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Html Page that Includes Context of Your Profile

HW 05
PART 1 (Submit to moodle / .html file)
Create an html page that includes context of your profile (name-interests-social media links-resume link in pdf format) and publish it using So we will check your page by entering to Be sure that your account user name includes your real name and surname. (You should upload (moodle) this html file and also claim your host name in a comment line at the top of the file) simple example of your page:
-Your page design (%20)
-Your online page on github (%40)
-Your picture, resume, links and descriptions (%40)
PART 2 (Submit to moodle / .py file)
You are given a positive integer. Your function should calculate the product of the digits excluding any zeroes.
For example: The number given is 123405. The result will be 1*2*3*4*5=120 (don't forget to exclude zeroes).
Input: A positive integer.
Output: The product of the digits as an integer.
According to the rules complete file, rename and submit it.
PART 3 ( Submit to moodle / .txt file)
Research and write a paragraph about DOS attacks.

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