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Computational Vision, Homework 6

CSci 4270 and 6270
Computational Vision,

Homework 6

Overview — Please Read Carefully
All students must complete Part 1 of this assignment. Students in the graduate version
of the class, 6270, must complete Part 2 as well.
The focus of this assignment is scene classification. In particular you will write classifiers to
determine the “background” class of a scene. The five possibilities we will consider are grass, wheat
field, road, ocean and red carpet. Some of these are relatively easy, but others are hard. A zip file
containing the images can be found at
In Problem 1 you will implement a descriptor and a linear SVM to classify the scene, while in
Problem 2 you will implement two neural networks.
1. (60 points) In our lecture on detection we focused on the “HoG” — histogram of oriented
gradients — descriptor. After it was published, many different types of descriptors were
invented for many applications. For this problem you are going to implement a descriptor
that combines location and color. It will include no gradient information. One long descriptor
vector will be computed for each image, and then a series of SVM classifiers will be applied to
the descriptor vector to make a decision. We strongly urge you to write two scripts to solve
this problem, one to compute and save the descriptors for each image, and one to reload the
descriptors, train the classifiers, and evaluate the performance.
The descriptor is formed from an image by computing a 3d color histogram in each of a series
of overlapping subimages, unraveling each histogram into a vector (1d NumPy array), and
concatenating the resulting vectors into one long vector. The key parameter here will be the
value of t, the number of histogram bins in each of the three color dimensions. Fortunately,
calculation of color histograms is straightforward. Here is example code to form an image of
random values and compute its 3d color histogram:
import numpy as np
# Generate a small image of random values.
M, N = 20, 24
img = np.floor(256 * np.random.random(M * N * 3)).astype(np.uint8)
# Calculate and print the 3d histogram.
t = 4
pixels = img.reshape(M*N, 3)
hist, _ = np.histogramdd(pixels, (t, t, t))
print(’histogram shape:’, hist.shape) # should be t, t, t
print(’histogram:’, hist)
print(np.sum(hist)) # should sum to M*N
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Color histogram bins
Each histogram bin covers a range of u = 256/t gray levels in each color dimension. For
example, hist[i, j, k] is the number of pixels in the random image whose red value is in
the range [i ∗ u,(i+ 1) ∗ u) and whose green value is in the range [j ∗ u,(j + 1) ∗ u) and whose
blue value is in the range [k ∗ u,(k + 1) ∗ u). Figure 1 illustrates the partitioning of the RGB
color cube into 4 × 4 × 4 regions.
As mentioned above, the image will be divided into overlapping subimage blocks and one
color histogram size of t
3 will be computed in each block. These will be concatenated to form
the final histogram. Let bw be the number of subimage blocks across the image and let bh be
the number of blocks going down the image. This will produce bw · bh blocks overall, and a
final descriptor vector of size t
· bw · bh. To compute the blocks in an image of H × W pixels,
∆w =
bw + 1
and ∆h =
bh + 1
The blocks will each cover 2∆w columns and 2∆h rows of pixels. The image pixel positions
of the upper left corners of the blocks will be
(m∆w, n∆h), for m = 0, . . . , bw − 1, n = 0, . . . , bh − 1.
Note that some pixels will contribute to only one histogram, some will contribute to two, and
others will contribute four. (The same is true of the HoG descriptor.) Figure 2 illustrates the
formation of blocks.
After you have computed the descriptors, you will train a series of SVM classifiers, one for
each class. To do so, you will be given a set of 4000 training images, {Ii}, with class labels
yi ∈ (1, . . . , k) (for us, k = 5). To train classifier Cj , images with label yi = j are treated as
yi = +1 in linear SVM training and images with label yi 6= j are treated as yi = −1. This
will be repeated for each of the k classifiers. The descriptor is computed for each training
image Ii to form the data vectors xi
Original image with ∆w and ∆h spaced lines Blocks of pixels over which histograms are formed
Figure 2: Image block tiling for bw = 4 and bh = 2.
Each resulting classifier Cj will have a weight vector wj and offset bj . The score for classifier
j for a test image with descriptor vector x is
dj =

