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SUBMISSION DUE at the end of the Lab Period
perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit oli
Statistics: Median
Write a program, median, that accepts several (one or more) command-line arguments that will
be floating-point numbers representing a series of voltage readings. Valid voltage readings are
positive numbers less than 150. The list of readings will be terminated by a negative number. Your
program should compute the median of the valid voltage readings.
The program will be executed as follows:
./Median <num_1 <num_2 ... <num_k -1
where “<num1”, “<num2”, ... are valid floating-point numbers within the range [-FLT MAX,
FLT MAX] and you may use “atof” (ASCII-to-float, requires <stdlib.h) to convert the
The output should be of the form:
Number of voltage readings: ...
Median voltage: ...
If any voltage readings are invalid then you should output, to cout, the warning message:
Warning: invalid voltage reading <... ignored in calculation
where <... is whatever the invalid value was. If there are any invalid voltage readings, you
should return a positive integer when your program completes.
You may compute the median using whatever algorithm you prefer, though a relatively straightforward technique is to sort the data using your favourite sorting algorithm (there should be sample
sorting code on Learn for at least bubblesort of an int array) and then select the middle element.
If the dataset has an even number of elements, then the median is the average of the middle two
elements. You will need to copy the data from argv[] into an array if you use this method.
If there are any errors in the input data set, you should output, to cerr, the message:
Error: Unable to compute median over data set because ...
and exit with a negative return code (i.e., return -1;).
Submit your work to project L3-Median. Your submission file must be named Median.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
Additional knowledge required to complete this exercise:
• Creation and use of arrays
• Sorting
Why are all the quotes in Latin?
1. Statistics: Standard Deviation [1 marks]
While minimum, maximum, average, and median are useful, they are far from the complete picture.
For example, if we have the datasets:
0 12 15 25 33 87 95 95 98 100
0 38 57 60 60 60 60 62 63 100
they have the same maximum (100), minimum (0), average (56), and median (60) but they are
clearly quite different. In the next few exercises you will write programs to compute other statistics
that will help to capture this difference in distribution.
The most common measure of data spread is standard deviation, which comes in two forms: population standard deviation, σ, and sample standard deviation, s.The difference between these two
is that the first assumes that we have data for the entire population while the second assumes that
we have just a sample of data from the entire population. For example, if we compute the standard
deviation of grades for ECE 150-3 students in Fall 2018, since we have all of the grades for all of
the students, we can compute a population standard deviation. Conversely, if we wanted some idea
of the standard deviation of grades of first-year engineering students in Fall 2018 at Waterloo, and
all we have is the ECE 150 grades, then we can compute a sample standard deviation.
While the specific computation depends on the distribution of the dataset, for this question, we will
assume that the data is normally distributed (the so-called bell-curve), even though that is often not
the case in natural and engineering phenomena (and is certainly not the case in the first of the above
examples). Under this assumption, the population standard deviation, σ, is computed according to
the equation:
σ =
(xi − x)
where N is the number of elements in the dataset, xi
is the i
th element in the dataset and x is the
average of the elements in the dataset.
The sample standard deviation, s, is:
s =
N − 1
(xi − x)
where the meanings of terms is the same as the previous case.
For this question, you are required to write a program, StdDev, that accepts several (one or
more) command-line arguments that will be floating-point numbers representing a series of voltage
readings. Valid voltage readings will be positive numbers less than 150. The list of readings will be
terminated by a negative number. Your program should store valid voltage readings in a floatingpoint array; any invalid voltage readings should be rejected with a warning message to cout. Your
program should then compute the population standard deviation and sample standard deviation of
the valid voltage readings.
The program will be executed as follows:
./StdDev <num1 <num2 ... -1
where “<num1”, “<num2”, ... will be replaced with floating-point values. You may assume that
the arguments will be valid floating-point numbers within the range [-FLT MAX, FLT MAX]
and you may use “atof” (ASCII-to-float, requires <stdlib.h) to convert the arguments.
The output should be of the form:
Number of voltage readings: ...
Population standard deviation: ...
Sample standard deviation: ...
where “...” are the results of your calculations. If any of your calculations require a non-zero finite
number to be divded by zero, the “...” should be output as “infinity” (positive or negative,
according to the sign of the numerator). If any of your calculations require zero divded by zero,
the “...” should be output as “undefined”
If there are any errors in the input data set, you should output the message:
Error: Unable to compute standard deviations over data set because ...
to cerr.
