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Computational Vision Homework 5

CSci 4270 and 6270
Computational Vision
Homework 5

WARNING: This may be the longest assignment of the semester. We strongly
urge you to start early, and make use of office hours.
This homework, worth 140 points toward your overall homework grade, is to be done in two
parts. The first is a multistage problem of recognizing whether or not images are taken of the
same scene and building a montage of images taken not only of the same scene, but from the same
viewpoint (or take of a planar surface). This problem will require an extensive write-up describing
your design decisions and results.
The second part of this assignment involves two short problems on GrabCut and K-means
Each part will be submitted separately through Submitty, but neither will involve any Submitty
Part 1 — 100 Points
Here is the basic problem statement, which is elaborated on below: Given a folder of N images as
• determine which pairs of images show the same scene,
• among those that do show the same scene, determine which images overlap sufficiently that
they can be combined into a mosaic (either because the surface is flat or because the images
were taken by a camera that was approximately rotated in place), and
• for each pair of images that can be combined into a mosaic, generate and output a mosaic of
the two images.
It is possible that more than two images in a set of input images do show the same scene and
may be combined into a mosaic. This is where the undergraduate and graduate versions of this
assignment differ. In order to earn full credit, graduate students must produce a multi-image
mosaic (in addition to the image pair mosaics). Undergraduates can earn a small amount of extra
credit for multi-image mosaics. For graduate students this is the last 10 points on the assignment.
For undergraduates, this is 5 points of extra credit. More on this below.
Returning to the overall assignment, each set images you are given includes k ≥ 2 images,
I0, . . . , Ik−1. For each pair of images, Ii and Ij , with 0 ≤ i < j < k, your code must do the
1. Extract and match keypoints from each image. You may use any method you wish, including
ORB, SIFT or SURF. Output Ii and Ij side-by-side with lines drawn between matched
keypoints (see cv2.drawMatches). The final decision about where or not two keypoints
match may be made using the ratio test for descriptors like SIFT, or using the symmetric
matching criteria for descriptors like ORB. At this point there should be errors in your
keypoint matches.
2. As long as there is least a minimum number of matches or percentage of keypoints that match
(you decide on thresholds!), use RANSAC to estimate the fundamental matrix Fj,i that maps
pixel locations from Ii onto lines in Ij . (Please review the significance of the fundamental
matrix in your class notes!) You may use cv2.findFundamentalMat. Do this with the method
setting cv2.FM RANSAC; you will have to explore the other parameter settings. Show Ii and Ij
side-by-side with lines drawn between corresponding keypoints (a keypoint match) that was
a RANSAC inlier during fundamental matrix estimation.
In more detail, if u˜i (from image Ii) and u˜j (from image Ij ) are matching keypoint locations,
written in homogeneous coordinates, then let aj,i = Fj,iu˜i be the coordinates describing the
line in image j along which u˜j must lie if it is a correct match. (This is the “epipolar line”.)
Make sure you’ve normalized aj,i properly so that you can measure distances correctly. The
keypoint match survives — is kept as an “inlier” — if the distance from u˜j to the line is less
than a threshold that you specify.
3. Based on the results of fundamental matrix estimation, decide if the images do have sufficient
matches to be recognized as originating from the same scene. In a clean and easily understood form, output information about the results of matching that led to the decision. This
might include some combination of the number of matches, the percentage of keypoints that
matched, the percentage of initial matches that remain as inliers, and a measure of the error
in the matches.
4. If your code decides that Ii and Ij show the same scene, estimate the homography matrix
H mapping Ii onto Ij using RANSAC. You may use cv2.findHomography. Show Ii and Ij
side-by-side with lines drawn between corresponding keypoints as decided by the homography
matrix estimation.
5. Based on a combination of the homography estimation and fundamental matrix estimation,
decide if the two images can be aligned accurately enough to form a nice mosaic (you must
judge!). It will take some work to figure out a good decision criteria. Output information
about the results of matching that led to the decision. Hint: think about what it means if
H and F produce (almost) the same number of matches vs. if they produce a significantly
different number of matches.
6. If the decision after the previous step is “yes” then build and output the mosaic. Try to come
up with a relatively simple blending method that yields nice results instead of looking like
one image is mapped and pasted on top of the other.
Here is a bit about forming multi-image mosaics, a problem you should leave until everything
else is done. First, you need to remember which pairs of images can be aligned using a homography.
Think of the images as nodes in a graph and the image pairs as edges. The images that will form
the mosaic are the connected components. (If for some reason there are more than one connected
component, pick the largest.) Second, you will need to pick an “anchor” image that will remain
fixed while the other images are mapped onto it. This should in some sense be the “center” of the
set of images in the connected component. Third, you need to compute the transformations that