j x + bj

(Recall that the 1/kwjk ensures that dj is a signed distance.) The classification for the test
image I is the class associated with the value of j that gives the maximum dj score. This is
used even if none of the dj scores are positive.
For each SVM classifier, output simple statistics on the training set (the “training error”)
including just the percentage (or fraction) of errors for each.
After complete training, you will test your classifiers with the set of 1000 test images. Each
will be run as described above and the label will be compared to the known correct label. You
will output the percentage correct for each category, followed by a k × k confusion matrix.
The confusion matrix entry at row r and column c shows the number of times when r was
the correct class label and c was the chosen class label. The confusion matrix would have all
0’s in the non-diagonal entries when the SVM classifier is operating at 100% accuracy.
Some Details
(a) It is very important that you use histogramdd or a similar function to compute the
histogram. Do not iterate over the pixels in the image using for loops: you will have
serious trouble handling the volume of images. You can iterate over the indices of the
subimage blocks and then use Numpy calls as above to form the histograms.
(b) As mentioned above, we suggest that you write one script to compute and save the
descriptors for all training and test images, and then write a second script to train your
SVM classifiers and generate your test output. We suggest that you use Python’s pickle
(c) For your SVM implementation, we suggest using sklearn.svm.LinearSVC. To use the
scikit-learn (sklearn) Python module, you will need to install the package. If you are
using Anaconda, as suggested earlier in the semester, you can simply run
conda install scikit-learn
(d) When training your model, do not run your code on the test images until you have
completed your training, including parameter tuning. The LinearSVC object can be
used with all of the default settings except for the error tuning parameter C. Play with
different values of C (the cost of points being in the SVM’s margin, as discussed in
lecture) to optimize your SVM’s performance for each class. The expected values of C
will fall in the range [0.1, 10.0] with performances varying across classes. You can use a
different value of C for each class, and you should report these values.
(e) The confusion matrix can be made using Matplotlib or
(f) The computation of feature extraction might still be time consuming even with efficient
Numpy use. We suggest that you develop and debug your program using a subset of the
training image set before running your final version on the full training and test sets.
(g) We suggest using at a minimum t = 4 and bw = bh = 4. This will give a descriptor of
size 1,024.
(h) Finally, you can investigate the addition of gradient histograms to your descriptors.
Doing so, with a careful analysis of the impacts, can earn you up to 5 points extra
Submit your code, your output from your final training and test runs, and a write-up.
This should contain a description of any design choices and parameter settings, along with a
summary discussion of when your classifier works well, when it works poorly, and why.
2. (60 points) We continue the background classification problem using neural networks. Specifically, you will use pytorch to implement two neural networks, one using only fully-connected
layers, and the other using convolutional layers in addition to fully-connected layers. The
networks will each start directly with the input images so you will not need to write or use
any code to do manual preprocessing or descriptor formation. Therefore, once you understand
how to use pytorch the code you actually write will in fact be quite short. Your output should
be similar in style to your output from Problem 1.
Make sure that your write-up includes a discussion of the design of your networks and why
you made those choices.
To help you get started I’ve provided a Jupyter notebook (on the Piazza site) that illustrates
some of the main concepts of pytorch, starting with Tensors and Variables and proceeding to networks, loss functions, and optimizers. This also includes pointers to tutorials on This notebook will be discussed in class on November 14 and 18. If you already
know TensorFlow, you’ll find pytorch quite straightforward.
Two side notes:
(a) PyTorch includes some excellent tools for uploading and transforming images into Tensor
objects. For this assignment, you will not need to use these since you’ve already written
code for image input for the previous problem that gathers images into numpy arrays
and it is trivial to transform these objects into pytorch tensors.
(b) Because of the size of the images, you might find it quite computationally expensive
and tedious to use a fully-connected network on the full-sized images, especially if you
don’t have a usable GPU on your computer. Therefore, you are welcome to resize the
images before input to your first network. In fact, we strongly suggest that you start
with significantly downsized images first and then see how far you can scale up!
Part 2 — Grad Students (6270) Only
1. (10 points) Consider a non-convolutional neural network that starts from an RGB input
image of size N × N. It has L layers with h nodes per hidden layer, and n nodes in the
output layer. Suppose each layer is fully-connected to the previous layer and there is a
separate bias term at each node of at each layer. Derive a formula to describe the number of
learnable parameters in the network.
2. (10 points) Consider a convolutional neural network applied to an RGB input image of size
N × N where, for simplicity of analysis, N is a power of 2. Suppose that
• the convolutions each cover k × k pixels,
• there are d different convolutions per convolution layer,
• padding is used so that convolutions do not results in image shrinkage, and
• after each convolution layer there is a max pooling layer applied over non-overlapping
2 × 2 pixel regions.
Suppose also that there L convolution layers, followed by F fully-connected layers with h
nodes per layer, and n
(o) nodes in the output layer. Derive an expression for the number
of learnable convolution parameters and the number of learnable parameters in the fullyconnected and output layers.
3. (20 points) So far, in the output layer of our networks we have used the same activation
function as we did in the hidden layers and then applied a mean square error loss (cost)
function to evaluate the output. More commonly, however, the output layer uses a special
activation function called the softmax that forces the output to be a probability distribution
(non-negative values that sum to 1), and this is combined with the cross entropy loss function
to generate the error signals that start backpropagation. To be specific, let
j =
jk a
k + b
be the input to the node j at the last layer, layer (L). Notationally, we drop the (L) superscript
and just write zj . Also, we use the notation pj as the output from node j in the output
layer instead of a
, both to simplify and to indicate that the output is, mathematically, a
probability. Using these two notational changes, the softmax activation output is defined as
pj =
k=1 e
(where we’ve adopted the short-hand n for n
) and the cross-entropy loss function for
expected binary output vector y is
L(p, y) = −
log pi
(a) Show that the activations across the output layer truly form a probability distribution.
(b) Show that the derivative of pi with respect to zk is
= pi(δik − pk).
where δik is the Kronecker delta function.
(c) Use this to show that the derivative of L with respect to the input at the i node at the
output layer has the amazingly simple, elegant form
= pi − yi

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