COMP 462 / 561 – Computational Biology Methods
Assignment #1
Notes: You can either type your assignment (using Word, Latex, etc), or handwrite it and scan it.
In either case, you must submit a PDF document. For question 3, also submit your code.
Question 1. (10 points) Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
What is the optimal global alignment for APPLE and HAPE? Show all optimal solutions and the
corresponding paths under the match score of +1, mismatch score of -1, and indel penalty
cost(L) = -1*L (linear gap penalty).
Question 2. (5 points) Affine gap penalty
Give an example of a pair of short sequences for which the optimal pairwise alignment under the
linear gap penalty scheme described in question 1 is different from the optimal pairwise
alignment under an affine gap penalty with cost(L) = -2 - 0.5*L. Try to find the shortest
sequences possible, and show the optimal alignment under the two scoring schemes.
Question 3. (45 points) Sequence alignment with arbitrary gap penalty
When aligning two sequences, it is important to choose an alignment scoring scheme (substitution
matrix cost and gap penalty function) that best captures the types of evolutionary events that are
common in the type of sequences being aligned. For example, if the two sequences being aligned
are protein-coding genes, then insertions or deletions of length 3, 6, 9, etc. nucleotides are
common, whereas those whose length is not a multiple of three are rare, because they would
result in a frameshift, i.e in the complete change of the amino acid encoded by the portion of the
gene that follows the indel point. The Needleman-Wunsch dynamic programming algorithm can
be modified to identify the optimal alignment under that kind of scoring scheme… but it’s a bit
too complicated for this assignment (ask students who did it in 2018!). Instead we will consider
the following (somewhat artificial) alignment problem, that we call the multi-gap-free alignment
We say that an alignment is multi-gap-free if it does not contain consecutive gaps in the same
sequence. For example, the following alignments are multi-gap-free:
A-T-GBut the following alignments are not multi-gap-free:
a) (5 points) Multi-gap-free only exist when the lengths m and n of the two sequences
satisfy a certain constraint. What is that constraint?
b) (20 points) Give the pseudocode of an exact algorithm for optimal pairwise global multigap-free alignment. Assume that a substitution cost matrix M and a gap penalty cost b are
given as input, along with the two sequences S and T to be aligned. Your algorithm
should run in time O(m n), where m and n are the lengths of the two sequences.
Hint: Study the algorithm for optimal pairwise alignment that works under the affine gap
penalty (see the scan of Durbin et al.’s textbook on MyCourses). This should provide
ideas for how to solve this question.
c) (20 points) Implement your algorithm, including the trace-back procedure, in the
programming language of your choice. Do not use any external alignment
package/library; write your program from scratch. Your algorithm should take four
arguments: (1) File containing the two sequences to be aligned (FASTA format). (2) The
score for matches; (3) The score for mismatches (we will assume that all mismatches are
score identically); (4) The value of gap penalty c. Your program should print out the
optimal alignment score, and the optimal alignment itself.
Use your program to compute the optimal multi-gap-free alignment for the following
pairs of sequences, assuming matchScore=1, mismatchScore=-1, c=-1:
Report the alignments found, together with their score, and submit your code on
MyCourses. Your code will not be marked, but submitting an answer (alignment score)
that would not have been produced by your own code would be considered cheating.
Question 4. (5 points) Longest common subsequence problem
Suppose that you have a very fast machine to execute the Smith-Waterman algorithm with any
user-specific substitution cost matrix and linear gap penalty. How would you use it to solve the
longest common subsequence: Given two DNA sequences S and T, find the longest sequence X
that is a subsequence of both S and T.
Note: Subsequences and substrings are two different things. A subsequence is made of characters
that occur in the right order in the input spring, but not necessarily consecutively. A substring is a
sequence of consecutive characters of the input string. So every substring is a subsequence, but
not vice-versa. For example, BOICS is a subsequence of BIOINFORMATICS, but it is not a
substring. IRO is neither a subsequence nor a substring of BIOINFORMATICS.
Question 5. (15 points) NoDeletion alignment problem
Consider the NoDeletion global alignment problem, which consists of optimally aligning
sequences S and T under a linear gap penalty for insertions but where deletions from S to T are
not allowed. Let m and n be the lengths of S and T respectively, and let k = n – m (of course, the
problem only makes sense if m <= n). Give an algorithm to solve the problem in time O( m*k ).
Question 6. (10 points) Progressive multiple sequence alignment
The progressive alignment algorithm we have seen in class to solve the multiple sequence
alignment is not guaranteed to produce an optimal solution. Assume a sum-of-pairs scoring
scheme with a linear gap penalty of c = -1 and the cost of mismatches is -1.
Give a simple example of specific set of short DNA strings where the algorithm fails to produce
an optimal result. Give the alignment and score produced by the algorithm, as well as the optimal
alignment and its score.
Question 7. (10 points) Blast algorithm
Give an example of the two most similar DNA sequences of length 20 that Blast using word
length w=5 will fail to align.
BONUS QUESTION. (20 points) Linear space pairwise alignment
The standard definition of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm requires O(m*n) space to align
sequences of length m and n respectively. In many cases, this is prohibitive. Of course, one can
compute the score of the optimal alignment in linear space trivially by only keeping in memory
the last two rows of the dynamic programming table. Let’s call this the ForgetThePast-NW
algorithm. However, this prevents us from recovering the alignment that achieves that score,
since trace-back is impossible.
Describe a O( m+n ) space algorithm to compute both the score and the alignment itself. Hint:
Think Divide-and-Conquer! Find out where the path corresponding to the optimal alignment will
cross the row m/2, using two calls to a modified ForgetThePast-NW. Then, recurse…