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Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming Homework #2

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ECE 375
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

Homework #2
[25 pts]
1- In order to make the pseudo-CPU more useful, suppose that we incorporate a single-port register file containing
32 8-bit registers (R0-R31). The term single-port means that only one register value can be read or written at a
time. Suppose the pseudo-CPU is used to implement the AVR instruction ST -X, R14. Give the sequence of
microoperations that would be required to Fetch and Execute this instruction. Note that this instruction occupies
16 bits. Your solution should result in exactly 6 cycles for the fetch cycle and no more than 7 cycles for the
execute cycle. You may assume only the AC and PC registers have the capability to increment/decrement
themselves. Assume the MDR register is only 8 bits wide (which implies that memory is organized into
consecutive addressable bytes), and AC, PC, IR, and MAR are 16-bits wide. Also, assume the Internal Data Bus
is 16 bits wide and thus can handle 8-bit or 16-bit (as well as portions of 8-bit or 16-bit) transfers in one
microoperation. Clearly state any other assumptions made.
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[25 pts]
2- Now imagine that we take the pseudo-CPU (from problem 1) and add a Stack Pointer (SP). Suppose the pseudoCPU can be used to implement the AVR instruction ICALL (Indirect Call to Subroutine) with the format shown
ICALL pushes the return address onto the stack and jumps to the 16-bit target address contained in the Z
register. Give the sequence of microoperations required to Fetch and Execute AVR’s ICALL instruction. Your
solution should result in exactly 6 cycles for the fetch cycle and no more than 8 cycles for the execute cycle.
Assume the memory is organized into addressable bytes (i.e., each memory word is a byte), MDR is 8 bits, and
AC, SP, PC, IR, and MAR are 16 bits. Also, assume the Internal Data Bus is 16-bits wide, and thus can handle
8-bit or 16-bit (as well as portions of 8-bit or 16-bit) transfers in one microoperation and SP has the capability to
increment/decrement itself. Clearly state any other assumptions made.
1001 0101 0000 1001
Return Address(H)
High Return Address(L)
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[25 pts]
3- Consider the following AVR assembly code that performs 16-bit by 16-bit multiplication. Hint: See the Lab 5
documentation for relevant background information. Assume the data memory locations $0100 through $0107
initially have the values shown below. Use this information to answer the questions on page 4.
Data Memory
Address content
0100 0C
0101 00
0102 0F
0103 02
0104 00
0105 00
0106 00
0107 00
.include "" ; Include definition file
.def rlo = r0 ; Low byte of MUL result
.def rhi = r1 ; High byte of MUL result
.def A = r2 ; An operand
.def B = r3 ; Another operand
.def zero = r4 ; Zero register
.def oloop = r17 ; Outer Loop Counter
.def iloop = r18 ; Inner Loop Counter
.org $0000
1. rjmp INIT
.org $0054
2. INIT: clr zero ; Set zero register to zero
3. MAIN: ldi YL, low(addrB) ; Load low byte
4. ldi YH, high(addrB) ; Load high byte
5. ldi ZL, low(LAddrP) ; Load low byte
6. ldi ZH, high(LAddrP) ; Load high byte
7. ldi oloop, 2 ; Load counter
8. MUL16_OLOOP: ldi XL, low(addrA) ; Load low byte
9. ldi XH, high(addrA) ; Load high byte
10. ldi iloop, 2 ; Load counter
11. MUL16_ILOOP: ld A, X+ ; Get byte of A operand
12. ld B, Y ; Get byte of B operand
13. mul A,B ; Multiply A and B
14. ld A, Z+ ; Get a result byte from memory
15. ld B, Z+ ; Get the next result byte from memory
16. add rlo, A ; rlo ← rlo + A
17. adc rhi, B ; rhi ← rhi + B + carry