Submission: You should submit the result of this exercise to the project H3-StdDev. Your submission file must be named StdDev.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
Knowledge required to complete this exercise:
• Creation and use of arrays
2. Statistics: Histogram [1 marks]
In Question 1 you calculated the standard deviation on the assumption that the data set you received
was normally distibuted (i.e., a bell-curve distribution). If the data is not normally distributed, the
calculated deviation can be at best of limited value, and quite possibly extremely misleading. For
example, the first sample data set in Question 1 was bimodally distributed: when the data is considered as a whole, the deviation is greater than 40; if the data is subdivided into its two natural modes,
one mode has a deviation of 12 around a mean of 17, while the other has a deviation of 5 around a
mean of 95. This begs the question: how can you determine if data is normally distributed? While
there are several techniques, one of the simplest techniques is to create a histogram of the data and
visually compare it to a bell curve.1
For this question, you are required to write a program, Histogram, that accepts several (one
or more) command-line arguments that will be floating-point numbers representing a series of
voltage readings. Valid voltage readings will be positive numbers less than 150 terminated by a
negative number. The voltage readings we are most interested in are those between 106 V and
127 V,2
and so we will create buckets for every 3 V increments in that range: [106,109), [109,112),
[112,115),[115,118),[118,121), [121,124),[124,127]. Note that the last bucket includes 127. In
addition to these seven buckets, the following buckets should capture additional possible valid
voltage inputs: (0,106) and (127,150). Finally, you should have a bucket for any invalid voltage
readings (0 or ≥ 150), for a total of 10 buckets.
Your program should create an int array of ten elements: the first element should count valid
voltages less than 106; the next seven are the seven buckets that each cover the 3 V range; the
ninth element should be valid voltages greater than 127 V. Finally, the last element should contain
invalid voltages.
The program will be executed as follows:
./Histogram <num1 <num2 ... -1
where “<num1”, “<num2”, ... will be replaced with floating-point values. You may assume that
the arguments will be valid floating-point numbers within the range [-FLT MAX, FLT MAX]
and you may use “atof” (ASCII-to-float, requires <stdlib.h) to convert the arguments.
The output should be of the form:
Number of voltage readings: ...
Voltage readings (0-106): ...
Voltage readings [106-109): ...
Voltage readings [109-112): ...
Voltage readings [112-115): ...
Voltage readings [115-118): ...
1See test
2Why this range?
Voltage readings [118-121): ...
Voltage readings [121-124): ...
Voltage readings [124-127]: ...
Voltage readings (127-150): ...
Invalid readings: ...
where “...” are the results of your calculations.
If there are any errors in the input data set, you should output the message:
Error: Unable to compute histogram over data set because ...
to cerr.
Submission: You should submit the result of this exercise to the project H3-Histogram. Your
submission file must be named Histogram.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
Knowledge required to complete this exercise:
• Creation and use of arrays
3. Statistics: Mode [1 marks]
While deviation captures the spread of a dataset, we would like to be able to capture the common
case of a set of data. While this appears to be similar to the average or median, and in a normal
distribution it is likely to be similar, in many cases it is quite different.3 To do this, we compute the
mode of our data set.
Mode is not suited to floating-point datasets4
and so for this question we will assume the data
set is of type int. Specifically, you will be given a template C++ file that accepts several (one or
more) command-line arguments that will be floating-point numbers representing a series of voltage
readings. It will convert these readings into their closest int equivalent and then call the mode()
function that you will write and output to cout the results of that function.
The signature of your mode() function should be:
int mode(const int dataset[], const int size, int modes[]);
The dataset[] parameter is the array of integers that the template code will pass to your function, while the size parameter is the number of items in that dataset.
Since we do not know in advance how many modes there will be, the return value of the mode()
function will be the number of modes that you find. To return the actual modes, the function will
accept the parameter modes[] and it should fill in the array modes[] with the values of the
modes that the function found. The modes should be stored in mode[] in order of increasing size.
For example, with the dataset:
7 5 2 5 7 0 4 2 7 0 5 9 2
your function should return 2 and fill in modes[0] and modes[1] with the values 2 and 7,
respectively. The modes[] array is guaranteed to have sufficient space for all modes you could
3For example, the mode of the first dataset in Question 1 is 95, which is nowhere near the average or median. If if
you want a more vivid example, consider the fact that the average person has less than two legs! Fortunately, that is
not the common case.
