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Cmput 466 Assignment 3

Problem 1
Give a closed-form solution to the loss
Problem 2
In the gradient descent algorithm, α > 0 is the learning rate. If α is small enough, then the
function value guarantees to decrease. In practice, we may anneal α, meaning that we start
from a relatively large α, but decrease it gradually.
Show that α cannot be decreased too fast. If α is decreased too fast, even if it is strictly positive,
the gradient descent algorithm may not converge to the optimum of a convex function.
Hint: Show a concrete loss and an annealing scheduler such that the gradient descent algorithm
fails to converge to the optimum.
Another Hint: Think of the schema of our attendance bonus in this course. Why can't a student
get more than five marks even if the student catches infinite errors?
END of W3

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