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Computer Architecture Homework #3

Computer Architecture Homework #3
Verilog Exercise Matrix-Vector Multiplication
TA: Yan-Lun Wu ( If you have any problem, contact me by email first.
Due 2019/12/3 13:00 Tuesday (CEIBA, no late homework is allowed.)
1. Introduction
In this exercise, you need to design a Verilog program to compute the operation 2*A*x
+ b. Vectors x and b are directly sent to your circuit and matrix A is stored in a memory.
You need to access the memory to acquire the data and then compute the answer y.
Here is an example of y = 2*A*x + b, where the dimension of matrix A is 2x2 and the
size of vectors x and b is 2x1.
2 ∗ [
1 2
3 4
] ∗ [
] + [
] = [
In this exercise, the size of matrix A is 16x16 and the size of vectors x and b is 16x1.
Each number in the matrix or vectors are represented with 8 bits. The numbers are
unsigned. You don’t need to consider overflow problem in this exercise, so the
numbers of the output vector are also represented in 8 bits.
2. Specification
The input/output pins are defined in Table1:
Tabel1 :I/O pins specification
Signal name Input / Output Bit width Description
CLK I 1 Clock signal.
Positive edge trigger.
RST I 1 Active high asynchronous reset signal.
vector_x I 128 Input data x16x1. This signal is consistent.
vector_b I 128 Input data b16x1. This signal is consistent.
vector_y O 128 Output data y16x1.
It’ll be checked when finish is 1.
Q I 128 Input data sent from memory.
A O 4 The address of the memory.
finish O 1 Control signal.
Set it 1 when all the computation is
done; otherwise set it 0.
3. Timing Diagram for Memory
Fig. 1 shows the timing diagram for reading data from a memory. Here CEN is always
0 and WEN is always 1. You just need to control the address A in this exercise. Note
that you may need to operate CEN and WEN signals by yourself in the future exercises.
Here the memory stores matrix A. The i-th word in the memory represents Ai,0:15. You
can change A to access different words in the memory.
4. Simulation Scripts
4.1 Sample Code: findmax
Circuit findmax.v finds the max and argmax value for eight continuous inputs. Visit
folder sample/findmax and run the following script.
ncverilog testfixture.v findmax.v +access+r
4.2 Sample Code: matvec2x2
Circuit matvec2x2.v computes matrix-vector multiplication Ax. In this sample, the size
of matrix A is 2x2 and the size of vector x is 2x1. Visit folder sample/matvec2x2 and
run the following script.
This sample is similar to the exercise. If you’re not very familiar with Verilog, please
make sure you fully understand this sample code.
ncverilog testfixture.v matvec2x2.v +access+r +define+tb1 +notimingchecks
4.3 RTL Simulation
ncverilog testfixture.v matvecmult.v +access+r +define+tb1 +notimingchecks
You can change between test cases by substituting tb1 to tb2
4.4 Synthesis
Please execute this script in syn folder. Synopsys Design Compiler will automatically
synthesize your RTL code into gate-level netlist following the commands in this script.
Run the code: source run.tcl
Please check if there’s any error message (you can ignore most warning messages). If
any, read the error messages and try to resolve them; if not, enter exit to leave Design
4.5 Gate-level Simulation
ncverilog testfixture.v matvecmult_syn.v -v tsmc13.v +access+r +define+tb1+SDF
4.6 Debug
Use program nWave to view the simulated signals. This will be very helpful for this
5. Files
The deadline for this exercise is 13:00, Dec. 3th. Please pack your files in a folder
named CA_hw3_yourid, compress it into a file and then submit to CEIBA.
There’s a 5% penalty for incorrect upload format. No late submission is accepted.
matvecmult.v (RTL file)
matvecmult_syn.v (synthesized gate-level netlist)
matvecmult_syn.ddc (Design database generated by Synopsys Design Compiler)
matvecmult_syn.sdf (Pre-layout gate-level sdf)
6. Grading Criteria
Item Description
RTL correctness(30%) Your matvecmult.v should give correct answer.
RTL tb3(hidden) (20%) Additional test case besides the provided files
Gate level no latch(10%) There are no latches in your gate level.
Gate-level correctness (20%) Your matvecmult_syn.v should give correct answer.
Report (20%) Snapchat:
1. rtl_tb1
2. rtl_tb2
3. gatelevel_tb1
4. gatelevel_tb2
5. no latch
6. Timing report
7. Area report
Please describe how you design this circuit and
what difficulties you encountered when working
on this exercise.
(This exercise might be easy if you had experiences
in Verilog. Please write down your Verilog
No latch
Gate level:
Timing Report
Area Report

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