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Computer Organization Assignment 3 

CS3350B, Computer Organization
Assignment 3 
General Instructions: This assignment consists of 5 pages, 6 exercises, and is marked
out of 100. For any question involving calculations you must provide your workings. You
may collaborate with other students in the class in the sense of general strategies to solve
the problems. But each assignment and the answers within are to be solely individual work
and completed independently. Any plagiarism found will be taken seriously and may result
in a mark of 0 on this assignment, removal from the course, or more serious consequences.
Submission Instructions: The answers to this assignment are to be submitted on OWL
as a single PDF file. Ideally, the answers are to be typed. At the very least, clearly scanned
copies (no photographs) of hand-written work. If the person correcting your assignment is
unable to easily read or interpret your answer then it may be marked as incorrect without
the possibility of remarking.
Useful Things:
A MIPS simultator, spim:
List of MIPS isntructions:
Example MIPS code which runs on spim is provided in OWL under resources.
Labels can be used in assembly in replace of calculating exact values for branch and jump
instructions. The following is an example.
i n t i sNeg ( i n t a0 ) {
i f ( a0 < 0 ) {
r e t u r n 1 ;
} e l s e {
r e t u r n 0 ;
i sNeg :
s l t $ t0 $a0 $0
beq $ t0 $0 i sP o s
addi $v0 $0 1
j r $ ra
i sP o s :
add $v0 $0 $0
j r $ ra
When translating code to and from assembly, one should usually consider local variables as
being stored in registers and memory accesses as being done through pointers or arrays.
i n t loadEx ( i n t ∗ a0 ) {
i n t t0 = a0 [ 0 ] ;
r e t u r n t0 ;
loadEx :
lw $ t0 0 ( $a0 )
add $v0 $ t0 $0
j r $ ra
Exercise 1. Consider the following MIPS function.
foo1 :
addi $ t0 $a0 37
addi $ t1 $a1 −12
s l l $ t2 $ t1 2
s l t $ t3 $ t2 $ t0
beq $ t3 $0 a
addi $v0 $0 1
j r $ ra
a :
addi $v0 $0 2
j r $ ra
(a) [3 marks] Assuming $a0 = 12 and $a1 = 4 what is the value of $t2, $t3, $v0 at the end
of this code fragment.
(b) [8 marks] Translate the MIPS function into C-style pseudo-code. You may use any
variable names you wish in place of register names. Ensure variables are declared using the
proper data type.
Exercise 2. [12 marks] Consider the following MIPS function.
foo2 :
s l t i u $ t0 $a1 3
add $v0 $0 $0
bne $ t0 $0 b
lw $ t0 0 ( $a0 )
lw $ t1 4 ( $a0 )
lw $ t2 8 ( $a0 )
sw $ t0 8 ( $a0 )
sw $ t2 4 ( $a0 )
sw $ t1 0 ( $a0 )
addi $v0 $v0 1
b :
j r $ ra
Translate the MIPS function into C-style pseudo-code. You may use any variable names you
wish in place of register names. Ensure variables are declared using the proper data type.
Exercise 3. [14 Marks]
Implement a function in MIPS which recursively computes the factorial of a number.
You do not need to create an entire working MIPS program, just a function to compute
factorial. Hint 1: don’t worry about overflow. Hint 2: you may use the pseudo-isntruction
mul $a $b $c ≡ mult $b $c
mflo $a
Exercise 4. [30 Marks]
Implement a function (or two functions) in MIPS which implements bubblesort. You
do not need to create an entire working MIPS program, just the function for bubblesort.
Your MIPS function should have a signature equivalent to the following C function. Hint:
the lecture slides already give MIPS assembly for swap and most of bubblesort.
// s o r t the a r ra y a i n pl a c e . a has n el em e n t s .
void b u b bl e s o r t ( i n t ∗ a , i n t n ) ;
Figure 1: MIPS datapath with control signals
Exercise 5. Consider the MIPS datapath with control signals as presented in Figure 1.
(a) [8 marks] Give the control signals required to execute the instruction:
bne $s0 $s1 L
You may use “x” to denote a “don’t care” value. You may use the semantic meaning for each
control signal (e.g. ALUCtr = “add”).
(b) [8 marks] Give the control signals required to execute the instruction:
sw $s0 12($t0)
You may use “x” to denote a “don’t care” value. You may use the semantic meaning for each
control signal (e.g. ALUCtr = “add”).
Exercise 6. Consider the following 7 stage datapath and the timings for each stage.
Time 200ps 300ps 100ps 100ps 400ps 300ps 200ps
(a) [2 marks] Using single-cycle clocking for this datapath what is the minimum clock cycle
possible for this datapath?
(b) [2 marks] If this datapath were to be pipelined, what is the minimum clock cycle which
would be possible?
(c) [5 marks] What is the ideal speedup of this datapath using pipelining? What is the
actual speedup obtained when executing 100 instructions? Assume that there are no dependencies or hazards between instructions.
(d) [8 marks] Let us assume this datapath is not pipelined but follows a multi-cycle clocking method, using the clock cycle as in (b). For this part of the exercise, let us add to
the datapath an optimization where instructions can skip stages that are unused for that
instruction. Consider the following set of instructions to be executed on this datapath along
with the stages in which meaningful work is performed.
add: IM1, IM2, REG, ALU, DM2
sll: IM1, IM2, REG, SHFT, DM2
sw: IM2, REG, ALU, DM1
lw: IM1, IM2, REG, ALU, DM1, DM2
Given a program composed of 400 add, 100 sll, 300 sw, and 400 lw instructions, calculate
the average CPI of the program and the time to execute the program. Assume that there are
no dependencies or hazards between instructions. (Hint: how many clock cycles are required
for each stage and each instruction type?)

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