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COMP 321: Programming Challenges Optional Assignment A

COMP 321: Programming Challenges
Optional Assignment A
In this optional assignment, you will solve one additional problem from the list of problems in
contest 1. The chosen problem must be different than the problems that you already solved
during the contest. You can solve the problem individually or per team. However, if you solve it
per team, make sure that every team member submits the solution, for grading. The problem
will count for 5 extra points on your grade for contest 1.
What I expect from you is to upload the following in the “Optional assignment A” folder:
1) The code that you used for solving the problem. The files must be named
Problem_ IDi.extension, where ‘Problem’ is the problem ID, IDi is
your McGill id and ‘extension’ is the program extension (.java).
NOTE: Make sure to add comments to your code.
2) A .pdf file. This .pdf must be named AssignmentA_IDi.pdf, where IDi is your McGill id number.
Inside the pdf file, include a screenshot of the acceptance notification that you received on your
Kattis account. Please make sure your name appears in it.
The due date for this assignment is Saturday November 17th before 11:59 PM.
List of problems:
1. Oddities (difficulty 1.3)
2. Lawn Mower (difficulty 2.1)
3. Bank Queue (difficulty 3.1)
4. Trapezoid Walkway (difficulty 3.3)
5. Coloring Graphs (difficulty 4.3)
6. Restaurant Orders (difficulty 5.4)

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