CMSC 462 – Introduction to Data Science
Assignment 3
Total Points - 45
This assignment consists of two parts. For each part, please answer all the questions in a single
document. Also submit both the R files. You will find both the datasets in the CourseDataSet
folder in Blackboard.
Using the CovidMortality dataset do the following:
1. As you can understand that there is no effective way to use the name of the state. There
are many other ways to use that in the multiple linear regression model. As an example,
you can divide the states into regions. You can also divide the states into say blue states
and red states or you can divide the states into high income and low income. Please use
one of such way and explain why you did that. [10]
2. Build a multiple linear regression model, use deaths as dependent variables. Discuss, the
model and about different independent variables. Discuss that by creating your own
categorical variable did it make the model better? I want a detailed discussion. [15]
Using LendingClub dataset, please do the following
1. Do the descriptive statistics. Your goal is to tell a story about this dataset. I don’t have a
specific answer in mind. So be creative. [5]
2. Build Logistic regression and Naïve Bayes model with the data. Paste your outputs here.
3. Compare the models and discuss about each model’s accuracy. Make sure you also
include ROE in your discussion. Explain the outputs that you pasted above in
details. [10]