Starting from:



SUBMISSION DUE at the end of the Lab Period
Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum viditu
Basic statistics and while() loops
You are required to write a program, statistics, that accepts several (one or more) commandline arguments that will be floating-point numbers representing a series of voltage readings. Valid
voltage readings will be positive numbers less than 150. The list of readings will be terminated by
a negative number.
Your program should compute the minimum, maximum, and average of the valid voltage readings.
The program will be executed as follows:
./Statistics <num_1 <num_2 ... <num_k -1
where “<num1”, “<num2”, ... will be replaced with floating-point values. You may assume that
the arguments will be valid floating-point numbers within the range [-FLT MAX, FLT MAX]
and you may use “atof” (ASCII-to-float, requires <stdlib.h) to convert the arguments.
The output should be of the form:
Number of voltage readings: ...
Minimum voltage: ...
Average voltage: ...
Maximum voltage: ...
If any voltage readings are invalid (not a positive number less than 150), then you should output,
to cerr, the warning message:
Warning: invalid voltage reading <... ignored in calculation
where <... is whatever the invalid value was. If there are any invalid voltage readings you
return a positive integer when your program completes.
If there are any errors in the input data set (think about what might be in error; there is at least one
problem that can occur), you should output, to cerr, the message:
Error: Unable to compute statistics over data set because ...
and exit with a negative return code (i.e., return -1;).
Submit your work to project L2-Statistics. Your submission file must be named Statistics.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
Knowledge required to complete this exercise:
• Access to argv[] items
• Use of atof() functions
• Use of while() loop
• float variables and basic arithmetic operators
• Use of cout, cerr, endl and std
Two Latin quotes in one document?
1. Running Statistics [1 marks]
The in-lab exercise required you to calculate the minimum, maximum, and average over a complete
series of voltage readings. However, if what we are doing is continuous monitoring of the voltage
on a line, there will never be an end to the voltage readings. In such a situation we need to keep
running statistics: the on-going average, maximum, and minimum.
For this question, you are required to write a program that accepts several (one or more) commandline arguments that will be floating-point numbers representing a series of voltage readings. Valid
voltage readings will be positive numbers less than 150. The list of readings will be terminated by
a negative number. Your program should treat these as ongoing samples and for each such number
it should compute the current minimum, maximum, and average. For example, if the program is
invoked as
./RunningStats 110.3 112.9 108.1 109.2 -1
then the output should be:
Sample Value Minimum Average Maximum
1 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3
2 112.9 110.3 111.6 112.9
3 108.1 108.1 110.433 112.9
4 109.2 108.1 110.125 112.9
You may assume that the arguments will be valid floating-point numbers within the range [-FLT MAX,
FLT MAX] and you may use “atof” (ASCII-to-float, requires <stdlib.h) to convert the arguments.
Submission: You should submit the result of this exercise to the project H2-RunningStats. Your
submission file must be named RunningStats.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
2. Smoothing Statistics [1 marks]
There is a problem with the running-statistics method of the previous question: the statistics are
based on the complete data history. This is a problem. For example, if we have a thousand voltage
measurements and it was consistently between 110 and 115, with an average of 112, then in order
for our program to register a voltage spike, say 135 V, we will need a large number of new samples.1
A technique to address this is called the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA). This
technique works by applying the following formula to compute the average:
At = ↵St + (1 ↵)At1
where At is the average at “time” t, St is the sample taken at time t, At1 is the average computed
for time t 1, and 0 < ↵ < 1 is a weighting parameter. When applying this technique, time is a
discrete number and represents the successive samples (i.e., time starts at 0 in increases by 1 for
each new sample). To bootstrap this system we define:
A0 = S1
For this question, you are required to write a program that accepts several (one or more) commandline arguments. The first argument is the value of ↵; the remaining arguments are floating-point
numbers representing repeated voltage-measurement samples, in the range of 0-150, terminated by
a negative number. Your program should treat these as ongoing samples and for each such number
it should compute the current exponentially weighted moving average per the desciption above.
For example, if the program is invoked as
./RunningStats 0.125 110.3 112.9 108.1 109.2 115.2 -1
then the output should be:
Sample Value EWMA
1 110.3 110.3
2 112.9 110.625
3 108.1 110.309
4 109.2 110.171
5 115.2 110.799
You may assume that the arguments will be valid floating-point numbers within the range [-FLT MAX,
FLT MAX] and you may use “atof” (ASCII-to-float, requires <stdlib.h) to convert the arguments.
Errors and warnings should be dealt with appropriately, per the in-lab exercise.
Submission: You should submit the result of this exercise to the project H2-EWMA. Your submission file must be named EWMA.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
1Some questions to think about: how many voltage readings at 135 V would you need before the average voltage
exceeded 125 V if you already have a sample size of 1000 with an average of 112 V? If readings are taken every
30 milliseconds, how long would the voltage be at 135 V before the average exceeded 125 V?.
3. Sliding-Window Statistics [1 marks]
While EWMA solves the problem of smoothly adjusting the average, aging out old readings, the
maximum and minimum are still based on the total history. To solve this problem we can compute
the maximum and minumum over a window of data and slide the window forward as new data
arrives. In doing this, when the minimum or maximum age out, the new minimum or maximum
is computed over a window, rather than simply being set to the current sample value. The sliding
window size is expressed in terms of samples. For example, if we have a series of samples:
... 134.19 135.60 134.50 136.70 135.90 136.60 140.20 145.10 ... -1
then a sliding window of size 5 is as shown. The minimum, average, and maximum over each of
these windows would then be:
Window Size: 5
Sample Value SWMinimum SWMaximum
... 135.90 134.19 136.70
... 136.60 134.50 136.70
... 140.20 134.50 140.20
For this question, you are required to write a program that accepts several (two or more) commandline arguments. The first command-line argument is the window size while the remaining ones
will be floating-point numbers representing voltage readings and should be between 0 and 150,
terminated by a negative number. Your program should compute the sliding window minimum,
maximum of these numbers. The output of your program should be as shown above.
The program will be executed as follows:
./SWStats <windowSize <num1 <num2 ... -1
where “<windowSize” is an integer in the range [INT MIN,INT MAX] and “<num1”,
“<num2”, ... will be replaced with floating-point values within the range [-FLT MAX, FLT MAX]
and you may use “atoi” and “atof” (ASCII-to-int and ASCII-to-float, requires <stdlib.h)
to convert the arguments.
Errors and warnings should be dealt with appropriately, per the in-lab exercise.
Submission: You should submit the result of this exercise to the project H2-SWStats. Your submission file must be named SWStats.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
4. Area Estimation [1 marks] Consider the problem of trying to determine the area under the
function, f(x) between x = A and x = B, as illustrated below:
y = f(x)
A x x+dx B
It may be the case that calculating the exact area is difficult or even impossible. In such a case, we
can approximate it as follows. If we divide the area into a series of smaller areas, such as the one
shown by cross-hatching above, between x and x + dx. We can approximate the area, Ax of that
small section as:
Ax = dx ⇤
f(x + dx) + f(x)
The area can then be approximated by summing up all such areas between A and B.
Area =
For this problem, you are given a function declaration:
extern float f(float x);
that defines some function f(x). You are required to write a program Area.cpp that takes as input
two values, A and B, and computes the approximate area under the function f(x) between A and
B. The program is invoked as:
./Area <A <B
The output should be:
The area under f(x) from <A to <B is ...
You may assume dx = 0.01
You should handle errors and warnings appropriately.
Submit your work to project H2-Area. Your submission
file must be named Area.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.

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