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COMP2401 - Assignment #6

COMP2401 - Assignment #6
In this assignment, you will practice reading and writing information to/from both text & binary files.
We will be writing code that reads in a file containing
some worldwide data from the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The statistics were extracted from here: on May
28, 2020. The data set contains statistics on Covid19 cases from 215 countries, including the number of
cases, the number of deaths, the number of
recovered, population, etc… Follow the steps below
to complete the assignment.
Part 1
Download the file called pandemic.tsv. This is a text file with “tab-separated values”. That means, a
tab character separates the values on each line. It contains a header line, followed by 215 lines of
country statistics. Write a program called tsvToBin.c that will read in this file, extract some data from
it and then re-write it to 3 new files called ongoing.bin, resolved.bin and incomplete.bin. Here is
what you need to do:
1. Make sure that you open the .tsv file for reading and close it when you are done. You must
also check for errors in opening the file and use printf to indicate if an error has occurred.
2. You must open the binary files for writing, and close them when you are done. You must
check for errors as well in case the file cannot be created. Each time you run the program, the
binary files must be overwritten.
3. The program must read in all the lines of the .tsv file until none remain. There are 215
countries in the file but you MUST NOT hard-code this number anywhere. It must be
computed by reading through the entire file once to determine how many lines are in there.
Thus, your program should work properly regardless of the number of lines in the file.
4. The binary files will contain statistic information in the same order as the .tsv file, however
each of the .tsv file lines of data will be written to only one of the binary files. You will divide
up the countries into the three files based on the statistics. Countries that have ongoing cases
(i.e., ongoing means that there are still cases that have not yet resulted in recovery nor death)
will be written to the ongoing.bin file. Countries in which all cases have been resolved (i.e.,
#cases = #deaths + #recovered) will be written to the resolved.bin file. Any countries with
missing “important” data (i.e., total cases, total deaths, total recovered or population) will be
written to the incomplete.bin file. Each binary file must begin with an unsigned short int
indicating how many countries have been written to that file. As a helpful hint, you can re-write
a number to the file after it has been written … if you need to.
5. You MUST NOT create any array to hold all of the data that you read in. You may, however,
determine the maximum number of characters in a country name and the maximum number of
characters in a line … and define appropriate constants … if that helps.
6. You will need to read in one piece of data at a time. Each piece of data is separated by a tab
character. If you want to use fscanf(), you can make use of the following format string which
will read everything up to (but not including) a tab character: "%[^\t]s". And the following
will read everything up to (but not including) a newline character: "%[^\n]s".
7. You must read in the first line … which is a header line, but then it will be
discarded. After that, each line read in represents the statistics (shown here
on the right) for a country. Only the data in RED should be written to the
binary files, following these rules:
• The Country should be written to the binary files by first writing a byte
indicating the number of characters in the country name, followed by
the exact number of characters needed (i.e., no extra spacing nor
padding) for the name. For example, if “Canada” is the country title,
then a 6 should be written, followed by the 6 letters in “Canada”. The
NULL-terminating character should NOT be written.
• The Total Cases, Total Deaths, Total Recovered and Population should all be
written as unsigned ints. For the resolved.bin file, in order to keep the file size
smaller, you will NOT write the Total Cases, since this is redundant and can be
computed later as Total Deaths + Total Recovered.
• When reading the values from the text file, you will notice that all numbers above 999
will have a comma in them as well as quotes (e.g., "23,718") but the numbers less than
1,000 will not have quotes. You will need to handle the reading/processing of these
numbers properly. You will likely want to write a function that takes a number string
(i.e., either “999” or “"23,178"”) and then returns the proper integer that it represents.
Be aware that a couple of the numbers may have N/A as their value or may be blank,
indicating that the data was not available. Depending on how you read in the data, the
blank could appear as an empty string, a string with a tab, a string with a '\r' or '\n'
character, etc… For invalid or missing data, you should set the value to -1. However,
for some countries, the Total Deaths and/or Total Recovered is blank because there
have not been any occurrences as of yet. In this situation, you should set the value to
0, not -1. You can check if it should be zero by comparing the active cases (read in
from the original file) with the total cases. If all cases are active, then there should be
zero deaths and zero recovered. If all cases have recovered, then there should be
zero deaths. If all cases have died, then there should be zero recovered. In these
situations, we must not assume that the data is incomplete, but just that the blanks are
• Finally, for the ongoing.bin file only, a single char should be written as ‘L’, ‘M’ or ‘H’
indicating whether the virus has had a low, medium or high impact on the population.
