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COMP 2404 -- Assignment #2

COMP 2404 -- Assignment #2

You will modify your event management program from either Assignment #1 or from the base code to
separate the architecture into control, view, and entity objects.
Learning Outcomes
With this assignment, you will:
• practice the correct design of an object-oriented program
• use UML to document the design
1. Draw a UML diagram
Using a drawing package of your choice, draw a UML class diagram for your code from Assignment #1.
Remember, functions are not classes, so main() is not a class! Now add a Control class that will be
responsible for all control flow, and a View class to deal with all user I/O. Think about what functions will
be required in each class. You must keep adding to your diagram as you modify the code in each of the
steps below. Your UML diagram should reflect the design of the entire program for this assignment.
2. Implement the Control class
You will create a new Control class that implements the control flow from the main() function. The
Control class will contain:
• a data member for the Calendar object that used to be declared in main()
• a data member for a new View object that will be responsible for user I/O
• a launch() member function that implements the program control flow and does the following:
◦ use the View object to display the main menu and read the user’s selection, until the user chooses
to exit
◦ if required by the user, create a new dynamically allocated Event object and add it to the calendar
using existing functions
◦ use the View object to print the content of the calendar to the screen at the end of the program
The Control class will perform all user I/O using the View class. It will not interact with the user directly.
You will change the main() function so that its only responsibility is to declare a Control object and call
its launch() function.
3. Implement the View class
You will create a new View class that is responsible for interacting with the user. The View class will
• a member function for displaying the main menu and reading the user’s selection
• a member function for reading all the information from the user about one event
• a member function for printing out the calendar; this function will take the calendar as a parameter,
and it will use delegation, as seen in Tutorial #3, to ask the Calendar class to print to the screen
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Except for printing the calendar at the end of the program, only the View class will interact with the
user. You must change the program so that user I/O goes through this class.
After the Control and View classes are correctly implemented, your code should have no global
functions other than main().
4. Implement the List class
You will create a List class that holds a singly linked list of Event pointers. You will implement the
linked list as we saw in class, with no dummy nodes. The List class will contain:
• a data member for the head of the list
• a constructor for initialization
• a destructor for cleaning up dynamically allocated memory
• a member function with the prototype void add(Event*) that adds a new event to the list
◦ the new event will be added in its correct position in the list, in ascending order by date, using the
Date class’s lessThan() function
◦ you will need to implement a nested Node class, as we saw in the course material
• a print() function for printing the events to the screen
Change the Calendar class to use a new List object instead of the event array. There should be zero
impact on existing classes because of this change, except for minor changes to the Calendar class.
5. FOR BONUS MARKS ONLY: Implement the formatting functions
As explained in Tutorial #5, we need to implement some formatting functions in order to follow the
correct principles of encapsulation and information hiding. We cannot have entity or collection classes
printing data to the screen, and we cannot have the View class knowing the details of how a collection is
stored or traversed.
You will modify the code as follows:
• rename the print() functions in the Time, Date, Event, List, and Calendar classes to the following:
void format(string& outStr)
• write the format() functions so that they format the object data in the same way that it was printed
to the screen, but instead of outputting, they place the formatted data into the outStr output
◦ you can use the stringstream class to help with the correct formatting (see Tutorial #5)
◦ the format() functions will not print anything to the screen
◦ the outStr parameter must be declared in the calling function
• change the code in the Control class to format the calendar data (through delegation) before asking
the View to print it, using a new member function in the View class that simply prints a given string
to the screen
• the calendar’s format() function will ask the event list to format itself itself
• the list’s format() function will loop through the events and format all the event data into one big
string, using the Event class’s formatting function
• each event will ask its Date object to format itself, which will in turn ask its Time object to do so
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6. Test the program
• You will modify the in.txt file so that it provides sufficient datafill for a minimum of 15 events. The
ordering of event dates and times in the file must be such that the program is thoroughly tested.
• Check that the event information is correct when the calendar is printed out at the end of the program.
• Make sure that all dynamically allocated memory is explicitly deallocated when it is no longer used.
Use valgrind to check for memory leaks.
• your program must follow correct encapsulation principles, including the separation of control, UI, and
entity object functionality
• do not use any classes, containers, or algorithms from the C++ standard template library (STL)
• do not use any global variables or any global functions other than main()
• do not use structs; use classes instead
• objects must always be passed by reference, not by value
• your classes must be thoroughly documented in every class definition
• all basic error checking must be performed
• existing functions must be reused everywhere possible
You will submit in cuLearn, before the due date and time, the following:
• a UML class diagram (as a PDF file), drawn by you with a drawing package of your choice, that
corresponds to the entire program design
• one tar or zip file that includes:
◦ all source, header, and data files, including the code provided
◦ a Makefile
◦ a readme file that includes:
▪ a preamble (program and revision authors, purpose, list of source/header/data files)
▪ compilation. launching, and operating instructions
Grading (out of 100)
Marking components:
• 35 marks: correct UML diagram
25 marks: correct classes, attributes, and operations
10 marks: correct associations between classes
• 20 marks: correct implementation of Control class
4 marks: correct definition of new data members
16 marks: correct implementation of launch() function
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• 10 marks: correct implementation of View class
4 marks: correct implementation of main menu function
4 marks: correct implementation of read event information function
2 marks: correct implementation of print calendar function
• 30 marks: correct implementation of List class
5 marks: correct class definition
3 marks: correct implementation of constructor
7 marks: correct implementation of destructor
10 marks: correct implementation of add() function
5 marks: correct implementation of print() function
• 5 marks: correct changes to Calendar class for use of List class
• Bonus 10 marks: correct implementation of format() functions
Execution requirements:
• all marking components must be called, and they must execute successfully to receive marks
• all data handled must be printed to the screen for marking components to receive marks
• Packaging errors:
◦ 10 marks for missing Makefile
◦ 5 marks for a missing readme
◦ 10 marks for consistent failure to correctly separate code into source and header files
◦ 10 marks for bad style or missing documentation
• Major programming and design errors:
◦ 50% of a marking component that uses global variables, global functions, or structs
◦ 50% of a marking component that consistently fails to use correct design principles
◦ 50% of a marking component that uses prohibited library classes or functions
◦ 100% of a marking component that is replaced by prohibited library classes or functions
◦ 50% of a marking component where unauthorized changes have been made to the base code
◦ up to 10 marks for memory leaks, depending on severity
• Execution errors:
◦ 100% of a marking component that cannot be tested because it doesn’t compile or execute in VM
◦ 100% of a marking component that cannot be tested because the feature is not used in the code
◦ 100% of a marking component that cannot be tested because data cannot be printed to the screen
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