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Compsci 223 Assignment 4

Assignment 4
Question 1: Assume that a transaction T consists of the following operations, resulting from
hiring a new manager ‘Jill’ for the ‘toy’ department of a company
T: Begin
insert into Employee values ( <Jill, 120k>)
Update Departments set manager_name = ‘jill” where department_name = ‘toy’
Let the file containing Employee and Departments table to be named Employee and
Departments respectively. Also, there is a B-tree index on the Salary field for Employee and
also on the name field. Finally, there is a B-tree on manager_name and department_name of
Departments. Let the files corresponding to these B-trees be name, sal, mname, and dname
respectively. The insertion of the Employee table causes insertion on page 7 of Employee file,
and insertion into the corresponding B-trees causes updates to pages 9 and 11 of name file
and pages 13, 15, and 17 of sal file. Furthermore, update of Departments table causes page
19 of the Departments file to be updated and an insertion of the record on page 21 of the
mname file corresponding to the B-tree. Let us assume that all the pages of all files are
initially in disk.
Let us assume that we are using logical logging with logical undo, and, furthermore, using
shadow paging as a mechanism for ensuring action consistency of logical operators. Sketch
out the exactly how transaction processing will proceed, what logs will be written, what locks
will be acquired, when, and when will they be released. Remember, the goal is to maximize
concurrency, so the page locks should be held for as short a duration as possible. Note that
the problem is a bit underspecified in the sense that it does not specify where the page tables
corresponding to each of the files is stored and where the master page table is stored. Feel
free to “fill in the gaps” in the question while answering it. Answer the question under the
assumption that the transaction T above requests commit at the end of the transaction.
Question 2: Let us redo the question above, but this time instead of shadow paging for
action consistency, we rather do physical logging. Physical logging requires you to know the
before and after value of the part of the page that is changed. You can simply refer to the
before and after values as b(P,O) and a(P,O) where P is the page and O is the operation.
This time when you explain how the transaction processing proceeds, assume that the
transaction aborts mid flight after successfully completing the insert operation during the
execution of the update. In particular it fails after inserting the tuple on Departments file on
page 19, but just before the corresponding insertion on page 21 of the mname B-tree.
Question 3: Consider an ARIES style algorithm that uses pageLSN to track state of the
pages, and CLRs are written to ensure that the page state is tracked correctly irrespective of
rollbacks in the middle of the execution.
Explain the importance of writing CLRs. One option in undoing log record with lsn l
instead of writing CLRs during transaction roll back, is to reset the pageLSN of the
page to the LSN of the log record that modified the page before l
(that is, the
log record
with a lower lsn value).Construct a counterexample that illustrates what can go wrong if
this scheme is used for handling transaction rollbacks.
2. Assume that we were using page level locks to ensure strictness. Is writing CLRs still
important? That is, can you design transaction roll back and restart algorithms that work
correctly but do not require CLRs to be written under the assumption of page level
3. In the restart algorithm, during the redo pass we repeat the entire history (that is, the
effects of both committed as well as transactions that were active at the time of failure).
One alternative is to instead perform redo selectively. That is, we only redo the effects of
committed transactions and not of those transactions that were active at the time of
failure. Illustrate through a counterexample what can go wrong with our algorithm if we
were to perform selective redos.
Question 4: The force log at commit requirement for transactions dictates that a transaction’s
log records need to be forced to disk before it commits. This, however, implies that a disk
write must take place for every transaction commit. Let us assume that writing a page to disk
(once the disk head has been properly aligned) takes 20 milliseconds (At disk transfer rate of
approx. 1MBs, the time to write a 10KB page to disk is 10/1000s = 10millisecods.
