ,and not the the names of the pebbles)
See examples below (the colors are for convenience only).
Example 1:
Step 0: -@@------@--@- // apply rules (C)(A)(D)(A)
Step 1: -@@-------@@-- // game over by rule (H)
Example 2:
Step 0: ---@--@--@-- // apply rules (C)(B)(D)
Step 1: ----@---@--- // apply rules (C)(D)
Step 2: -----@-@---- // apply rules (C)(D) + rule E on @@
Step 3: ------------ // game over by rule (F)
Example 3:
Step 0: ---@----@---@- // apply rule(A) on all three
Step 1: ----@----@-@-- // apply rule(A) on all + rule(E) on @@
Step 2: -----@-------- // game over by rule (G)
Example 4:
Step 0: -@-@-@-@-----@--@--@- // @ @ @ disappear by rule (B)
Step 1: --@---@-------@---@-- // apply rule (A) on all
Step 2: ---@-@---------@-@--- // all disappear by rule (B)
Step 3: --------------------- // game over by rule (F)
Example 5:
Step 0: ---@---------- // game over by rule (G)
[25 points] Write the function evolve(const char* state) that gets a string
representing a state of the game, and computes the next state of the game. The function
returns the string representing the next state. For the format, see examples below:
char* evolve(const char* state);
For example:
- If state is "---", evolve() returns "---".
- If state is "--@@----@@-", evolve() returns "--@@----@@-".
- If state is "---@---@---@-", evolve() returns "----@-----@--".
- If state is "-@-@-@-@---@--@--@-", it returns "--@---@-----@---@--".
[15 points] Write the function last_state(const char* state) that gets a string
representing the initial state of the game, and computes the last state of the game. The
function returns a string representing the last state. For the format, see examples below:
char* last_state(const char* state);
For example:
- If state is "---", last_state() returns "---".
- If state is "--@@----@--@-", last_state() returns "--@@-----@@--".
- If state is "---@---@---@-", last_state() returns "-------------".
- If state is "--@-@-@-@----", last_state() returns "-------------".
- If state is "--@---@-@----", last_state() returns "---@---------".
Comments about evolve()and last_state()
1. You may assume that the input is always in the correct format: empty cells are
represented by '-' and occupied cells by '@'.
2. You may assume strlen(state)>0.
3. The returned string must be allocated on the heap (and not be a local variable).
4. Even if the returned string is identical to the given state, the returned string must be
allocated on the heap.

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