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COEN 79L - Lab 4

COEN 79L - Object-Oriented Programming and Advanced Data Structures
Lab 4
§ Sub-project 1: Keyed Bag
Another way to store a collection of items is in a keyed bag. In this type of bag, whenever
an item is added, the programmer using the bag also provides an integer called the key.
To this end, two arrays are used:
 key_type keys[CAPACITY]; // The array to store the keys
 value_type data[CAPACITY]; // The array to store items
Each item added to the keyed bag must have a unique key; two items cannot have the same
key. So, the insertion function has the specification shown here:
void keyed_bag::insert (const value_type& entry, int key);
// Precondition: size( ) < CAPACITY, and the bag does not yet contain any
// item with the given key.
// Postcondition: A new copy of entry has been added to the bag, with the
// given key.
When the programmer wants to remove an item from a keyed bag, the key of the item must
be specified, rather than the item itself. The keyed bag should also have a boolean member
function that can be used to determine whether the bag has an item with a specified key.
For this project, do a complete specification, design, and implementation of a
keyed bag.
§ Sub-project 2: Polynomials
For the second project, specify, design, and implement a class for polynomials.
A polynomial is an arithmetic expression of the form:
a" + a$x + a&x& + ⋯ + a)x)
The highest exponent, k , is called the degree of the polynomial, and the constants are the
The class may contain a static member constant, MAXDEGREE, which indicates the maximum
degree of any polynomial. (This allows you to store the coefficients in an array with a fixed
size.) Spend some time thinking about operations that make sense on polynomials. For
example, you can write an operation that adds two polynomials. Another operation should
evaluate the polynomial for a given value of x.
You may add additional functions to the header files if you wish to write more to help you
complete the assignment. You may NOT alter the names or structure of any of the
COEN 79L - Object-Oriented Programming and Advanced Data Structures
Lab 4
functions or attributes that are already within the header files. If you do add your own
functions, make sure to update the header file's comments to discuss those functions'
preconditions and postconditions. You will also be required to include an invariant in each
of the implementation files that you write.
When doing your implementation, pay careful attention to the preconditions and
postconditions given in the corresponding header file. Make sure to follow and enforce these
conditions. In poly.h, there are very specific instructions about how a polynomial should
be printed. Make sure to follow these and ask for clarification if you are confused, as the
format of what the output operator prints will be part of the grade.
The files that you submit should be named exactly keyed_bag.h, keyed_bag.cpp, poly.h,
and poly.cpp. The namespace used for the contents of these files should be exactly
"coen79_lab4". You should write test files for both of the above classes to test all of their
features thoroughly before submitting your solutions.

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