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Computer Science 230
Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
Assignment 1
Programming environment
For this assignment you must ensure your work executes correctly on the simulator
within AVR Studio 7 as installed on workstations in ECS 249. If you have installed
AVR Studio on your own then you are welcome to do much of the programming
work on your machine. (The IDE is available at no charge from
https://bit.ly/2VIArVA but comes only in the Windows 10 flavour.) You must
allow enough time to ensure your solutions work on the lab machines. If your
submission fails to work on a lab machine, the fault is very rarely that the lab
workstations. “It worked on my machine!” will be treated as the equivalent of “The
dog ate my homework!”
Individual work
This assignment is to be completed by each individual student (i.e., no group work).
Naturally you will want to discuss aspects of the problem with fellow students, and
such discussion is encouraged. However, sharing of code fragments is strictly
forbidden without the express written permission of the course instructor
(Zastre). If you are still unsure regarding what is permitted or have other questions
about what constitutes appropriate collaboration, please contact me as soon as
possible. (Code-similarity analysis tools will be used to examine submitted work.)
The URLs of significant code fragments you have found and used in your solution
must be cited in comments just before where such code has been used.
Objectives of this assignment
• Understand short problem descriptions for which an assembly-language
solution is required.
• Use AVR assembly language to write solutions to three such small problem.
• Use AVR Studio to implement, simulate and test your solution. (We will not
need to use the Arduino mega2560 boards for this assignment.)
• Hand draw a flowchart corresponding to your solution to the first problem.
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Part (a): Computing Hamming distance
Digital-communication hardware and software often includes circuity and code for
detecting errors in data transmission. In fact, nearly all dynamic-memory devices
include an error-correcting code called a Hamming code. While it may be a little
premature to implement such a code in our course, we can investigate a related
concept called Hamming distance.
Consider two different byte values, first:
and then:
In order to convert one of the byte values into the other, we could flip bits in specific
positions, i.e., those positions where the bits are different between the two bytes. In
our example, the bits in three positions are different: positions 6, 2 and 1 (i.e., recall
that bit position 7 is the leftmost bit, while bit position 0 is always the rightmost
bit). We can therefore state that the Hamming distance of these two byte values is
equal to three.
Your task for part (a) is to complete the code in the file named
hamming_distance.asm in the project csc230_a1_part_a provided to you. Please
read the ASM file for more detail on what is required. Amongst other AVR machine
instructions, you will need to use bit shift, logical AND, arithmetic ADD, and
branching. Do not use functions. You must also draw by hand the flowchart of your
solution and submit a scan or smartphone photo of the diagram as part of your
assignment submission; please ensure this is a JPEG or PDF named
“hamming_distance_flowchart.jpg” or “hamming_distance_flowchart.pdf”
depending on the file format you have chosen.
Part (b): Reversing the order of bits in a word
Recall that in our course we define a word to be a 16-bit sequence (i.e., two
consecutive bytes). For some algorithms it is useful to have a reversed version of
that 16-bit sequence. (The deeply curious can read a brief description about such
use in Fast Fourier Transform algorithm implementations by visiting Wikipedia at
this link: http://bit.ly/2rnvwz6).
Your task for part (b) is to complete the code in reverse.asm in the project
csc230_a1_part_b provided to you. Please read the ASM file for more detail on
what is required. Amongst other AVR machine instructions, you will need to use bit
shift, logical AND, arithmetic ADD, and branching. Do not use functions.
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Part (c): Binary Coded Decimal
In lectures we have seen that a number such as 7210 may be represented in binary
as 0b01001000. Another form of representing decimal numbers that was once
popular is called binary-coded decimal (BCD) where each decimal digit (from 0 to
9) was encoded in a four-bit field. The BCD representation of 7210 is 0b01110010,
i.e., where the left nibble (0111) represents 7 and the right nibble (0010) represents
2. A larger decimal number would therefore require more groups of four bits, that is,
four bits per decimal digit.
Although it would be fun write code that converts a binary number into its BCD
equivalent, for this assignment you will instead implement the other direction (BCD
into its binary equivalent) as it is a bit easier to code. That is, when given a BCD
number such as 0b01110010, your program will produce the binary-number
equivalent of 0b01001000.
Your task for part (c) is to complete the code in bcd2binary.asm in the project
csc230_a1_part_c provided to you. In that file there are some comments giving
several simplifying assumptions. Please read the ASM file for more detail on what is
required. Amongst other AVR machine instructions you will need to use bit shift,
logical AND, arithmetic ADD, and branching. Do not use functions. You may assume
that all byte values used to test your submission will be made up of properly formed
BCD numbers.
What you must submit
• Your completed work in the three source code files
(hamming_distance.asm, reverse.asm, bcd2binary.asm). Do not change
the names of these files! Please do not submit any other AVR 7 Studio project
• Your work must use the provided skeleton files. Any other kinds of solutions
will not be accepted.
• The scan / smartphone photo of your hand-drawn flowchart with the name
of “hamming_distance_flowchart.jpg” or
“hamming_distance_flowchart.pdf” depending on the format you have
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• 3 marks: Hamming-distance solution is correct for a variety of byte pairs
values (part a).
• 1 mark: Hand-drawn flowchart for Hamming-distance solution is correctly
prepared (part a).
• 3 marks: Reverse solution is correct for different word values (part b).
• 2 marks: BCD2binary solution is correct for different values BCD values (part
• 1 mark: All submitted code is properly formatted (i.e., indenting and
comments are suitably used), and files correctly named.
Total marks: 10