4Technically, floating-point numbers present a large number of discrete choices, rather than a continuous range,
and so in principle mode is possible over a floating-point dataset. In fact, on a typical four-byte machine, there are no
more floating point numbers than there are integers (both fit in a 32-bit quantity, and so there are precisely 2
32 possible
choices for each datatype!), and so it may seem strange to use mode with integers but not with floating-point numbers.
The deeper reason is that we rarely, if ever, would use mode if we actually had a large range in our integer set. For
example, even if our range is just 100 (say, grades in a course from 0 to 100), mode is of somewhat limited value
unless we had a very sizable dataset (In ECE 150-3, if grades were uniformly randomly distributed over 0 to 100, then
the expected number of datapoints for each grade would be slightly more than 1! Even allowing for a more plausible
distribution curve, the likelihood that the mode represented a reasonable measure of the typical student performance
is low.). Typically if dealing with either floating-point data or integer data over a large range, we would first histogram
the data into a more manageable number of buckets (maybe 10 to 20; for grades, either every 10% or every 5%) and
then compute the mode of those buckets.
There can never be a negative number of modes, and so your mode() function should return -1
if it cannot compute the mode(s) for what every reason.
You may need/want to sort the dataset to help you in computing the modes. If you do this, please
note that the dataset passed to the mode() function is declared const and so you cannot change
that dataset.
Given that you are implementing a function, we will provide a template main() function in the
file Mode.cpp that you may edit as you see fit to test your functions.
All code will be subject to style checking. Your function should not output anything to either cout
or cerr.
Submission: You should submit the result of this exercise to the project H3-Mode. Your submission file must be named Mode.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.
Knowledge required to complete this exercise:
• Creation of a function
• Passing data to a function in an array
• Returning a value from a function
• Returning array data from a function
4. Bisection Root Finding [1 marks]
In Homework 1, Question 3, when calculating the square-root of a value we used the Babylonian
method. This method is a specific instance of the Newton-Raphson method for finding the zero
points of a function f(x) (i.e., the values of x for which f(x) = 0), applied to the function:
f(x) = S − x
This method works well for calculating the square-roots, or even Nth-roots, because the equation
is relatively stable and well behaved. For other functions, the method is very sensitive to the choice
of the initial guess and if that is poorly chosen, the method will fail badly.
An alternate technique that is extremely robust is the Bisection Method which is described briefly
in Wikipedia.5 This method starts with two initial values, xl and xr, representing an interval [xl
, xr],
where the function crosses the x-axis (i.e., f(xl) and f(xr) have opposite signs). The value of the
function at the interval midpoint is calculated and then the interval size is reduced to the half that
contains the zero-crossing point. For example, in the figure below:
zero point of f(x)
y = f(x)
left mid right
the function is below the x-axis at the “left” point and above it at the “right” point. At the middle of
that interval, the function is below the x-axis, and so we can reduce the interval from [left,right] to
[mid,right]. This process continues until the interval size has reached a sufficiently small range.6
Given that this method is a progressive reduction of interval, it can be implemented recursively
roughly as follows:
5See algorithm
6Question: Why do we want to specify an interval size? Why don’t we simply require that the value of the function
at the interval midpoint is within a desired precision?
float bisection(const float left, const float right,
const float minIntervalSize) {
if (invalid parameters)
return NaN;
determine midpoint;
if (interval is less than minIntervalSize)
return midpoint;
if (midpoint replaces left)
bisection(midpoint, right, minIntervalSize);
bisection(left, midpoint, minIntervalSize);
However, this approach is still not quite sufficient. It is possible that the minimum interval size
is too tightly specified, and therefore not achievable. As such, you need to also implement a
termination criteria that will prevent the bisection() function from looping infinitely.7 To do
this, you must implement a bisection helper function:
float bisectionHelper(const float left, const float right,
const float minIntervalSize,
... ) {
// Implement above pseudocode in this function
// NOT in bisection function
// Add in necessary termination capacity
float bisection(const float left, const float right,
const float minIntervalSize) {
// invoke bisectionHelper() with extra parameter(s)
where “...” is the additional parameter needed to support termination when the requested interval
is not achievable.
For this question you are required to implement both the bisection() function and the recursive bisectionHelper() function. Your bisection method may assume that the template and
testing code will define the function whose root you are computing as follows:
float f(float x) {
return ...
It will not actually loop indefinitely under this condition. It will crash instead. Why?
Given that you are implementing functions, we will provide a template main() function in the
file Bisection.cpp that you may edit as you see fit to test your functions.
Submission: You should submit the result of this exercise to the project H3-Bisection. Your
submission file must be named Bisection.cpp. Note that the filename is case sensitive.

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