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Computer Graphics GLSL Programing

CAP 4730 Computer Graphics

GLSL Programing

Overview | Details | Resources | Getting Help | Submitting
You may complete this project alone or in groups of two.
Shader programs are essential components of the modern OpenGL pipeline. You will use the
OpenGL shader language, GLSL, to implement shader programs that process high level algorithms
efficiently using the graphics processing unit (GPU). You will be evaluated on (1) source code completion and correctness 30% (2) reflectance direction calculation 10% (3) cube map 20% (4) texture
lookup 20% (5) result image 10% and (6) written report 10%.
Getting Started
Extract the file to your local folder. The source code framework is in the src
folder. Datasets (meshes, textures and scenes) are found in the data folder. Other helpful materials
are in the docs folder. To build the application on linux, type make in the src/mainsrc folder. This
also generates a visual studio c++ solution file. Use any platform but make sure your code compiles
and runs on Ubuntu Virtual Box before you submit (see docs for instructions). Included is libst
(by Syoyo Fujita) from prior assignments. The program is executed from the main function in
src/mainsrc/main.cpp. Note that librt is not included and a utilizes.cpp and utilities.h file are
added to the project (and Makefile) in src/mainsrc/.
Figure 1: Reflections: Environment Lighting
Your goal is to learn shader programing. You
will focus most of your time on implementing the shader program in the specified shader
files. The code framework provides infrastructure for compiling, loading and running your
shaders. The STShaderProgram is the main
class for managing your shader. Examples of
vertex and fragment shaders can be found in
Environment lighting uses texture-mapping (instead of point lights) to implement complex
scene lighting. This is different from other examples that compute reflectance by plugging
parameters into a specific lighting equation. To
implement a specular (mirror-like) reflection
under environment lighting, you will compute
a reflection ray at a point, and perform a texture look-up to determine the object’s color at
the specified point.
Implement the main() function in the vertex and fragment shader files, and complete functions in
main.cpp that build the cubemap. Follow the TO DO: proj4_GLSLshaders notes and refer to the
lecture notes and section 11.6 of the textbook for more details. To implement environment lighting,
OpenGL uses a cubemap that stores six images on a cube (the environment). The environment light
intensity in a certain direction is determined by sampling a point along a 3-D vector that intersects
the cube map. Implement texture look-up in the shader function getEnvColor. Simply look-up the
color of the environment in the direction of the viewing ray. To implementation the St. Peter’s cubebox, initialize the variable cmapFiles, initialize the shaders in the function SetUpEnvironmentMap
and complete the GenerateCubeMap and LoadCubeFace functions. The interior of the cube map is
the background. Remember (for realism) to look-up the background environment intensity for rays
that do not hit the model. Given a viewing direction and a normal direction, compute the specular
reflection direction using the GLSL built-in reflectance equation. Use the result to sample the cube
map. Implement texture lookup in envmap.vert and envmap.frag. Compute the specular reflection
direction in reflectionmap.frag and reflectionmap.vert (located in mainsrc/kernels). Fig. 1 shows an
example. Save two views of your reflectance result. Use the rudimentary spin function provided to
flip the model about the x and y axes (mouse moves with left button down).
The openGL Programming Guide, is a good reference. Appendix A
also provides information about GLUT and GLEW. Chapter 12 of the textbook, Fundamentals in
Computer Graphics, covers meshes. Information about the .obj file format is in the docs folder.
If you are not in the CISE department, and would like computer lab access, you can register for a
CISE account at The source packet will run
on machines in the computer labs on the first floor of the CSE building. Labs are open 24 hours
(see Remember to back-up your work regularly!!! Use
version control to store your work. DO NOT PUBLISIZE SOLUTIONS.
Getting Help
Source Code Please do not re-invent the wheel. Use the source code framework (and comments)
and review the notes in the docs folder.
Discussion Group Post questions to Canvas (everyone benefits in this case), or send me an email
at I will check both daily.
Office Hours CSE 332 (or lab CSE 319) MWF 11:45am to 12:30pm.
Collaborating Credit outside sources and follow University policies on academic integrity.
Upload your file to Canvas. It should include:
• Source code with make file
• One written report that includes:
– reflection environment map result (two views)
– a few lines that explain your implementation
– anything you would like us to know (how to run your code, bugs, difficulties)
• original reflection environment map result from shader
c Corey Toler-Franklin2015

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