Furthermore, each disk write has a fixed overhead of dispatching the daemon, preparing and
issuing the I/O, and cleaning up after the I/O completes. This overhead could be approx. 10
milliseconds. Thus the total time to write on disk is approx. 20 milliseconds) which imposes a
bound on the maximum throughput of 50 tps. To improve on throughput, a technique
developed by IMS/ Fast Path developers was the idea of group commit In IMS fast path, the
log records of the transaction (including its commit record) are not forced to disk immediately
after the completion of the transaction. Instead, the log manager waits for the log page to fill
up. By writing only full log pages, and writing as many pages as possible in a single write, the
system is able utilize full disk bandwidth and to amortize the fixed software
overhead of writing to disk over many transactions. In the group commit scheme, the log
daemon wakes up, say every 100 millisecond, and flushes all the log pages which are in
buffer to disk. This way the fixed software overhead of 10 millisecond is paid every
100 milliseconds and thus 90 out of every 100 milliseconds can be used for transferring data
to the disk. That is, the system can utilize .9 of the disk bandwidth thereby being able to write
.9MB/second of log data to the disk. Assuming that each transaction, on average, writes 1KB
of log data, the group commit optimization potentially raises the system throughput to
approximately 900 transactions per second. One problem with the group commitment,
however, is that since it batches the commitment of transactions, it increases the average
response time of transactions 50 milliseconds since a transaction, even though it has finished
execution, is not committed until the log daemon wakes up and pushes the transaction's
commit log record to the stable storage. While an increase of 50 milliseconds in the response
time for transactions is not a big problem, unfortunately, since strictness dictates that the
locks held by transactions not be released until the transaction commits, the group commit
strategy increases the lock hold time of transactions by 50 milliseconds. Recall from the
discussion in class that increase in lock hold time increases the conflict and deadlocks in the
system thereby resulting in decrease in throughput. To overcome this problem, the approach
taken by the IMS designers is to release the locks held by the transaction when it completes
execution even before its log records have been stably recorded to the disk. Notice that this is
a violation of strictness of schedules. In fact, since after the lock release, other transactions
can read the data written by a transaction even before the transaction commits, the resulting
schedule is not even cascadeless.
1. How will the recovery algorithm we studied in class have to be modified to work correctly
with the early lock release which is used in conjunction with group commit as we
described above. Answer this question under two different sets of assumptions about the
system. (Assume that we have a centralized database with a single log file and logs are
flushed to disk sequentially in an order in which log records are written).
2. Now consider a distributed system where each site has an independent log manager
that exploits group commit and consequently locks at the sites are released when the
transaction is ready to commit (that is, on receipt of the prepare message if a site is a
cohort or when the commit decision occurs if the site is a coordinator). Can you design a
recovery approach that still works correctly in this case?
Question 5: Suppose that a fuzzy checkpointing scheme is used and at the time of the
checkpoint all the dirty pages are written to the disk.For each checkpoint, a begin_checkpoint
and end_checkpoint log records are written. Furthermore, suppose that the recovery
algorithm uses only a single centralized log. Each log record in the log has with it associated
a log sequence number (lsn) and a log is a sequential sorted file, sorted by the lsn values.
Consider a system failure. Let the lsns of the begin_checkpoint and end_checkpoint log
records of the last checkpoint before failure be Ci.lsn1 and Ci.lsn2 respectively. Let the lsns
of the begin_checkpoint and end_checkpoint log records of the second last checkpoint be
Ci-1.lsn1 and Ci-1.lsn2 respectively. Furthermore, let T1, T2, ..., Tn be the transaction that
were active at the time of failure (that is, for whom neither a commit, nor an abort log record
had been written at the time of failure) and let Ti.lsn be the log sequence number of the first
log record for transaction Ti, i=1,2, .., n. Assume that, as discussed in class, restart consists
of three phases, an ANALYSIS PHASE in which we determine the set of transactions that
must be rolled back, as well as the set of transactions whose effects must be committed to
the disk. A REDO PHASE in which we repeat the history, redoing the effects of the
transactions that need to be committed as well as those which need to be aborted. Finally, an
UNDO PHASE in which the effects of transactions that need to be rolled back are undone.
1. What is the bound on the lsn of the log record below which we do not need to redo
during restart?
2. What is the bound on the lsn of the log record below which we do not need to undo
during restart?
Assume that to determine the status of the various transactions before failure, the restart
algorithm starts from the last checkpoint record. It traverses the log forward and constructs a
commit, abort, and active lists. Initially, these lists are empty. When the restart algorithm sees
an update log record for a transaction, it adds the transaction to the active list. On the other
hand, if it sees a commit log record, it inserts the transaction into the commit list and deletes
the transaction from the active list(in case the transaction is present in the active list). If it
sees an abort log record for the transaction, it inserts the transaction to the abort list and
deletes the transaction from the active list (in case the transaction is present in the active list).
Once the restart algorithm sees the last log record it terminates its analysis pass.
1. Is every transaction that was active prior to the system failure present in the {\it active
list} at the end of the analysis pass? (Yes/No). Please explain. Note this is not an
midterm or final, so you could be a bit verbose in your explanations
2. Is every transaction that had committed prior to the system failure but whose effects may
need to be redone using log records present in the commit list at the end of the analysis
pass? (Yes/No). Please explain
Question 6:
Paper reading assignment: Read through the survey paper on database recovery techniques.
Write a summary of the paper. In your summary highlight the following:
1. Recovery techniques discussed in the paper with a brief description of their novelty.
2. Comparison strategies used to compare different databases in the paper and discuss
briefly if any other metrics could have been used to compare them.
3. Briefly mention what you liked and did not like in the paper. Be sure to justify your

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