18. ld A, Z ; Get a third byte from the result
19. adc A, zero ; Add carry to A
20. st Z, A ; Store third byte to memory
21. st -Z, rhi ; Store second byte to memory
22. st -Z, rlo ; Store first byte to memory
23. adiw ZH:ZL, 1 ; Z ← Z + 1
24. dec iloop ; Decrement counter
25. brne MUL16_ILOOP ; Loop if iLoop != 0
26. sbiw ZH:ZL, 1 ; Z ← Z - 1
27. adiw YH:YL, 1 ; Y ← Y + 1
28. dec oloop ; Decrement counter
29. brne MUL16_OLOOP ; Loop if oLoop != 0
30. Done: rjmp Done
.org $0100
addrA: .byte 2
addrB: .byte 2
LAddrP: .byte 4
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(a) What are the two 16-bit values (in hexadecimal) being multiplied?
(b) What are the contents of memory locations pointed to by LAddrP, LAddrP+1, LAddrP+2, and LAddrP+3
after the loop MUL16_ILOOP (lines 11-25) completes for the first time?
(c) What are the contents of memory locations pointed to by LAddrP, LAddrP+1, LAddrP+2, and LAddrP+3
after the loop MUL16_ILOOP (lines 11-25) completes for the second time?
(d) What are the contents of memory locations pointed to by LAddrP, LAddrP+1, LAddrP+2, and LAddrP+3
after the loop MUL16_ILOOP (lines 11-25) completes for the third time?
(e) What are the contents of memory locations pointed to by LAddrP, LAddrP+1, LAddrP+2, and LAddrP+3
after the loop MUL16_ILOOP (lines 11-25) completes for the fourth time?
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[25 pts]
4- Consider the AVR assembly code in Problem #3 with its equivalent (partially completed) address and binaries
shown on the right. Determine the values for
(a) kkkk kkkk kkkk (@ address $0000)
(b) rd dddd rrrr (@ address $0054)
(c) KKKK dddd KKKK (@ address $0057)
(d) d dddd (@ address $005D)
(e) rd dddd rrrr (@ address $005F)
(f) kk kkkk k (@ address $006B)
(g) KKdd KKKK (@ address $006C)
(h) kkkk kkkk kkkk (@ address $0070)
.include "" ; Include definition file
.def rlo = r0 ; Low byte of MUL result
.def rhi = r1 ; High byte of MUL result
.def A = r2 ; An operand
.def B = r3 ; Another operand
.def zero = r4 ; Zero register
.def oloop = r17 ; Outer Loop Counter
.def iloop = r18 ; Inner Loop Counter
.org $0000 Address Binary
rjmp INIT 0000: 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk
.org $0054 … …
INIT: clr zero 0054: 0010 01rd dddd rrrr
MAIN: ldi YL, low(addrB) 0055: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
ldi YH, high(addrB) 0056: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
ldi ZL, low(LAddrP) 0057: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
ldi ZH, high(LAddrP) 0058: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
ldi oloop, 2 0059: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
MUL16_OLOOP: ldi XL, low(addrA) 005A: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
ldi XH, high(addrA) 005B: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
ldi iloop, 2 005C: 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK
MUL16_ILOOP: ld A, X+ 005D: 1001 000d dddd 1101
ld B, Y 005E: 1000 000d dddd 1000
mul A, B 005F: 1001 11rd dddd rrrr
ld A, Z+ 0060: 1001 000d dddd 0001
ld B, Z+ 0061: 1001 000d dddd 0001
add rlo, A 0062: 0000 11rd dddd rrrr
adc rhi, B 0063: 0001 11rd dddd rrrr
ld A, Z 0064: 1000 000d dddd 0000
adc A, zero 0065: 0001 11rd dddd rrrr
st Z, A 0066: 1000 001d dddd 0000
st -Z, rhi 0067: 1001 001d dddd 0010
st -Z, rlo 0068: 1001 001d dddd 0010
adiw ZH:ZL, 1 0069: 1001 0110 KKdd KKKK
dec iloop 006A: 1001 010d dddd 1010
brne MUL16_ILOOP 006B: 1111 01kk kkkk k001
sbiw ZH:ZL, 1 006C: 1001 0111 KKdd KKKK
adiw YH:YL, 1 006D: 1001 0111 KKdd KKKK
dec oloop 006E: 1001 010d dddd 1010
brne MUL16_OLOOP 006F: 1111 01kk kkkk k001
Done: rjmp Done 0070: 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk
.org $0100
addrA: .byte 2
addrB: .byte 2
LAddrP: .byte 4

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