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CMPT125 Homework Assignment 5

Homework Assignment 5

You need to implement the functions in assignment5.c.
Submit only the assignment5.c file to Canvas.
Solve all 3 problems in this assignment.
Grading: The assignment will be graded automatically.
Make sure that your code compiles without warnings/errors, and returns the required output.
Compilation: Your code MUST compile in CSIL with the Makefile provided.
If the code does not compile in CSIL, the grade on the assignment is 0 (zero).
Even if you can’t solve a problem, make sure the file compiles properly.
Warnings: Warnings during compilation will reduce points.
More importantly, they indicate that something is probably wrong with the code.
Dynamically allocated arrays: Do not use variable length arrays! Never!
If you need an array of unknown length, you need to use malloc.
Memory leaks: Memory leaks during execution of your code will reduce points.
Make sure all memory used for intermediate calculations are freed properly.
Readability: Your code must be readable, and have reasonable documentation, but not too
much. No need to explain i+=2 with // increase i by 2.
Write helper functions if that makes the code more readable.
Testing: An example of a test file is included.
Your code will be tested using the provided tests as well as additional tests.
Do not hard-code any results produced by the functions as we will have additional tests.
You are strongly encouraged to write more tests to check your solution is correct, but you don’t
have to submit them.
1. You need to implement all the functions in assignment5.c.
2. You should not add main() to assignment4.c, because it will interfere
with main() in the test file.
3. Submit only the assignment5.c file to CourSys.
Problem 1 [30 points].
Implement the following two functions that allow breaking a string into non-empty tokens using
a given delimiter. For example,
● For a string “abc-EFG-hi”, and the delimiter ‘-’ : the list of tokens is [“abc”, “EFG”, “hi”]
● For a string “abc-EFG---hi-”, and the delimiter ‘-’ : the list of tokens is [“abc”, “EFG”, “hi”]
● For a string “abc”, and the delimiter ‘ ’ : the list of tokens is [“abc”]
● For a string “++abc++”, and the delimiter ‘+’ : the list of tokens is [“abc”]
That is, we break the string using the given delimiter, and the tokens are only the non-empty
1. [10 points] The function count_tokens gets a string str, and a char delim, and
returns the number of tokens in the string separated by delim.
int count_tokens(const char* str, char delim);
For example
● count_tokens("abc-EFG--", '-') needs to return 2.
● count_tokens("++a+b+c", '+') needs to return 3.
● count_tokens("***", '*') needs to return 0.
2. [20 points] The function get_tokens gets a string str, and a char delim, and
returns the array with the tokens in the correct order. The length of the array should be
the number of tokens, computed in count_tokens.
char** get_tokens(const char* str, char delim);
For example:
● get_tokens("abc-EFG--", '-') needs to return ["abc","EFG"]
● get_tokens("++a+b+c", '+') needs to return ["a","b","c"].
● get_tokens("***", '*') needs to return either NULL or an empty array.
Remark: Note that the returned array and the strings in it must all be dynamically allocated.
Problem 2 [10 points]
In this question we get a string str, and an array of n chars: c[0…n-1]. The function returns an
array of n strings consisting of the str concatenated with c[0], c[1]... c[n-1].
The returned array and the strings in it must all be dynamically allocated.
char** append_chars(const char* str, int n, char* chars);
For example
● append_chars("abc", 3, ['x','y','c']) needs to return the array
["abcx", "abcy", "abcc"].
● append_chars(", 4, ['x','y','z','x']) needs to return the array
["x", "y", "z", "x"].
Problem 3 [30 points]
In this question we get a string consisting of digits 2…9, and need to return all words/strings
that can be obtained on a phone using these digits. The translation is:
2 - a,b,c
3 - d,e,f
4 - g,h,i
5 - j,k,l
6 - m,n,o
7 - p,q,r,s
8 - t,u,v
9 - w,x,y,z
1. [10 points] The function count_words gets a string phone_number, and returns the
number of distinct words that can be constructed from this phone_number.
int count_words(const char* phone_number);
For example
● count_words("238") needs to return 27.
● count_words("2345677") needs to return 3888.
● count_words("7777777777") needs to return 1048576.
2. [20 points] The function get_words gets a string phone_number, and returns the
number of distinct words that can be constructed from this phone_number.
char** get_tokens(const char* str, char delim);
For example:
● get_words("22") will have the following words, and no other words:
● The order of the words can different, but you need to return all these words,
each word exactly once.
● get_words("43556") will have the words: "hello","idklm", and many
more words. There is no room here to write all of them.
● get_words("7") will return ["p","q","r","s"] in some order.
● Note that the returned array and the strings in it must all be dynamically allocated.
● You may assume that phone_number has length between 1 and 12.
Problem 4 [30 points]
For this problem use the following struct representing a node in a Binary Tree.
struct BTnode {
int value;
struct BTnode* left;
struct BTnode* right;
struct BTnode* parent;
typedef struct BTnode BTnode_t;
You may also use the functions of Binary Search Tree provided in the zip file.
Implement the following two functions on Binary Search Trees.
In both questions you may assume the tree in not null and not empty
1. [15 points] The function gets a binary search tree and returns the maximal number.
int get_max(BST_t* tree);
2. [15 points] The function gets a binary search tree and returns the median element in the
tree. For example,
● If the tree consists of the numbers {1,3,6,8,100}, the output should be 6
● If the tree consists of the numbers {1,2,3,7,8,100}, the output should be 7.
● If the tree consists of the numbers {5,100}, the output should be 100.
● If the tree consists of the numbers {5,8,10}, the output should be 8.
If the number of nodes is n, and the numbers in the tree are A[0…n-1]:
● If n is even, the function returns A[n/2].
● If n is odd, the function returns A[(n-1)/2].
int get_median(BST_t* tree);

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