map the images onto this anchor image. This can get tricky quite quickly, so please do something
very easy using only the results of matching pairs of images. In particular, if I0 is the anchor
and Ii aligns with I0, then use the transformation homography computed between them. If Ii
does not have a homography with I0, but there is another image Ij that does, then “compose”
the transformations: Ii onto Ij onto I0. This is not as hard as it sounds. In particular, if Hj,i is
the estimated transformation matrix from Ii onto Ij and if H0,j is the estimated transformation
matrix from Ij onto I0, then H0,i = H0,jHj,i is a good estimation of the transformation from Ii
onto I0. In the data I provide there will not be any cases where you need to compose more than
two transformations if you choose the anchor correctly. Note that commercial software that builds
multi-image mosaics uses much more sophisticated methods to estimate H0,i.
Command Line and Output
Your program should run with the following very simple command line:
python in_dir out_dir
where in_dir is the path to the directory containing input images. Write all images to out_dir,
which should probably be a different directory from indir+ to avoid clutter across multiple runs.
Your code will need to output (via print statements) a significant amount of text as described above.
For each mosaic you create, make the file name be the composition of the names of the input file prefixes, in sorted order. For example, if the images are foo.jpg, bar.jpg and cheese.jpg, then the
mosaic of the first two will be bar_foo.jpg and the mosaic of all three will be bar_cheese_foo.jpg.
Use the extension from the first image (all images will be jpg).
Write Up and Code
Please generate a write-up describing your algorithms, your decision criteria, your blending algorithms, and your overall results. Evaluate both strengths and weaknesses, using images —
perhaps including some we did not provide — to illustrate. The actual text should be no more
than a page or so, single-spaced, but the document should be longer because of the images.
Finally, make sure your code is clean, reasonably efficient, documented, and well-structured.
Complete Submission
Your final submission for Part 1 will be a single zip find that includes the following:
1. Your .py file
2. The output files — both text and images — from running your code on each of the image
sets provided.
3. Your final write-up.
The zip file will be limited to 60MB.
Part 2
Combine your write ups from each of these two Part 2 questions into a single pdf file.
1. (20 points) Explore the GrabCut function in OpenCV. See
In particular, demonstrate an example image of your own choosing where GrabCut works
well and an example image where it works poorly. (These images must be ones that you
find or take and not images that someone else has worked on with GrabCuts.) A big part of
your effort is determining the rectangle bounding the foreground and, within this rectangle,
which pixels are definitely foreground and which are definitely background. To do this, please
examine the image interactively to find the bounds on one or more rectangular regions you’d
like to be part of the foreground and one or more rectangular regions you’d like to be part
of the background. Provide these to the GrabCuts function as part of the mask. Be sure to
discuss why you think GrabCuts succeeded or failed in each case. Also, be sure to resize your
image to a reasonable working dimension — say 500 to 600 pixels as the max dimension —
to make this practical.
Your Python code should take the original input image as an argument and a file containing
pixel coordinates defining rectangles in the image. Each line should contain four pixels defining
a rectangle. The first rectangle — the “outer rectangle” — should be the bounding rectangular
mask on the object. The remaining rectangles — the “inner rectangles” — should all be
enclosed in this rectangle and should bound image locations that should definitely be inside
or definitely outside the segmented object. (You will need some way to distinguish.) I suggest,
for simplicitly, that you find the coordinates of these rectangles by hand. I realize that this is
a bit clunky, but I don’t want you to spend your time writing any significant user interaction
Your write up should show the original image, the image with the rectangles draw overtop —
outer rectangle in one color, inner rectangles to be included in another, and inner rectangles
to be excluded in a third. Also show the resulting segmented image. Be sure to explain your
2. (20 points) Apply k-means clustering to attempt segment the grass in the images provided
on Submitty. The “data” vectors input to K-means should be at least be a concatenation of
the pixel location values and the RGB values at each pixel. You might include other measures
such as the standard deviation of the R, G and B values over a pixel’s neighborhood so that
you capture some notion of the variation in intensity (e.g. solid green regions aren’t very
grass-like). You might have to scale your position, color or other measurements to give them
more or less influence during k-means. Vary the value of k to see the effect — perhaps several
clusters together cover the grass.
Note that I don’t expect perfect segmentations. More sophisticated algorithms are needed
for this. Instead, I want you to develop an understanding of the use of k-means and of the
difficulty of the segmentation problem.
In addition to your code, please include in your write-up a small selection of images from
the ones I provided demonstrating good and bad results. Include each original image, and
separately show the clusters drawn on the images. Include example images that indicate the
effect of varying k and, perhaps, that demonstrate the effect of including measures other than
color and position.

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