If the total number of cases is less than or equal to 0.05% of the population, then this
was a low impact. If it was greater than or equal to 0.30% of the population, then this
was a high impact. Otherwise it was a medium impact.
• None of the other data should be written to the files.
Here are the sizes of the files (in bytes) that you MUST have if everything is done properly:
• pandemic.tsv 16,124 bytes (has data for 215 countries)
• ongoing.bin 4,929 bytes (has data for 189 countries)
• resolved.bin 549 bytes (has data for 22 countries)
• incomplete.bin 109 bytes (has data for 4 countries)
You can use ls -l to confirm the file sizes. If you cannot get the correct file sizes, then something is
wrong. However, do not get hung up on this if you cannot get it to be the correct sizes. Just move on
to the next part … you can always come back to this later and figure it out. It is not worth a lot of
marks to ensure the correct sizes.
Part 2
Write a program called pandemicStats.c while reads in the three binary files that you just created
and prints out the information as discussed below. You must open and close the files properly and
handle any errors accordingly. The following should be displayed in the order here:
• The number of countries in the ongoing.bin file followed by a nicely-formatted printout of the data
in the file in the format shown here. Note that in order for numbers to be displayed with commas,
you need to include <locale.h> in your file and also call setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
once in your program.
 Country Cases Deaths Recovered Population Impact
------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------
 Afghanistan 13,036 235 1,209 38,838,960 L
 Albania 1,076 33 823 2,878,078 L
 Algeria 8,997 630 5,277 43,772,270 L
 Andorra 763 51 681 77,254 H
 Angola 71 4 18 32,757,041 L
 Antigua and Barbuda 25 3 19 97,853 L
 Argentina 13,933 501 4,617 45,156,510 L
 Armenia 8,216 113 3,287 2,962,740 M
 ... ... ... ... ... ...
• The number of countries in the resolved.bin file followed by a nicely-formatted printout of the data
in the file in the format shown here. Note that the Cases is not read in from the file … it must be
 Country Cases Deaths Recovered Population
------------------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------ -------------
 Anguilla 3 0 3 14,990
 Belize 18 2 16 396,910
 British Virgin Islands 8 1 7 30,212
 Caribbean Netherlands 6 0 6 26,200
 Dominica 16 0 16 71,970
 ... ... ... ... ...
• The number of countries in the incomplete.bin file followed by a nicely-formatted printout of the
data in the file in the format shown here. Note that any missing data should appear as ---.
 Country Cases Deaths Recovered Population
------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------
 Diamond Princess 712 13 651 ---
 MS Zaandam 9 2 0 ---
 Netherlands 45,950 5,903 --- 17,132,422
 UK 269,127 37,837 --- 67,852,992
 ... ... ... ... ...
• The following statistics (Note that for the stats below, you will be ignoring stats from all
countries that are in the incomplete.bin file):
(1) The total world population for which we have complete statistics. Should be 7,666,356,914.
(2) The total number of cases worldwide. Should be 5,536,801. Also show what percent of the
population this represents. Should be 0.07%.
(3) The total number of deaths worldwide. Should be 316,050. Also show what percent of the
cases this represents .. which is the death rate. Should be 5.71%.
(4) The total number of recovered worldwide. Should be 2,538,669. Also show what percent of
the cases this represents .. which is the recovery rate. Should be 45.85%.
(5) The total number of ongoing cases worldwide. Should be 2,682,082. Also show what
percent of the cases this represents. Should be 48.44%.
• A list of the countries with ongoing cases, sorted by the number of cases (highest first). You
MUST use the qsort() function in C to do this. You should display the number of cases and
country name, nicely formatted as follows:
 1,756,161 USA
 418,608 Brazil
 379,051 Russia
 283,849 Spain
 231,732 Italy
 182,913 France
 182,313 Germany
 165,348 India
 160,979 Turkey
 143,849 Iran
 135,905 Peru
 88,468 Canada
Submit all of your c source code files as a single tar file containing:
1. A Readme text file containing
• your name and studentNumber
• a list of source files submitted
• any specific instructions for compiling and/or running your code
2. All of your .c source files and all other files needed for testing/running your programs.
3. Any output files required, if there are any.
The code MUST compile and run on the course VM.
• If your internet connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for
handing in an assignment late ... so make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !
• You WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing. So, make sure that you hand
in the correct files and version of your assignment. You will also lose marks if your code is not written
neatly with proper indentation and containing a reasonable number of comments. See course
notes for examples of what is proper indentation, writing style and reasonable commenting).

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