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Compsci 223 Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Question 1: Identify a schedule that would be allowed by a 2PL protocol but would not be
generated by the validation protocol. Explain how the schedule you identify could be generated
using 2PL by associating an appropriate lock and unlock operations. Also, explain clearly why
the schedule would not be generated by the validation protocol. Now attempt do the same
where you specify a schedule that a validation protocol can generate but would not be allowed
by 2PL. Can you identify such a schedule? Explain.
Question 2: Let us define a scheduler as supporting maximum concurrency if it can generate
the set of all conflict serializable schedules. For example, 2PL does not support maximum
concurrency since the following schedule
which is conflict serializable can never be generated by the 2PL scheduler. Similarly, it is not
difficult to see that a TO scheduler does not support maximum concurrency. On the other hand,
the SGT scheduler does support maximum concurrency but it can result in transactions
aborting. Design a conservative version of the SGT scheduler that, like the basic SGT
scheduler, supports maximum concurrency and that does not result in any transaction aborts.
(Assume that transactions predeclare their read and write operations. List out all the steps of the
conservative SGT scheduler you design. In particular, specify what happens when a transaction
begins execution, what does the scheduler do in deciding on whether or delay an operation, and
when a transaction commits.
Question 3: Paper-reading: In the performance study in [Agarwal et. al.] it is shown that under
the assumption of infinite resources (that is, very low resource contention) dynamic 2PL starts
thrashing as the MPL (Multiprogramming Level) is increased beyond a certain level, much
before the optimistic scheme starts thrashing. In fact, in their experiments the throughput of
optimistic scheme keeps increasing with the increase in MPL for the entire range of MPL tested.
Explain why the dynamic 2PL scheme thrashes with increased MPL while the throughput of
optimistic scheme keeps increasing.
Question 4: Illustrate using an example why a protocol will not work correctly (that is, it may not
ensure serializability), if transactions acquired an S-lock to read and an X-lock to update data
items. Try to generalize the protocol such that serializability can be ensured without requiring
that transactions acquire X-locks on data items whenever they need to either read or write the
data item.
Question 5: Consider a hot spot data item whose value needs to be maintained in the range 0
and . Such a data item is maintained as a range [a, b], where the range signifies that the
value of the data item at any instance is greater than equal to and less than equal to . A
transaction wishing to decrement the data item acquires an E mode lock on the hot spot. Two E
mode locks do not conflict, whereas an E mode lock conflicts with other S and X lock modes.
After acquiring the E mode lock, the transaction tests the escrow logic, that is, it tests if the
return value of its decrement will succeed for any value of the hot spot in the range. If that is the
case, the transaction proceeds with its operation. Else, it can either delay or abort. Note that
some mechanism has to be inplace to prevent two transactions from testing their escrow logic
concurrently. In our discussion on the escrow technique in class, we had assumed that
transactions only decrement the hot spot data item (e.g., reserve seats in the airline reservation
example) by a given amount and do not increment the hot spot (e.g., cancel a reservation).
Generalize the scheme discussed in the class to handle the case in which transactions may
also increment the hot spot.
Question 6: In class we discussed that one common cause of deadlock is when a transaction
holding an S lock wishes to convert its lock to an X mode. Two such transactions, both holding
S lock on a data item, if they request lock conversion to X mode will result in a deadlock. One
way to address this is to support an (U)pdate mode lock. A transaction that could possibly
update the data item requests a U lock. A U lock is compatible with the S lock but is
incompatible with other U and X locks. If the transaction, holding a U lock, decides to update the
data item, it upgrades its lock to an X mode. Since a U lock is incompatible with other U locks,
deadlock is prevented without preventing other transactions read access to the data item. One
problem with this approach, however, is that the transaction that does eventually require to
convert its U lock to an X lock may be starved if there is a steady flow of S mode requests on
the data item (since S mode and U modes are compatible in our scheme). Note that this
problem would not arise if the transaction had acquired an X mode lock instead of a U lock.
However, that would result in lower concurrency. Suggest a refinement of the update mode
locking that does not result in a loss of concurrency, and that at the same time prevents possible
starvation of transaction's lock conversion request. Try to design a solution that does not
complicate the logic of the lock manager by associating priorities with different transactions.
(Hint: you may need to add additional lock types.)
Question 7: Write a brief summary of the Tictoc paper on validation based protocol. Please
answer the following questions after summarizing the paper:
a. What is the principal novelty of the paper?
b. Describe the serializable guarantee provided by TicToc. Compare this to Conflict
c. Describe the difference between Timestamp ordering in TicToc and the Multi-version
timestamp ordering discussed in class.
d. Present a valid critique of the paper (based on experiments or design discussion in the

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