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Computer Organization and Design Lab 4

CMPEN 331 – Computer    Organization    and    Design,    
Lab    4

This lab introduces the idea of the pipelining technique for building a fast CPU. The students will obtain
experience with the design implementation and testing of the first four stages (Instruction Fetch, Instruction
Decode, Instruction Execute, Memory) of the five-stage pipelined CPU using the Xilinx design package for
FPGAs. It is assumed that students are familiar with the operation of the Xilinx design package for Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) through the Xilinix tutorial available in the class website.
1. Pipelining
As described in lab 4
2. Circuits of the Instruction Fetch Stage
As described in lab 4
3. Circuits of the Instruction Decode Stage
As described in lab 4
4. Circuits of the Execution Stage
Referring to Figure 1, (8.5) in the third cycle the first instruction entered the EXE stage. The ALU performs
addition, and the multiplexer selects the immediate. A letter “e” is prefixed to each control signal in order to
distinguish it from that in the ID stage. The second instruction is being decoded in the ID stage and the third
instruction is being fetched in the IF stage. All the four pipeline registers are updated at the end of the cycle.
5. Circuits of the Memory Access Stage
Referring to Figure 2, (8.6) in the fourth cycle of the first instruction entered the MEM stage. The only task in this
stage is to read data memory. All the control signals have a prefix “m”. The second instruction entered the EXE
stage; the third instruction is being decoded in the ID stage; and the fourth instruction is being fetched in the IF
stage. All the five pipeline registers are updated at the end of the cycle.
Penn    State University             School    of    Electrical    Engineering    and    Computer    Science                                                                 Page    2 of    4
Figure 1 Pipeline execution (EXE) stage
Figure 2 Pipeline memory access (MEM) stage
Penn    State University             School    of    Electrical    Engineering    and    Computer    Science                                                                 Page    3 of    4
6. Table 1 lists the names and usages of the 32 registers in the register file.
Table 1 MIPS general purpose register
$zero 0 Constant 0
$at 1 Reserved for assembler
$v0, $v1 2, 3 Function return values
$a0 - $a3 4 – 7 Function argument values
$t0 - $t7 8 – 15 Temporary (caller saved)
$s0 - $s7 16 – 23 Temporary (callee saved)
$t8, $t9 24, 25 Temporary (caller saved)
$k0, $k1 26, 27 Reserved for OS Kernel
$gp 28 Pointer to Global Area
$sp 29 Stack Pointer
$fp 30 Frame Pointer
$ra 31 Return Address
7. Table 2 lists some MIPS instructions that will be implemented in our CPU
Table 2 MIPS integration instruction
8. Initialize the first 10 words of the Data memory with the following HEX values:
Penn    State University             School    of    Electrical    Engineering    and    Computer    Science                                                                 Page    4 of    4
9. Write a Verilog code that implement the following instructions using the design shown in Figure 2. Write a
Verilog test bench to verify your code: (You have to show all the signals written into the MEM/WB register and
output from EX/MEM register in your simulation outputs)
instruction comment
lw $2, 00($1) # $2 ß memory[$1+00]; load x[0]
lw $3, 04($1) # $3 ß memory[$1+04]; load x[1]
lw $4, 08($1) # $4 ß memory[$1+08]; load x[2]
lw $5, 12($1) # $5 ß memory[$1+12]; load x[3]
Assume that register $1 has the value of 0
10. Write a report that contains the following:
a. Your Verilog design code. Use:
i. Device: XC7Z010- -1CLG400C
b. Your Verilog® Test Bench design code. Add “`timescale 1ns/1ps” as the first line of your test bench file.
c. The waveforms resulting from the verification of your design with ModelSim showing all the signals
written into the MEM/WB register and output from EX/MEM register.
d. The design schematics from the Xilinx synthesis of your design. Do not use any area constraints.
e. Snapshot of the I/O Planning and
f. Snapshot of the floor planning
11. REPORT FORMAT: Free form, but it must be:
g. One report per student.
h. Have a cover sheet with identification: Title, Class, Your Name, etc.
i. Using Microsoft word and it should be uploaded in word format not PDF. If you know LaTex, you should
upload the Tex file in addition to the PDF file.
j. Double spaced
12. You have to upload the whole project design file zipped with the word file.

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